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MongoDB Atlas Data Lake

Atlas Data Lake Deprecation Guide - Preview

Atlas Data Lake is an analytic storage service that extracts data from Atlas clusters into cloud object stores for querying. Atlas Data Lake is in Public Preview.

For extracting and storing Atlas Cluster data in cloud object storage, consider the following alternatives:

For querying data stored in a cloud object storage, consider the following alternatives:

You can export your Atlas cluster Cloud Backup snapshots to AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage. You can manually export individual snapshots or set up an export policy to automatically export your snapshots. To learn more, see Atlas documentation.

The $out stage takes documents returned by the aggregation pipeline and writes them to a specified collection. In Atlas Data Federation, you can use $out to write data from your cluster to AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage. This allows you to make copies of your data at a point in time and store it in cloud object storage. To learn more, see Query Federated Data with $out.

MongoDB Cloud Manager provides queryable backups. This functionality allows you to query specific backup snapshots more quickly. You can use the queryable backups to do the following:

  • Restore a subset of data within the MongoDB deployment.

  • Compare previous versions of data against the current data.

  • Identify the best point in time to restore a system by comparing data from multiple snapshots.

Atlas Data Federation can query data in an AWS S3 bucket or Azure Blob Storage container and HTTP URL. To learn more about how to deploy and query a Federated Database Instance, see the following resources:

Deploy a Federated Database Instance Query a Federated Database Instance

There are several cloud-native services designed to query cloud object storage, such as the following: