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Update Arrays in One Document

On this page

  • Overview
  • Sample Data
  • Add One Value
  • Add Multiple Values
  • Remove Values
  • First Value
  • Last Value
  • All Instances of a Value
  • All Instances of Multiple Values
  • All Values That Match a Condition
  • Update Matching Values
  • First Matching Value
  • All Matching Values
  • All Values
  • API Documentation

On this page, you can learn how to create UpdateDefinition objects for array fields. An UpdateDefinition object specifies the kind of update operation to perform, the fields to update, and the new value for each field, if applicable.

The .NET/C# Driver supports the array update operators and modifiers described in the MongoDB Server manual. To create an UpdateDefinition object for one of these operators, call the corresponding method from the Builders.Update property. The following sections describe these methods in more detail.

After you create an UpdateDefinition object, pass it to the UpdateOne() or UpdateOneAsync() method. For more information about these methods, see the Update One page.


Method Overloads

Many of the methods on this page have multiple overloads. The examples in this guide show only one definition of each method. For more information about the available overloads, see the API documentation.

The examples in this guide use the restaurants collection from the sample_restaurants database. The documents in this collection use the following Restaurant, Address, and GradeEntry classes as models:

public class Restaurant
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string RestaurantId { get; set; }
public string Cuisine { get; set; }
public Address Address { get; set; }
public string Borough { get; set; }
public List<GradeEntry> Grades { get; set; }
public class Address
public string Building { get; set; }
public double[] Coordinates { get; set; }
public string Street { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public class GradeEntry
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string Grade { get; set; }
public float? Score { get; set; }


The documents in the restaurants collection use the snake-case naming convention. The examples in this guide use a ConventionPack to deserialize the fields in the collection into Pascal case and map them to the properties in the Restaurant class.

To learn more about custom serialization, see Custom Serialization.

This collection is from the sample datasets provided by Atlas. See the Quick Start to learn how to create a free MongoDB cluster and load this sample data.

To add one value to the end of an array, call the Builders.Update.Push() method. This method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to add a value to.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


The value to add to the end of the array field.

Data Type: TItem

The following code example uses the Push() method to add a new GradeEntry object to the Grades array in the matching document:

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Push(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, new GradeEntry()
Date = DateTime.Now,
Grade = "A",
Score = 96
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Push(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, new GradeEntry()
Date = DateTime.Now,
Grade = "A",
Score = 96
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;


Configure the Push Operation

To add a value at a specific position in an array, or to sort or slice the array after updating it, call the PushEach() method instead.

To add one value to the end of an array, but only if it doesn't already exist in the array, call the Builders.Update.AddToSet() method. MongoDB Server determines whether the value already exists in the array by comparing the value's BSON representation to the BSON representation of each other element in the array.

The AddToSet() method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to add a value to.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


The value to add to the end of the array field.

Data Type: TItem

The following code example calls the AddToSet() method to re-add the first GradeEntry object to the Grades array in the matching document. Because the value already exists in the array, the update operation does nothing.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var firstGradeEntry = _restaurantsCollection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault().Grades[0];
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.AddToSet(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, firstGradeEntry);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var firstGradeEntry = _restaurantsCollection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault().Grades[0];
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.AddToSet(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, firstGradeEntry);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

To add multiple values to an array, call the Builders.Update.PushEach() method. This method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to add one or more values to.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


The values to add to the array field.

Data Type: IEnumerable<TItem>


The number of elements to keep in the array, counted from the start of the array after updates. If the value is negative, the method keeps the specified number of elements from the end of the array.

Data Type: int?


The position in the array at which to add the values. By default, the method adds the values to the end of the array.

Data Type: int?


A SortDefinition object that specifies how the driver sorts the array elements after adding the new values.

Data Type: SortDefinition<TItem>

The following code example uses the PushEach() method to add two new GradeEntry objects to the start of the Grades array in the matching document. It then sorts the array elements in descending order by the values of their Score fields.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "A", Score = 95 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "B+", Score = 89,}
var scoreSort = Builders<GradeEntry>.Sort.Descending(g => g.Score);
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update.PushEach(
position: 0,
sort: scoreSort);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "A", Score = 95 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "B+", Score = 89,}
var scoreSort = Builders<GradeEntry>.Sort.Descending(g => g.Score);
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update.PushEach(
position: 0,
sort: scoreSort);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

To add multiple values to an array, but only if they don't already exist in the array, call the Builders.Update.AddToSetEach() method. This method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to add one or more values to.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


The values to add to the array field.

Data Type: IEnumerable<TItem>

The following code example calls the AddToSetEach() method to re-add the first and second GradeEntry objects to the Grades array in the matching document. Because these values already exist in the array, the update operation does nothing.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var doc = _restaurantsCollection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();
var firstGradeEntries = new List<GradeEntry> { doc.Grades[0], doc.Grades[1] };
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.AddToSetEach(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, firstGradeEntries);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var doc = _restaurantsCollection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();
var firstGradeEntries = new List<GradeEntry> { doc.Grades[0], doc.Grades[1] };
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.AddToSetEach(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, firstGradeEntries);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

The following sections explain how to remove values from an array field.

To remove the first value from an array, call the Builders.Update.PopFirst() method. This method accepts the following parameter:



An expression that specifies the array field to remove the first value from.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>

The following code example uses the PopFirst() method to remove the first GradeEntry object from the Grades array in the matching document:

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PopFirst(restaurant => restaurant.Grades);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PopFirst(restaurant => restaurant.Grades);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

To remove the last value from an array, call the Builders.Update.PopLast() method: This method accepts the following parameter:



An expression that specifies the array field to remove the last value from.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>

The following code example uses the PopLast() method to remove the last GradeEntry object from the Grades array in the matching document:

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PopLast(restaurant => restaurant.Grades);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PopLast(restaurant => restaurant.Grades);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

To remove all instances of a specific value from an array, call the Builders.Update.Pull() method. This method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to remove the values from.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


The value to remove from the array field.

Data Type: TItem

The following code example uses the Pull() method to remove all instances of a a specific GradeEntry object from the Grades array in the matching document:

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Add duplicate values to Grades array
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95,}
var addUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PushEach("Grades", newGrades);
_restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, addUpdate);
// Remove duplicates from Grades array
var pullUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Pull(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, newGrades[0]);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, pullUpdate);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Add duplicate values to Grades array
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95,}
var addUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PushEach("Grades", newGrades);
await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, addUpdate);
// Remove duplicates from Grades array
var pullUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Pull(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, newGrades[0]);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, pullUpdate);
return result;

To remove all instances of more than one specific value from an array, call the Builders.Update.PullAll() method. This method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to remove the values from.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


The values to remove from the array field.

Data Type: IEnumerable<TItem>

The following code example uses the PullAll() method to remove all instances of two specific GradeEntry objects from the Grades array in the matching document:

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Add duplicate values to Grades array
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95,},
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "B", Score = 85 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "B", Score = 85,}
var addUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PushEach("Grades", newGrades);
_restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, addUpdate);
// Remove duplicates from Grades array
var gradesToRemove = new List<GradeEntry> { newGrades[0], newGrades[2] };
var pullUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PullAll(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, gradesToRemove);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, pullUpdate);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Add duplicate values to Grades array
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "A", Score = 95,},
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "B", Score = 85 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.MinValue, Grade = "B", Score = 85,}
var addUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PushEach("Grades", newGrades);
await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, addUpdate);
// Remove duplicates from Grades array
var gradesToRemove = new List<GradeEntry> { newGrades[0], newGrades[2] };
var pullUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PullAll(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, gradesToRemove);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, pullUpdate);
return result;

To remove all values that match a specific condition from an array, call the Builders.Update.PullFilter() method. This method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to remove the values from.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


A query filter that specifies the condition for values to remove.

Data Type: FilterDefinition<TItem>

The following code example uses the PullFilter() method to remove all GradeEntry objects where the Grade value is "F" from the Grades array in the matching documents:

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Add GradeEntry values with "Grade = F" to Grades array
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 10 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 21,},
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 47 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 6,}
var addUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PushEach("Grades", newGrades);
_restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, addUpdate);
// Remove all "Grade = F" values from Grades array
var pullUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PullFilter(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, gradeEntry => gradeEntry.Grade == "F");
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, pullUpdate);
return result;
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Add GradeEntry values with "Grade = F" to Grades array
var newGrades = new List<GradeEntry>
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 10 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 21,},
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 47 },
new GradeEntry { Date = DateTime.Now, Grade = "F", Score = 6,}
var addUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PushEach("Grades", newGrades);
await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, addUpdate);
// Remove all "Grade = F" values from Grades array
var pullUpdate = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.PullFilter(restaurant => restaurant.Grades, gradeEntry => gradeEntry.Grade == "F");
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, pullUpdate);
return result;

To update a value in an array field, call the Builders.Update.Set() method. This method accepts the following parameters:



An expression that specifies the array field to update.

Data Type: Expression<Func<TDocument, IEnumerable<TItem>>>


The new value to set into the array field.

Data Type: TItem

You can use the positional operator with the Set() method to query and update specific values in the array. If you're using the LINQ3 provider, the .NET/C# Driver also supports LINQ syntax in place of the positional operator.

The following sections describe different ways to update matching values in an array field.

To update the first value in an array, you can use either the positional operator ($) or LINQ syntax. Select a Positional Operator or LINQ tab to see the corresponding syntax.

The following example uses the Set() method and the positional operator to update the Grades array in the matching document. First, it finds only the first GradeEntry object in the Grades array where the Grade property has the value "A". Then, it updates the Score property of the first matching GradeEntry object to 100.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli") &
Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("grades.grade", "A");
// Set Score = 100 in first GradeEntry where Grade = "A"
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set("grades.$.score", 100);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;


To use the positional operator, the array field must be part of the query filter.

The following example uses the Set() method and the positional operator to update the Grades array in the matching document. First, it finds only the first GradeEntry object in the Grades array where the Grade property has the value "A". Then, it updates the Score property of the first matching GradeEntry object to 100.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli") &
Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("grades.grade", "A");
// Set Score = 100 in first GradeEntry where Grade = "A"
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set("grades.$.score", 100);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;


To use the positional operator, the array field must be part of the query filter.

The following example uses the Set() and FirstMatchingElement() methods to update the Grades array in the matching document. First, it finds only the first GradeEntry object in the Grades array where the Grade property has the value "A". Then, it updates the Score property of the first matching GradeEntry object to 100.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli") &
Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("grades.grade", "A");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set(restaurant => restaurant.Grades.FirstMatchingElement().Score, 100);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;

The following example uses the Set() and FirstMatchingElement() methods to update the Grades array in the matching document. First, it finds only the first GradeEntry object in the Grades array where the Grade property has the value "A". Then, it updates the Score property of the first matching GradeEntry object to 100.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli") &
Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("grades.grade", "A");
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set(restaurant => restaurant.Grades.FirstMatchingElement().Score, 100);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

To update all values in an array that match a specified condition, you can use either the filtered positional operator ($[<identifier>]) or LINQ syntax. Select a Positional Operator or LINQ tab to see the corresponding syntax.

The following example uses the Set() method and the filtered positional operator to update the Score property of all matching GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in all matching documents.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition>
new BsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<Restaurant>(
new BsonDocument
{ "gradeEntry.score", new BsonDocument { { "$gte", 94} } }
// Set Grade = "A" in all GradeEntry objects where Score >= 94
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set("grades.$[gradeEntry].grade", "A");
var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters };
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update, updateOptions);
return result;

The following example uses the Set() method and the filtered positional operator to update the Score property of all matching GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in all matching documents.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition>
new BsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<Restaurant>(
new BsonDocument
{ "gradeEntry.score", new BsonDocument { { "$gte", 94} } }
// Set Grade = "A" in all GradeEntry objects where Score >= 94
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set("grades.$[gradeEntry].grade", "A");
var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters };
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update, updateOptions);
return result;

The following example uses the Set() and AllMatchingElements() methods to update the Score property of all matching GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in all matching documents.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition>
new BsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<Restaurant>(
new BsonDocument
{ "gradeEntry.score", new BsonDocument { { "$gte", 94} } }
// Set Grade = "A" in all GradeEntry objects where Score >= 94
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set(restaurant => restaurant.Grades.AllMatchingElements("gradeEntry").Grade, "A");
var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters };
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update, updateOptions);
return result;

The following example uses the Set() and AllMatchingElements() methods to update the Score property of all matching GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in all matching documents.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition>
new BsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<Restaurant>(
new BsonDocument
{ "gradeEntry.score", new BsonDocument { { "$gte", 94} } }
// Set Grade = "A" in all GradeEntry objects where Score >= 94
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set(restaurant => restaurant.Grades.AllMatchingElements("gradeEntry").Grade, "A");
var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters };
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update, updateOptions);
return result;

To update all values in an array that match a query filter, you can use either the all-positional operator ($[]) or LINQ syntax. Select a Positional Operator or LINQ tab to see the corresponding syntax.

The following example uses the Set() method and the all-positional operator to update the Score property of all GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in the matching document.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Set Score = 100 in all GradeEntry objects
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set("grades.$[].score", 100);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;

The following example uses the Set() method and the all-positional operator to update the Score property of all GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in the matching document.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Set Score = 100 in all GradeEntry objects
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set("grades.$[].score", 100);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

The following example uses the Set() and AllElements() methods to update the Score property of all GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in the matching document.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Set Score = 100 in all GradeEntry objects
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set(restaurant => restaurant.Grades.AllElements().Score, 100);
var result = _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
return result;

The following example uses the Set() and AllElements() methods to update the Score property of all GradeEntry objects in the Grades array to 100 in the matching document.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter.Eq("name", "Downtown Deli");
// Set Score = 100 in all GradeEntry objects
var update = Builders<Restaurant>.Update
.Set(restaurant => restaurant.Grades.AllElements().Score, 100);
var result = await _restaurantsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result;

For more information about any of the methods or types discussed in this guide, see the following API documentation:

