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Insert a Document

You can insert a single document into a collection by using the synchronous InsertOne() method, or the asynchronous InsertOneAsync() method.

The following example inserts a document into the restaurants collection.

Select the Asynchronous or Synchronous tab to see the corresponding code.

Restaurant newRestaurant = new()
Name = "Mongo's Pizza",
RestaurantId = "12345",
Cuisine = "Pizza",
Address = new()
Street = "Pizza St",
ZipCode = "10003"
Borough = "Manhattan",
await _restaurantsCollection.InsertOneAsync(newRestaurant);

For a fully runnable example of the InsertOneAsync() operation, see the Asynchronous Insert One Example.

Restaurant newRestaurant = new()
Name = "Mongo's Pizza",
RestaurantId = "12345",
Cuisine = "Pizza",
Address = new()
Street = "Pizza St",
ZipCode = "10003"
Borough = "Manhattan",

For a fully runnable example of the InsertOne() operation, see the Synchronous Insert One Example.

After running either of the preceding full examples, the InsertOne() method inserts the document, and the Find() method returns the newly inserted document. The output is similar to the following:

Inserting a document...
Document Inserted: { "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "name" : "Mongo's Pizza", "restaurant_id" : "12345", "cuisine" : "Pizza", "address" : { "_t" : "MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument, MongoDB.Bson", "_v" : { "street" : "Pizza St", "zipcode" : "10003" } }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "grades" : [{ "_t" : "MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument, MongoDB.Bson", "_v" : { } }] }

To learn more about using builders, see Operations with Builders.