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Replace a Document

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  • Example
  • Expected Result
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

You can replace one document with another by using the ReplaceOne() synchronous method or the ReplaceOneAsync() asynchronous method on a collection object.

The following code replaces the first document in the restaurants collection that has a value of "Pizza" in the cuisine field. After the replacement, this document will have a name field with a value of "Mongo's Pizza" and new values for the address and borough fields.

Select the Asynchronous or Synchronous tab to see the corresponding code.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter
.Eq(r => r.Cuisine, "Pizza");
// Find ID of first pizza restaurant
var oldPizzaRestaurant = _restaurantsCollection.Find(filter).First();
var oldId = oldPizzaRestaurant.Id;
Restaurant newPizzaRestaurant = new()
Id = oldId,
Name = "Mongo's Pizza",
Cuisine = "Pizza",
Address = new()
Street = "Pizza St",
ZipCode = "10003"
Borough = "Manhattan",
return await _restaurantsCollection.ReplaceOneAsync(filter, newPizzaRestaurant);

For a fully runnable example of the ReplaceOneAsync() operation, see the ReplaceOneAsync code sample.

var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter
.Eq(r => r.Cuisine, "Pizza");
// Find ID of first pizza restaurant
var oldPizzaRestaurant = _restaurantsCollection.Find(filter).First();
var oldId = oldPizzaRestaurant.Id;
Restaurant newPizzaRestaurant = new()
Id = oldId,
Name = "Mongo's Pizza",
Cuisine = "Pizza",
Address = new()
Street = "Pizza St",
ZipCode = "10003"
Borough = "Manhattan",
return _restaurantsCollection.ReplaceOne(filter, newPizzaRestaurant);

For a fully runnable example of the ReplaceOne() operation, see the ReplaceOne code sample.

Running either of the preceding full examples prints the following results:

First pizza restaurant before replacement: J&V Famous Pizza
Restaurants modified by replacement: 1
First pizza restaurant after replacement: Mongo's Pizza
Resetting sample data...done.

To learn more about replacing documents, see the Replace Operation guide.

To learn more about using builders, see Operations with Builders.


Update Many Documents