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Delete a Document

You can delete a document from a collection by using the synchronous DeleteOne() method, or the asynchronous DeleteOneAsync() method.


The DeleteOne() method deletes only the first document that matches the filter. To delete more than one document, use the DeleteMany() method.

To learn more about using DeleteMany(), see Delete Many Documents.

The following example uses Builders to delete a document in the restaurants collection with the name "Ready Penny Inn".

Select the Asynchronous or Synchronous tab to see the corresponding code.

// Creates a filter for all documents that have a "name" value of "Ready Penny Inn"
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter
.Eq(r => r.Name, "Ready Penny Inn");
// Asynchronously deletes the first document that matches the filter
return await _restaurantsCollection.DeleteOneAsync(filter);

For a fully runnable example of the DeleteOne() method, see the Asynchronous Delete One Example.

// Creates a filter for all documents that have a "name" value of "Ready Penny Inn"
var filter = Builders<Restaurant>.Filter
.Eq(r => r.Name, "Ready Penny Inn");
// Deletes the first document that matches the filter
return _restaurantsCollection.DeleteOne(filter);

For a fully runnable example of the DeleteOne() method, see the Synchronous Delete One Example

Running either of the preceding full examples prints the following results:

Deleting a document with builders...
Deleted documents: 1

To learn more about deleting documents, see the Delete Documents guide.

To learn more about using builders, see Operations with Builders.