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The 2.27 driver release includes the following new features:

  • Adds support for the $sample aggregation operator.

  • Implements the Equals() method for serializers in LINQ3.

  • Ensures that read and write concerns are not applied to Atlas Search Index Helper commands to avoid errors.

  • Disallows the use of the comma character in authMechanismProperties connection string values when using the MONGODB-OIDC authentication mechanism.

  • Fixes a translation bug that caused an error during serialization involving numbers of different sizes.

  • Adds support for Linux distributions that use the library.

For more information about this release, see the v2.27 release notes.

The 2.26 driver release includes the following new features:

  • Added support for using the SelectMany() aggregation method within Select() and Project() aggregation stages.

  • Added support for Dictionary.ContainsValue() calls in LINQ queries.

  • Added support for string concatenation of mixed types.

  • Enabled use of native crypto in libmongocrypt bindings.

  • Added support for serialization of Memory and ReadOnlyMemory structs.

  • Added support for the GCP Identity Provider when using the MONGODB-OIDC authentication mechanism. To learn more, see GCP IMDS in the Enterprise Authentication Mechanisms guide.

  • Implemented signing of NuGet packages.

  • Implemented read and write retries to other mongos instances when possible.

The 2.25 driver release includes the following new features:

  • Added support for the MONGODB-OIDC authentication mechanism and automatic token acquisition for Azure Identity Provider.

  • Added the class name to the error message reported when BsonClassMapSerializer cannot locate a matching creator.

  • Added a LoggedStages field to surface the MQL executed after performing a LINQ query.

  • Added support for overriding the "mongodb" service name with a custom one by using the srvServiceName connection option.

  • Improved behavior of bulk write operations to prevent enumerating the requests parameter more than once.

The 2.24 driver release includes the following new features:

  • Added the IMongoCollection.DistinctMany() method.

  • Added support for the latest optional arguments for the $dateFromString aggregation expression.

  • Added support for sorting by score in the $search aggregation stage.

  • Added the VectorSearchScore builder for the $vectorSearch aggregation stage.

  • Added support for the $in operator in Atlas Search.

  • Added the Mql.Exists(), Mql.IsMissing(), and Mql.IsNullOrMissing() methods for LINQ queries.

  • Added support for the IComparable.CompareTo() method in LINQ queries.

  • Added support for nested calls to the AsQueryable() method to support LINQ queries by the MongoDB Entity Framework Core Provider.

  • Added support for TLS 1.3.

  • Updated the libmongocrypt package version to 1.8.2.

  • Fixed a segfault in Kerberos (libgssapi) on newer Linux distributions.

  • Fixed a GridFS bug in which downloading a file caused an error if a larger file with the same ID had also been uploaded.

  • The ExceededTimeLimit server error is now retryable for both read and write operations.

  • When running within a function-as-a-service (FaaS) environment, such as AWS Lambda, the driver now uses the polling monitoring mechanism.

  • To improve MongoDB Atlas Serverless compatibility, the driver now uses OP_MSG for authentication if the server supports it.

The 2.23 driver release includes the following new features:

  • Improvements and bug fixes to the LINQ3 integration.

  • Added support for aggregation bitwise operators.

  • Added support for the $out operator in MongoDB time series collections.

  • Added ChangeStreamSplitLargeEvent to handle change stream events greater than 16 MB.

The 2.22 driver release includes the following new features:

  • Improvements and bug fixes to the LINQ3 integration.

  • Added support for $set and $vectorSearch aggregation stages.

  • Added synonym support for Atlas Search.

  • Reduced memory allocation when using encryption.

  • Added logging messages for server discovery and monitoring (SDAM) events. For more information on these events, see the MongoDB SDAM Logging and Monitoring specification.