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Work with BSON

On this page

  • Overview
  • Data Types
  • Struct Tags
  • Unmarshalling

In this guide, you can learn about how the Go Driver handles conversions between BSON and Go values. The process of converting a Go value to BSON is called marshalling, while the reverse process is called unmarshalling.

You should read this guide if you want to learn more about how the Go Driver represents BSON data or need to adjust default marshalling and unmarshalling behaviors.

MongoDB stores documents in a binary representation called BSON that allows for easy and flexible data processing.

The Go Driver provides four main types for working with BSON data:

  • D: An ordered representation of a BSON document (slice)

  • M: An unordered representation of a BSON document (map)

  • A: An ordered representation of a BSON array

  • E: A single element inside a D type

The following example demonstrates how to construct a query filter using the bson.D type to match documents with a quantity field value greater than 100:

filter := bson.D{{"quantity", bson.D{{"$gt", 100}}}}

To learn more about how the Go Driver handles BSON data, see the bson package API documentation.

In Go, a struct is a collection of data fields with declared data types. The Go Driver can marshal/unmarshal structs and other native Go types to/from BSON using a configurable codec system.

You can modify the default marshalling and unmarshalling behavior of the Go Driver using struct tags, which are optional pieces of metadata attached to struct fields. The most common use of struct tags is for specifying the field name in the BSON document that corresponds to the struct field. The following table describes the additional struct tags that you can use with the Go Driver:

Struct Tag
The field will not be marshalled if it is set to the zero value corresponding to the field type.
If the field type is type int64, uint, uint32, or uint64 and the value of the field can fit in a signed int32, the field will be serialized as a BSON int32 rather than a BSON int64. If the value can't fit in a signed int32, this tag is ignored.
If the field type is a non-float numeric type, BSON doubles unmarshalled into that field will be truncated at the decimal point.
If the field type is a struct or map field, the field will be flattened when marshalling and unflattened when unmarshalling.

Without additional instruction from struct tags, the Go Driver will marshal structs using the following rules:

  1. The Go Driver only marshals and unmarshals exported fields.

  2. The Go Driver generates BSON key using the lowercase of the corresponding struct field.

  3. The Go Driver marshals embedded struct fields as subdocuments. Each key is the lowercase of the field's type.

  4. The Go Driver marshals a pointer field as the underlying type if the pointer is non-nil. If the pointer is nil, the driver marshals it as a BSON null value.

  5. When unmarshalling, the Go Driver follows these D/M type mappings for fields of type interface{}. The driver unmarshals BSON documents unmarshalled into an interface{} field as a D type.

You can unmarshal BSON documents by using the Decode() method on the result of the FindOne method or any *mongo.Cursor instance.

The Decode() method returns an error type which contains one of the following values:

  • nil if a document matched your query, and there were no errors retrieving and unmarshalling the document.

  • If the driver retrieved your document but could not unmarshal your result, the Decode() method returns the unmarshalling error.

  • If there was an error retrieving your document during execution of the FindOne() method, the error propagates to the Decode() method and the Decode() method returns the error.

When used on the SingleResult type returned by the FindOne() method, Decode() can also return the ErrNoDocuments error if no documents matched the query filter.

The following example demonstrates how you can use the Decode() method to unmarshal and read the result of a simple FindOne() operation:

coll := client.Database("school").Collection("students")
filter := bson.D{{"age", 8}}
var result bson.D
err := coll.FindOne(context.TODO(), filter).Decode(&result)

The Cursor type also uses the All() method, which unmarshals all documents stored in the cursor into an array at the same time.

The bson package includes a family of Marshal() and Unmarshal() methods that work with BSON-encoded data of []byte type.

The following code demonstrates how you can unmarshal BSON back into a user-defined struct by using methods from the bson package:

type Item struct {
Category string
Quantity int32
doc, err := bson.Marshal(bson.D{{"category", "plate"}, {"quantity", 6}})
var test Item
err = bson.Unmarshal(doc, &test)
fmt.Printf("Unmarshalled Struct:\n%+v\n", test)


You can use the Raw type to retrieve elements from a BSON document byte slice without unmarshalling it to a Go value. This can be useful if you need to look up individual elements without unmarshalling the entire BSON document.

To learn more about the marshalling and unmarshalling methods used with the Cursor type, see the Cursor API documentation

To learn more about the marshalling and unmarshalling methods in the bson package, see the bson API documentation

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