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Find a Document

You can retrieve a single document from a collection by using the FindOne() method.


Read the Usage Examples to learn how to run this example.

This example uses the following Restaurant struct as a model for documents in the restaurants collection:

type Restaurant struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id"`
Name string
RestaurantId string `bson:"restaurant_id"`
Cuisine string
Address interface{}
Borough string
Grades []interface{}

The following example matches documents in the restaurants collection in which the name is "Bagels N Buns", returning the first document matched:

coll := client.Database("sample_restaurants").Collection("restaurants")
filter := bson.D{{"name", "Bagels N Buns"}}
var result Restaurant
err = coll.FindOne(context.TODO(), filter).Decode(&result)
if err != nil {
if err == mongo.ErrNoDocuments {
// This error means your query did not match any documents.

View a fully runnable example

Running the full example prints the following document, which is stored in the result variable as a Restaurant struct:

// results truncated
"ID": "5eb3d668b31de5d588f42950",
"Name": "Bagels N Buns",
"RestaurantId": "40363427"
"Address": [...],
"Borough": "Staten Island",
"Cuisine": "Delicatessen",
"Grades": [...]

To learn more about specifying query filters and handling potential errors, see Retrieve Data.

To learn more about query operators, see the MongoDB query operator reference documentation.



Find Operations


Find Multiple Documents