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What's New

On this page

  • What's New in 1.11
  • What's New in 1.10
  • What's New in 1.9
  • What's New in 1.8
  • What's New in 1.7
  • What's New in 1.6
  • What's New in 1.5
  • What's New in 1.4
  • What's New in 1.3
  • What's New in 1.2
  • What's New in 1.1
  • What's New in 1.0


Release Notes

To learn more about changes and updates between versions, you can read the release notes published with the driver source code.

Learn what's new in:


Upgrade to Version 1.11.9 or Later

Versions 1.11.0 through 1.11.2 of the driver have been retracted because of a bug that could cause undefined behavior when reading the Raw field on database error types, such as CommandError and WriteException.

Version 1.11.8 of the driver has been retracted because it incorrectly contains changes intended for 1.12.1.

Upgrade to version 1.11.9 or later if you are using a retracted version of the driver.

New features of the 1.11 Go driver release include:

  • Removal of support for MongoDB versions 3.5 and older.

  • Removal of support for Go versions 1.12 and older.

  • Improvements to Timeout API and behavior, including:

    • Modified retry logic for greater application resiliency.

    • Extended mongo.IsTimeout error helper to catch more timeout errors.

    • New GridFS methods that take contexts instead of using SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline.

  • Reduced memory allocations during operation execution.

  • Fix for SRV polling bug that prevented changes in SRV records when the associated MongoDB connection string included a username and password.

  • Support for GCP service accounts when using Google Cloud Key Management Services.

  • Improvements to server-side resource cleanup when using the Cursor.All and Session.WithTransaction functions.

  • SERVICE_HOST Kerberos authentication parameter specification enabled with the authMechanismProperties connection string option.

  • Corrected output from the bson.Raw.String() method to Extended JSON type for timestamps when the BSON document contains a UTC Timestamp field.

  • Resolution of conflicts when retrying reads with read concern "available" or "linearizable".


Upgrade to Version 1.10.1 or Higher

The 1.10.1 Go driver patches a bug that can cause data corruption when rotating Data Encryption Keys encrypted with a Customer Master Key hosted on Google Cloud Key Management Service or Azure Key Vault.

New features of the 1.10 Go driver release include:

  • Full compatibility with MongoDB 6.0.

  • Support for new features related to Queryable Encryption, including new options for automatic and manual encryption.

  • Support for the new Automatic Encryption Shared Library, which replaces the mongocryptd process. The shared library requires MongoDB v6.0 Enterprise or later and libmongocrypt 1.5.0 or later.

  • clustered index creation support.

  • A new API and ClientEncryption entity operations for encryption key management.

  • A Timeout client option to set default context timeouts for each operation sent through that client.

  • A patch to default data to either primitive.M or primitive.D when decoding empty types.

  • Support for encoding atypical map key types for data that can be unmarshalled into a textual representation of itself.

  • Performance optimizations, including:

    • Improved full document requests for before and after updates in change stream events.

    • Improved PRN and UUID generation.

    • Reduced memory consumption when compressing wire messages.

  • Troubleshooting support for frequently encountered issues.

New features of the 1.9 Go driver release include:

  • Improved connection storm mitigation.

  • Custom options to change-stream and aggregate operations.

  • Let option on most CRUD commands that specifies parameters for use in an aggregate expression. Let must be a document that maps parameter names to values that are constant or closed expressions without references to document fields. MongoDB v5.0 or later is required.

  • New constructor functions that create Cursor and SingleResult instances from marshalable and non-nil BSON documents.

New features of the 1.8 Go driver release include:

  • Full compatibility with MongoDB 5.1.

  • Support for KMIP as a KMS provider for CSFLE.

  • Redesigned driver connection pool for low operation Context timeouts and to reduce connection churn. Behavior changes include:

    • New connection creation times out at connectTimeoutMS.

    • At most, two new connections can be established at the same time.

  • Removal of oppressive and unnecessarily gendered language in the Go driver documentation, code, tests, and spec tests.


Upgrade to Version 1.7.2 or Higher

The 1.7.2 Go driver contains a bug fix for a data race that can occur between creating and checking out connections when minPoolSize > 0.

New features of the 1.7 Go driver release include:

  • Full compatibility with MongoDB 5.0.

  • Support for the "snapshot" read concern outside of multi-document transactions for certain read operations.

  • Improved WriteException and BulkWriteException error messages for schema validation via the WriteError.Details field.


Upgrade to Version 1.6.2 or Higher

The 1.6.2 Go driver contains a bug fix for a data race that can occur between creating and checking out connections when minPoolSize > 0.

New features of the 1.6 Go driver release include:

  • Support for the MongoDB Stable API. For more information, see the Stable API Guide.

  • Support for connections to any MongoDB service that runs behind a load balancer.

  • Support for creating time series collections. For more information, see the Time Series Collections Guide.

  • Let option for aggregate expressions.

New features of the 1.5 Go driver release include:

  • Support for Azure and GCP key-management services with Client-side Field Level Encryption.

  • New errors API to detect duplicate-key errors, timeouts, and network errors.

  • Server monitoring to monitor changes on a MongoDB deployment.

  • Errors to prevent unexpected behavior on maps that contain multiple keys being used as a hint option, as a sort option, or for index creation.

New features of the 1.4 Go driver release include:

  • Full compatibility with MongoDB 4.4.

  • Support for stapled and non-stapled OCSP verification.

  • New tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck=true URI option to disable sending HTTP requests if the OCSP responder is not reachable from the driver and there is no stapled response.

  • Additional context to errors encountered during BSON unmarshalling.

  • Proper Unwrap functions for various driver error types.

New features of the 1.3 Go driver release include:

  • mgocompat package that exports a BSON registry compatible with globalsign/mgo/bson, which can be used via the ClientOptions.SetRegistry method.

  • RegisterTypeEncoder and RegisterHookEncoder methods, which replace the deprecated RegisterEncoder method. A corresponding change has been made to replace RegisterDecoder.

New features of the 1.2 Go driver release include:

  • Support for CSFLE.

  • bson.MarshalValue function, which marshals Go types to BSON.

  • StringCodec, which allows non-string fields to be decoded into a String field in a struct.

  • IntCodec, UIntCodec, BoolCodec, and FloatCodec added to mgocompat to allow codecs to convert between numbers and booleans.

New features of the 1.1 Go driver release include:

  • Full compatibility with MongoDB 4.2.

  • Redesigned lower-level driver implementation to improve maintainability and performance.

  • Connection Monitoring and Pooling specifications to monitor various connection and connection pool events with improved utilization.

This release adds no new features.


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Usage Examples