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On this page

  • Overview
  • Collations in MongoDB
  • Specify a Collation
  • Set a Collation on a Collection or View
  • Create a Collection Example
  • Use the Default Collation Example
  • Set a Collation on an Index
  • Example
  • Set a Collation on an Operation
  • Example
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to use collations to order your query or aggregation operation results by string values. A collation is a set of character ordering conventions that apply to a specific language and locale.

MongoDB sorts strings using binary collation by default. This collation method uses the ASCII standard character values to compare and order strings. Certain languages and locales have specific character ordering conventions that differ from the ASCII standard.

For example, in Canadian French, the right-most accented character determines the ordering for strings when the other characters are the same. Consider the following Canadian French words:

  • cote

  • coté

  • côte

  • côté

When using the default binary collation, MongoDB sorts them in the following order:


When using the Canadian French collation, MongoDB sorts them in the following order:


To specify a collation, create a Collation object. You must define the Locale field of the Collation object; all other fields are optional. For example, the following code snippet specifies a Collation object with the "en_US" locale collation:

myCollation := &options.Collation{Locale: "en_US"}

For a complete list of Collation object fields, visit the Collation API documentation. To see all the supported locales and the default values for the Locale fields, visit Supported Languages and Locales.

You can apply a collation when you create a new collection or view. This defines the default collation for any operations called on that collection or view. Set a collation through a CreateCollectionOptions or CreateViewOptions object. Then, call the CreateCollection() or CreateView() method with your options object as an argument.

The following example creates a new collection called books and specifies a default collation with the "fr" locale. The Strength collation field has a value of 1 to ignore differences in letter accents.

myCollation := &options.Collation{Locale: "fr", Strength: 1}
opts := options.CreateCollection().SetCollation(myCollation)
err := db.CreateCollection(context.TODO(), "books", opts)
if err != nil {

If you call an operation that uses a collation on the books collection, the operation will now use the default collation specified in the Create a Collection Example.

Assume the books collection contains the following documents:

{"name" : "Emma", "length" : "474"}
{"name" : "Les Misérables", "length": "1462"}
{"name" : "Infinite Jest", "length" : "1104"}
{"name" : "Cryptonomicon", "length" : "918"}
{"name" : "Ça", "length" : "1138"}


To learn how to insert documents, see Insert a Document.

The following example uses the Find() method to return all documents with a name value that alphabetically precedes "Infinite Jest":

filter := bson.D{{"name", bson.D{{"$lt", "Infinite Jest"}}}}
cursor, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
var results []bson.D
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
for _, result := range results {

Without specifying a default books collation, the Find() method would follow default binary collation rules to determine the name values that precede "Infinite Jest". These rules place words beginning with "Ç" after those beginning with "I". The output would resemble the following:

[{name Cryptonomicon} {length 918}]
[{name Emma} {length 474}]

To learn more about the Find() method, see Retrieve Data.

You can apply a collation when you create a new index on a collection. The index stores an ordered representation of the documents in the collection so your MongoDB instance does not need to perform the ordering for sorting operations in-memory.

To use the index in an operation, your operation must use the same collation as the one specified in the index. Additionally, ensure that the operation is covered by the index that contains the collation. Set a collation through an IndexOptions object and call the CreateOne() method with your options object as an argument.

After creating the books collection and applying a default collation, as shown in the Create a Collection Example section, you cannot change the collection's default collation. However, you can create an index for the collection with a different collation.

The following example uses the CreateOne() method to create an ascending index on the name field and specifies a new collation with an "en_US" locale:

myCollation := &options.Collation{Locale: "en_US"}
opts := options.Index().SetCollation(myCollation)
indexModel := mongo.IndexModel{
Keys: bson.D{{"name", 1}},
Options: opts,
name, err := coll.Indexes().CreateOne(context.TODO(), indexModel)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Name of Index Created: " + name)

Operations that read, update, and delete documents from a collection can use collations. Applying a collation to an operation overrides any default collation previously defined for a collection.

If you apply a new collation to an operation that differs from an index's collation, you cannot use that index. As a result, the operation may not perform as well as one that is covered by an index. For more information on the disadvantages of sorting operations not covered by an index, see Using Indexes to Sort Query Results. See the MongoDB manual for a list of operations that support collation.

You can use operations that support collation to update and query documents in the books collection.

The following example uses the Find() method to return documents with length values greater than "1000". The NumericOrdering collation field has a value of true to ensure that values are sorted in numerical order rather than alphabetical order:

filter := bson.D{{"length", bson.D{{"$gt", "1000"}}}}
myCollation := &options.Collation{Locale: "en_US", NumericOrdering: true}
opts := options.Find().SetCollation(myCollation)
cursor, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter, opts)
if err != nil {
var results []bson.D
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
for _, result := range results {

Without specifying a collation with a NumericOrdering field set to true, the same Find() operation would compare length values as strings. For example, the operation would consider the string "824" as greater than "1000". The output would resemble the following:

[{name Emma} {length 474}]
[{name Cryptonomicon} {length 918}]

To learn more about the Find() method, see the Retrieve Data guide.

To learn more about collations, visit the following manual pages:

To learn more about the methods discussed in this guide, see the following API Documentation:

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