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Deprecations in this release

To avoid breaking changes in future major releases of the driver, replace any application code that depends on deprecated methods and types.

The 4.11 driver release deprecates the following items:

  • The getStats() and isCapped() instance methods of the DBCollection class are deprecated. The corresponding server commands are deprecated in MongoDB v6.2 and later. Use the $collStats aggregation pipeline stage to retrieve the information provided by these methods instead. You can run the aggregation as shown in the following code example:

    Cursor cursor = collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(
    new BasicDBObject("$collStats",
    new BasicDBObject("storageStats", new BasicDBObject()))),

    To determine whether a collection is a capped collection, access the value of the storageStats.capped field returned by Cursor instance in the preceding example aggregation.

    To learn more about the $collStats aggregation operator, see the $collStats (aggregation) Server manual entry.

  • The following network address-related methods are deprecated and will be removed in v5.0:

    • The ServerAddress methods getSocketAddress() and getSocketAddresses().

      Instead of getSocketAddress(), use the getByName() instance method of

      Instead of getSocketAddresses(), use the getAllByName() instance method of

    • The UnixServerAddress method getUnixSocketAddress().

      Instead of getUnixSocketAddress(), construct an instance of jnr.unixsocket.UnixSocketAddress. Pass the full path of the UNIX socket file to the constructor. By default, MongoDB creates a UNIX socket file located at "/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock". To learn more about the UnixSocketAddress, see the UnixSocketAddress API documentation.

  • The following methods and types related to the StreamFactory interface are deprecated and scheduled for removal in v5.0:

    • streamFactoryFactory() method from MongoClientSettings.Builder

    • getStreamFactoryFactory() method from MongoClientSettings

    • NettyStreamFactoryFactory class

    • NettyStreamFactory class

    • AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory class

    • AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory class

    • BufferProvider class

    • SocketStreamFactory class

    • Stream class

    • StreamFactory class

    • StreamFactoryFactory class

    • TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory class

    If you configure Netty by using MongoClientSettings.Builder.streamFactoryFactory(), your code might resemble the following:

    import com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory;
    // ...
    MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()

    Replace this code with the TransportSettings.nettyBuilder() as shown in the following example:

    import com.mongodb.connection.TransportSettings;
    // ...
    MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()

New features of the 4.11 driver release include:

  • Support for connecting to MongoDB by using a SOCKS5 proxy. To learn more see Connect to MongoDB by Using a SOCKS5 Proxy.

  • Fixed an issue related to how domain names are validated when you use proxy functionality, allowing you to use domain names with more than six characters in the top-level domain.

  • Added the getSplitEvent() method to the ChangeStreamDocument class to identify fragments of a change stream event that exceeds 16MB. You must use the aggregation stage $changeStreamSplitLargeEvent in your change stream to handle events that exceed 16MB. To learn more, see Split Large Change Stream Events.

  • Added an aggregation stage builder for $vectorSearch. To learn more, see Atlas Vector Search.

  • Added Atlas Search index management helpers. To learn more, see Atlas Search Indexes.

  • Updated Snappy and Zstd compression library dependency versions. To learn more about the current dependency versions, see Network Compression.

  • Added getElapsedTime() methods to the following classes to monitor the duration of connection pool events:

  • Support for Java 21 virtual threads and structured concurrency. The driver internals were updated to avoid unnecessary pinning of virtual threads and to preserve interrupted status of a thread, as the latter matters for structured concurrency where it is used for cancellation.

    To learn more about virtual threads, see the Virtual Threads JDK enhancement proposal. To learn more about structured concurrency, see the Structured Concurrency JDK enhancement proposal.

  • Updated API documentation for the following types:

New features of the 4.10 driver release include:

  • Implementation of the Accumulators.percentile() and Accumulators.median() methods for statistical aggregations.

  • Interfaces in the package are now marked as @Sealed instead of @Evolving. Sealed interfaces must not be extended or implemented by consumers of the library.

  • Resolved an issue where the driver emitted duplicate log messages for retry operations. The driver now correctly emits one log message for each retry operation.

  • The org.bson.codecs.Parameterizable interface is deprecated. Instead of implementing this interface on a custom Codec type, override the CodecProvider.get() method on the codec's CodecProvider if the codec is intended for a parameterized type.

  • Support for custom DNS resolvers.

  • Support for Queryable Encryption (QE). To learn more about the requirements for using the QE feature, see the Queryable Encryption Driver Compatibility Table.