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Learn what's new in:

  • MapReduceIterable and map-reduce methods on MongoCollection are deprecated in MongoDB v4.2 and later. They will be replaced by the aggregation framework and removed in a future release.


Aggregation Expression Operations Are in Beta

This driver version introduces an API for creating aggregation expressions. This feature is in beta phase.

New features of the 4.9 driver release include:

  • Added a new exception to identify when a constructor annotated by BsonCreator contains parameters with annotations other than BsonProperty or BsonId.

  • Changed the log message format for command monitoring messages reported by the org.mongodb.driver.protocol.command package.

  • Added support for the $documents aggregation pipeline stage to the Aggregates helper class.

  • Added MongoClientSettings.Builder.applyToLoggerSettings() and LoggerSettings.Builder.maxDocumentLength() methods that let you specify a maximum length for the extended JSON representation of a BSON document in a log message.


Breaking Changes in v4.8

The v4.8 driver contains breaking changes. See Version 4.8 Breaking Changes and Version 4.8 Server Release Support Changes for more information.


Deprecation Notice

The IterableCodec and MapCodec classes are deprecated. Instead, use CollectionCodec and MapCodecV2. These support any class that implements Collection or Map.

Behavioral changes with the 4.8 driver release include:

  • Requirement that you add an explicit dependency on the org.bson.codecs.record module if your application deploys the driver in an OSGi container and relies on the driver for encoding and decoding Java records.

  • Logging of new connection messages at the DEBUG level instead of at INFO.

New features of the 4.8 driver release include:

  • Support for authentication with AWS. The driver takes an optional dependency on both AWS SDK version 1 and version 2.

  • Support for obtaining credentials from the environment for both GCP and Azure for in-use encryption.

  • Support for deserialization of records containing components with generic parameters.

  • Support for deserialization of records containing components with more specific container types, such as SortedSet, NavigableMap, LinkedList, or TreeSet.

  • Support for recursive record types, records whose type definitions contain cycles.

  • Inclusion of the disambiguatedPaths field in change stream update events when the showExpandedEvents server feature is enabled on MongoDB v6.1 and later. Learn more about this field from the getDisambiguatedPaths() API documentation. Learn more about the showExpandedEvents setting from the Expanded Events server documentation.

The 4.7.1 driver patches a bug that affects Client-Side Field Level Encryption and Queryable Encryption. The bug can cause data corruption when rotating Data Encryption Keys (DEKs) encrypted with a Customer Master Key hosted on Google Cloud Key Management Service or Azure Key Vault. The bug was present in version 4.7.0 of the driver in the RewrapManyDataKey method and causes the loss of your DEKs.


Back Up your Key Vault Collection

Always back up your Key Vault Collection before you rotate your DEKs. If you lose your DEKs, you lose access to all the data encrypted with those keys.


Breaking Changes in v4.7

The v4.7 driver contains breaking changes. See Version 4.7 Breaking Changes for more information.

New features of the 4.7 driver release include:

  • Added full support for MongoDB 6.0.

  • Added the following change stream support improvements:

    • Enhanced pre-image and post-image support for change streams. Change stream watch helpers now accept whenAvailable and required for the fullDocument option. See the change stream reference documentation for more information.

    • Added a new fullDocumentBeforeChange option, which accepts whenAvailable and required.

    • Change events now include a fullDocumentBeforeChange field when configured for display on your MongoDB collection.

    • Added showExpandedEvents support for change streams.

    • Added wallTime support to the ChangeStreamDocument class.

  • Added clustered index creation support.

  • Support for new features related to Queryable Encryption, including support for automatic encryption (MongoDB v6.0 Enterprise or later is required) and manual encryption.

    • Support for the new Queryable Encryption shared library, which removes the need for the mongocryptd process. The queryable encryption shared library requires org.mongodb:mongodb-crypt version or later.

  • Added a new API for encryption key management.

  • Added builder API methods for additional aggregation stages including $search/$searchMeta (Atlas only), $densify, and $fill. Learn more about these methods on the Aggregates Builder page.

  • Added the BsonExtraElements annotation that can be used with POJO encoding and decoding. BsonExtraElements enables decoding objects that may receive new fields in the future without requiring developers to explicitly map those new fields.

  • Performance optimizations including:

    • Lock-free implementations of the server session pool and the buffer pool.

    • A new cleanup implementation of DBCursor that uses Java's Cleaner API instead of finalization, available in Java 9 or later.

  • The setWindowFields builder API is no longer a beta feature. Changes in the API break both binary and source compatibility. See Version 4.7 Breaking Changes for more information.

New features of the 4.6 Java driver release include:

If the DNS server returns an NXDomain error, indicating a non-existent domain, the 4.5.1 driver no longer throws an exception.

New features of the 4.5 Java driver release include:

  • Added support for specifying custom service names of SRV resource records. See the srvServiceName setting in the Connection Options guide for more information.

  • Added support to customize UUID representation in a codec registry using the CodecRegistries.withUuidRepresentation() method.

  • Added support for overriding listener settings in ClusterSettings, ServerSettings and ConnectionPoolSettings builders.

  • All events received by ClusterListener, ServerListener, and ServerMonitorListener are now totally ordered using a happens-before relationship when the listeners are not shared by different MongoClient instances. To learn more about the happens-before ordering, see Happens-before Order in the Java Language Specification.

  • Added EnumCodec and EnumCodecProvider classes to separate codec support for enum types from the PojoCodec class. The default codec registries, accessible from the MongoClientSettings and the Bson interfaces, now include the enum codec classes. If your application uses a custom enumeration codec and one of the default registries, ensure you order them as described in the section on overriding codecs.

  • Resolved performance issues that impacted versions 4.4 and 4.3 of the driver. Performance in this version should be similar to performance in 4.2.

  • Resolved an issue in which errors originating from retrieving the cluster description weren't passed to the onError Subscriber callback

  • Resolved an issue with releasing ByteBuf instances when you connect with compression enabled.

  • Removed an unnecessary dependency on the javax.annotation.* packages from the org.mongodb.driver-core OSGi bundle.

New features of the 4.4 Java driver release include:

  • Compatibility with MongoDB 5.1 and support for Java 17

  • Added support for index hints in an AggregateIterable

  • Added support for the $merge and $out aggregation stages on secondaries

  • Use of the mergeObjects() method in the Updates builder

  • DocumentCodec does not ignore a CodecRegistry when writing to an Iterable or a Map instance

New features of the 4.3 Java driver release include:

  • Added support for the MongoDB Stable API. For more information, see our Stable API guide.


    Starting from February 2022, the Versioned API is known the Stable API. All concepts and features remain the same with this naming change.

  • Added support for connection to MongoDB Atlas Serverless Instances. For more information on setup, see our documentation on how to Create a New Serverless Instance

  • Added a builder API for the setWindowFields pipeline stage to allow the use of window operators

  • Added support for setting Netty io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext

  • Added support for snapshot reads to ClientSession

  • Limited the rate of establishing new connections per connection pool

  • Removed most restrictions on allowed characters in the field names of documents you insert or replace. This is a behavioral change for any application that is relying on client-side enforcement of these restrictions.

The following table shows the restriction status on allowed characters in the field names of documents:



Insert and Replace

Removed restrictions on field names containing this character.



Removed restrictions on field names starting with this character.



Removed restrictions in nested documents on field names containing this character.



Kept restrictions in top-level documents on field names starting with this character. This prevents accidental use of a replace operation when the intention was to use an update operation.


Unacknowledged writes using dollar-prefixed or dotted keys may be silently rejected by pre-5.0 servers, where some restrictions on field names are still enforced in the server.


Breaking Changes in v4.2

The v4.2 driver contains breaking changes. See Version 4.2 Breaking Changes for more information.

New features of the 4.2 Java driver release include:

  • Added Azure and GCP key stores to client-side field level encryption

  • Added Kerberos caching tickets for reuse in multiple authentication requests

  • Added MongoClients instances with MongoClientSettings or ConnectionString as the configuration

  • Use of the explain() method on find and aggregate commands

  • Added a JsonObject class to make encoding from and decoding to JSON more efficient by avoiding an intermediate Map representation

  • Added a BsonRepresentation annotation that allows you to represent the ObjectId BSON values as a String in POJO classes

  • Added a Filters.empty() method

New features of the 4.1 Java driver release include:

  • Significant reduction in client-perceived failover times during planned maintenance events

  • The update() and delete() methods now support index hints

  • The find() method supports allowDiskUse() for sorts that require too much memory to execute in RAM

  • Added support for the MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials

  • Authentication requires fewer round trips to the server, resulting in faster connection setup


Breaking Changes in v4.0

The v4.0 driver contains breaking changes. See Version 4.0 Breaking Changes for more information.

This release adds no new features.