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Node.js Driver

Quick Reference

This page shows the driver syntax for several MongoDB commands and links to their related reference and API documentation.

You can use the Node.js driver to connect and execute commands for deployments hosted in the following environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud

  • MongoDB Enterprise: The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB

  • MongoDB Community: The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB

To learn more about performing common CRUD operations in the Atlas UI for deployments hosted in MongoDB Atlas, see Create, View, Update, and Delete Documents.

Find a Document

Usage Example
await coll.findOne({ title: 'Hamlet' });
{ title: 'Hamlet', type: 'movie', ... }
coll.find({ year: 2005 });
{ title: 'Christmas in Boston', year: 2005, ... },
{ title: 'Chicken Little', year: 2005, ... },
await coll.insertOne({ title: 'Jackie Robinson' });
await coll.insertMany([
{ title: 'Dangal', rating: 'Not Rated' },
{ title: 'The Boss Baby', rating: 'PG' }
await coll.updateOne(
{ title: 'Amadeus' },
{ $set: { 'imdb.rating': 9.5 } }
{ title: 'Amadeus', imdb: { rating: 9.5, ... } }
await coll.updateMany(
{ year: 2001 },
{ $inc: { 'imdb.votes': 100 } }
{ title: 'A Beautiful Mind', year: 2001, imdb: { votes: 826257, ... },
{ title: 'Shaolin Soccer', year: 2001, imdb: { votes: 65442, ... },
Update Arrays in Documents

await coll.updateOne(
{ title: 'Cosmos' },
{ $push: { genres: 'Educational' } }
{ title: 'Cosmos', genres: [ 'Documentary', 'Educational' ] }
await coll.replaceOne(
{ name: 'Deli Llama', address: '2 Nassau St' },
{ name: 'Lord of the Wings', zipcode: 10001 }
{ name: 'Lord of the Wings', zipcode: 10001 }
await coll.deleteOne({ title: 'Congo' });
await coll.deleteMany({ title: { $regex: /^Shark.*/ } });
await coll.bulkWrite([
insertOne: {
document: {
title: 'A New Movie',
year: 2022
deleteMany: {
filter: { year: { $lt: 1970 } }
BulkWriteResult {
result: {
}[ { $match: { year: { $gte: 2022 } } } ]);
Access Data from a Cursor Iteratively

const cursor = coll.find();
for await (const doc of cursor) {
{ title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', ... },
{ title: 'The Sound of Music', ... },
Access Data from a Cursor as an Array

const cursor = coll.find();
const results = await cursor.toArray();
{ title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', ... },
{ title: 'The Sound of Music', ... },
await coll.countDocuments({ year: 2000 });
List the Distinct Documents or Field Values
await coll.distinct('year');
[ 1891, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1903, ... ]
Limit the Number of Documents Retrieved

{ title: 'My Neighbor Totoro', ... },
{ title: 'Amélie', ... }
Skip Retrieved Documents

coll.find({ title: { $regex: /^Rocky/} }, { skip: 2 });
{ title: 'Rocky III', ... },
{ title: 'Rocky IV', ... },
{ title: 'Rocky V'}, ... }
Sort the Documents When Retrieving Them

coll.find().sort({ year: 1});
{ title: 'Newark Athlete', year: 1891, ... },
{ title: 'Blacksmith Scene', year: 1893, ...},
{ title: 'Dickson Experimental Sound Film', year: 1894},
Project Document Fields When Retrieving Them

coll.find().project({ _id: 0, year: 1, imdb: 1 });
{ year: 2012, imdb: { rating: 5.8, votes: 230, id: 8256 }},
{ year: 1985, imdb: { rating: 7.0, votes: 447, id: 1654 }},
await coll.createIndex({ title: 1, year: -1 });
// only searches fields with text indexes
coll.find({ $text: { $search: 'zissou' } });
{ title: 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou', ... }
Install the Driver Dependency
"dependencies": {
"mongodb": "^6.13",


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