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Databases and Collections

In this guide, you can learn how to use Laravel MongoDB to access and manage MongoDB databases and collections.

MongoDB organizes data in a hierarchical structure. A MongoDB deployment contains one or more databases, and each database contains one or more collections. In each collection, MongoDB stores data as documents that contain field-and-value pairs. In the Laravel Integration, you can access documents through Eloquent models.

To learn more about the document data format, see Documents in the Server manual.

You can specify a database name that a connection uses in your application's config/database.php file. The connections property in this file stores all your database connection information, such as your connection string, database name, and optionally, authentication details. After you specify a database connection, you can perform database-level operations and access collections that the database contains.

If you set the database name in the database property to the name of a nonexistent database, Laravel still makes a valid connection. When you insert any data into a collection in the database, the server creates it automatically.

The following example shows how to set a default database connection and create a database connection to the animals database in the config/database.php file by setting the dsn and database properties:

'default' => 'mongodb',
'connections' => [
'mongodb' => [
'driver' => 'mongodb',
'dsn' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017/',
'database' => 'animals',
], ...

When you set a default database connection, the Laravel Integration uses that connection for operations, but you can specify multiple database connections in your config/database.php file.

The following example shows how to specify multiple database connections (mongodb and mongodb_alt) to access the animals and plants databases:

'connections' => [
'mongodb' => [
'driver' => 'mongodb',
'dsn' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017/',
'database' => 'animals',
'mongodb_alt' => [
'driver' => 'mongodb',
'dsn' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017/',
'database' => 'plants',
], ...


The MongoDB PHP driver reuses the same connection when you create two clients with the same connection string. There is no overhead in using two connections for two distinct databases, so it is unnecessary to optimize your connections.

If your application contains multiple database connections and you want to store your model in a database other than the default, override the $connection property in your Model class.

The following example shows how to override the $connection property on the Flower model class to use the mongodb_alt connection. This directs the Laravel Integration to store the model in the flowers collection of the plants database, instead of in the default database:

class Flower extends Model
protected $connection = 'mongodb_alt';

When you create model class that extends MongoDB\Laravel\Eloquent\Model, the Laravel Integration stores the model data in a collection with a name formatted as the snake case plural form of your model class name.

For example, if you create a model class called Flower, Laravel applies the model to the flowers collection in the database.


To learn how to specify a different collection name in your model class, see the Change the Model Collection Name section of the Eloquent Model Class guide.

We generally recommend that you use the Eloquent ORM to access a collection for code readability and maintainability. The following example specifies a find operation by using the Flower class, so Laravel retrieves results from the flowers collection:

Flower::where('name', 'Water Lily')->get()


Starting in Laravel Integration v4.8, the DB::collection() method is deprecated. As shown in the following example, you can use the DB::table() method to access a MongoDB collection.

If you are unable to accomplish your operation by using an Eloquent model, you can access the query builder by calling the table() method on the DB facade. The following example shows the same query as in the preceding example, but the query is constructed by using the DB::table() method:

->where('name', 'Water Lily')

You can take either of the following actions to see information about the collections in a database:

You can list the collections in a database by running the following command in your shell from your project's root directory:

php artisan db:show

This command outputs information about the configured database and lists its collections under the Table header. For more information about the db:show command, see Laravel: New DB Commands on the official Laravel blog.

You can list the collections in a database by calling the following methods in your application:

  • DB::listCollections(): lists information about each collection by using the query builder

  • Schema::getTablesListing(): lists the name of each collection by using the schema builder

  • Schema::getTables(): lists the name and size of each collection by using the schema builder


MongoDB is a schemaless database, so the preceding schema builder methods query the database data rather than the schema.

The following example accesses the database of the connection, then calls the listCollections() query builder method to retrieve information about the collections in the database:

$collections = DB::connection('mongodb')->getDatabase()->listCollections();

You can take either of the following actions to see information about each field in a collection:

You can see a list of fields in a collection by running the following command in your shell from your project's root directory:

php artisan db:table <collection name>

This command outputs each collection field and its corresponding data type under the Column header. For more information about the db:table command, see Laravel: New DB Commands on the official Laravel blog.

You can list the fields in a collection by calling the Schema::getColumns() schema builder method in your application.

You can also use the following methods to return more information about the collection fields:

  • Schema::hasColumn(string $<collection>, string $<field name>): checks if the specified field exists in at least one document

  • Schema::hasColumns(string $<collection>, string[] $<field names>): checks if each specified field exists in at least one document

MongoDB is a schemaless database, so the preceding methods query the collection data rather than the database schema. If the specified collection doesn't exist or is empty, these methods return a value of false.


id Alias

Starting in Laravel MongoDB v5.1, the getColumns() method represents the _id field name in a MongoDB collection as the alias id in the returned list of field names. You can pass either _id or id to the hasColumn() and hasColumns() methods.

The following example passes a collection name to the Schema::getColumns() method to retrieve each field in the flowers collection:

$fields = Schema::getColumns('flowers');

To learn how to create and drop collections, see the Perform Laravel Migrations section in the Schema Builder guide.