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Delete Multiple Documents

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You can delete multiple documents in a collection by calling the delete() method on an object collection or a query builder.

To delete multiple documents, pass a query filter to the where() method. Then, delete the matching documents by calling the delete() method.


To learn more about deleting documents with the Laravel Integration, see the Delete Documents section of the Write Operations guide.

Select from the following Eloquent and Query Builder tabs to view usage examples for the same operation that use each corresponding query syntax:

This example performs the following actions:

  • Uses the Movie Eloquent model to represent the movies collection in the sample_mflix database

  • Deletes documents from the movies collection that match a query filter

  • Prints the number of deleted documents

The example calls the following methods on the Movie model:

  • where(): Matches documents in which the value of the year field is less than or equal to 1910

  • delete(): Deletes the matched documents and returns the number of documents successfully deleted

$deleted = Movie::where('year', '<=', 1910)
echo 'Deleted documents: ' . $deleted;
Deleted documents: 7

This example performs the following actions:

  • Accesses the movies collection by calling the table() method from the DB facade

  • Deletes documents from the movies collection that match a query filter

  • Prints the number of deleted documents

The example calls the following query builder methods:

  • where(): Matches documents in which the value of the year field is less than or equal to 1910

  • delete(): Deletes the matched documents and returns the number of documents successfully deleted

$deleted = DB::table('movies')
->where('year', '<=', 1910)
echo 'Deleted documents: ' . $deleted;
Deleted documents: 7

To learn how to edit your Laravel application to run the usage example, see the Usage Examples landing page.

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