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Laravel MongoDB

Aggregation Builder

On this page

  • Overview
  • Add the Aggregation Builder Dependency
  • Create an Aggregation Pipeline
  • Sample Documents
  • Match Stage Example
  • Group Stage Example
  • Sort Stage Example
  • Project Stage Example
  • Aggregation Pipeline Example
  • Create a Custom Operator Factory

In this guide, you can learn how to perform aggregations and construct pipelines by using the Laravel Integration aggregation builder. The aggregation builder lets you use a type-safe syntax to construct a MongoDB aggregation pipeline.

An aggregation pipeline is a data processing pipeline that sequentially performs transformations and computations on data from the MongoDB database, then outputs the results as a new document or set of documents.

An aggregation pipeline is composed of aggregation stages. Aggregation stages use operators to process input data and produce data that the next stage uses as its input.

The Laravel MongoDB aggregation builder lets you build aggregation stages and aggregation pipelines. The following sections show examples of how to use the aggregation builder to create the stages of an aggregation pipeline:

  • Add the Aggregation Builder Dependency

  • Create an Aggregation Pipeline

  • Create a Custom Operator Factory


The aggregation builder feature is available only in Laravel MongoDB versions 4.3 and later. To learn more about running aggregations without using the aggregation builder, see Aggregations in the Query Builder guide.

The aggregation builder is part of the mongodb/builder package. You must add this package as a dependency to your project to use it. Run the following command to add the aggregation builder dependency to your application:

composer require mongodb/builder:^0.2

When the installation completes, verify that the composer.json file includes the following line in the require object:

"mongodb/builder": "^0.2",

To start an aggregation pipeline, call the Model::aggregate() method. Then, chain the aggregation stage methods in the sequence you want them to run.

The aggregation builder includes the following namespaces that you can import to build aggregation stages:

  • MongoDB\Builder\Accumulator

  • MongoDB\Builder\Expression

  • MongoDB\Builder\Query

  • MongoDB\Builder\Type


To learn more about builder classes, see the mongodb/mongodb-php-builder GitHub repository.

This section features the following examples, which show how to use common aggregation stages and combine stages to build an aggregation pipeline:

To learn more about MongoDB aggregation operators, see Aggregation Stages in the Server manual.

The following examples run aggregation pipelines on a collection represented by the User model. You can add the sample data by running the following insert() method:

['name' => 'Alda Gröndal', 'occupation' => 'engineer', 'birthday' => new UTCDateTime(new DateTimeImmutable('2002-01-01'))],
['name' => 'Francois Soma', 'occupation' => 'engineer', 'birthday' => new UTCDateTime(new DateTimeImmutable('1998-02-02'))],
['name' => 'Janet Doe', 'occupation' => 'designer', 'birthday' => new UTCDateTime(new DateTimeImmutable('1987-03-03'))],
['name' => 'Eliud Nkosana', 'occupation' => 'engineer', 'birthday' => new UTCDateTime(new DateTimeImmutable('1984-04-04'))],
['name' => 'Bran Steafan', 'occupation' => 'engineer', 'birthday' => new UTCDateTime(new DateTimeImmutable('1998-05-05'))],
['name' => 'Ellis Lee', 'occupation' => 'designer', 'birthday' => new UTCDateTime(new DateTimeImmutable('1996-06-06'))],

You can chain the match() method to your aggregation pipeline to specify a query filter. If you omit this stage, the aggregate() method outputs all the documents in the model's collection for the following stage.

This aggregation stage is often placed first to retrieve the data by using available indexes and reduce the amount of data the subsequent stages process.


If you omit the match() method, the aggregation pipeline matches all documents in the collection that correspond to the model before other aggregation stages.

This example constructs a query filter for a match aggregation stage by using the MongoDB\Builder\Query builder. The match stage includes the following criteria:

  • Returns results that match either of the query filters by using the Query::or() function

  • Matches documents that contain an occupation field with a value of "designer" by using the Query::query() and Query::eq() functions

  • Matches documents that contain a name field with a value of "Eliud Nkosana" by using the Query::query() and Query::eq() functions

Click the VIEW OUTPUT button to see the documents returned by running the code:

$pipeline = User::aggregate()
Query::query(occupation: Query::eq('designer')),
Query::query(name: Query::eq('Eliud Nkosana')),
$result = $pipeline->get();


The Query::or() function corresponds to the $or MongoDB query operator. To learn more about this operator, see $or in the Server manual.

You can chain the group() method to your aggregation pipeline to modify the structure of the data by performing calculations and grouping it by common field values.

This aggregation stage is often placed immediately after a match stage to reduce the data subsequent stages process.

This example uses the MongoDB\Builder\Expression builder to define the group keys in a group aggregation stage. The group stage specifies the following grouping behavior:

  • Sets the value of the group key, represented by the _id field, to the field value defined by the Expression builder

  • References the document values in the occupation field by calling the Expression::fieldPath() function

Click the VIEW OUTPUT button to see the documents returned by running the code:

$pipeline = User::aggregate()
->group(_id: Expression::fieldPath('occupation'));
$result = $pipeline->get();


This example stage performs a similar task as the distinct() query builder method. To learn more about the distinct() method, see the Retrieve Distinct Field Values usage example.

You can chain the sort() method to your aggregation pipeline to specify the documents' output order.

You can add this aggregation stage anywhere in the pipeline. It is often placed after the group stage since it can depend on the grouped data. We recommend placing the sort stage as late as possible in the pipeline to limit the data it processes.

To specify an sort, set the field value to the Sort::Asc enum for an ascending sort or the Sort::Desc enum for a descending sort.

This example shows a sort() aggregation pipeline stage that sorts the documents by the name field to Sort::Desc, corresponding to reverse alphabetical order. Click the VIEW OUTPUT button to see the documents returned by running the code:

$pipeline = User::aggregate()
->sort(name: Sort::Desc);
$result = $pipeline->get();

You can chain the project() method to your aggregation pipeline to specify which fields from the documents to display by this stage.

To specify fields to include, pass the name of a field and a truthy value, such as 1 or true. All other fields are omitted from the output.

Alternatively, to specify fields to exclude, pass each field name and a falsy value, such as 0 or false. All other fields are included in the output.


When you specify fields to include, the _id field is included by default. To exclude the _id field, explicitly exclude it in the projection stage.

This example shows how to use the project() method aggregation stage to include only the name field and exclude all other fields from the output. Click the VIEW OUTPUT button to see the data returned by running the code:

$pipeline = User::aggregate()
->project(_id: 0, name: 1);
$result = $pipeline->get();

This aggregation pipeline example chains multiple stages. Each stage runs on the output retrieved from each preceding stage. In this example, the stages perform the following operations sequentially:

  • Add the birth_year field to the documents and set the value to the year extracted from the birthday field.

  • Group the documents by the value of the occupation field and compute the average value of birth_year for each group by using the Accumulator::avg() function. Assign the result of the computation to the birth_year_avg field.

  • Sort the documents by the group key field in ascending order.

  • Create the profession field from the value of the group key field, include the birth_year_avg field, and omit the _id field.

Click the VIEW OUTPUT button to see the data returned by running the code:

$pipeline = User::aggregate()
birth_year: Expression::year(
_id: Expression::fieldPath('occupation'),
birth_year_avg: Accumulator::avg(Expression::numberFieldPath('birth_year')),
->sort(_id: Sort::Asc)
->project(profession: Expression::fieldPath('_id'), birth_year_avg: 1, _id: 0);


Since this pipeline omits the match() stage, the input for the initial stage consists of all the documents in the collection.

When using the aggregation builder to create an aggregation pipeline, you can define operations or stages in a custom operator factory. A custom operator factory is a function that returns expressions or stages of an aggregation pipeline. You can create these functions to improve code readability and reuse.

This example shows how to create and use a custom operator factory that returns expressions that extract the year from a specified date field.

The following function accepts the name of a field that contains a date and returns an expression that extracts the year from the date:

public function yearFromField(string $dateFieldName): YearOperator
return Expression::year(

The example aggregation pipeline includes the following stages:

  • addFields(), which calls the custom operator factory function to extract the year from the birthday field and assign it to the birth_year field

  • project(), which includes only the name and birth_year fields in its output

Click the VIEW OUTPUT button to see the data returned by running the code:

$pipeline = User::aggregate()
->addFields(birth_year: $this->yearFromField('birthday'))
->project(_id: 0, name: 1, birth_year: 1);


Write Operations


Eloquent Models