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Compound Operations

On this page

  • Overview
  • Sample Data for Examples
  • Find and Delete a Document
  • Modify Find and Delete Behavior
  • Find and Delete Example
  • Find and Update a Document
  • Modify Find and Update Behavior
  • Find and Update Example
  • Find and Replace a Document
  • Modify Find and Replace Behavior
  • Find and Replace Example
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to use the Rust driver to perform compound operations.

Compound operations combine the functionality of read and write operations into one atomic action. If you perform a read operation and a write operation in sequence, someone might change your target document between the operations, leading to unexpected results. When you perform a compound operation, MongoDB prevents intermediate data changes by placing a write lock on the document you are modifying until the operation completes.

You can perform the following compound operations with the driver:

  • Find and delete one document

  • Find and update one document

  • Find and replace one document

This guide includes the following sections:


To learn how to perform atomic read and write operations on more than one document at a time, see the Transactions guide.

The examples in this guide use the following sample documents. Each document represents a student and contains information about their age and the school that they attend:

{ "name": "Alex Johnson", "age": 8, "school": "Lakeside Elementary" },
{ "name": "Samara Khan", "age": 11, "school": "Rolling Hills Middle School" },
{ "name": "Ben Joseph", "age": 16, "school": "Aurora High School" },
{ "name": "Deanna Porowski", "age": 10, "school": "Lakeside Elementary" }

The find_one_and_delete() method finds and deletes the first document that matches the specified query filter. If a document matches the filter criteria, the method returns a Some type. If no documents match, it returns a None type.


If you want to perform other operations between finding and deleting a document, you can call the find_one() method followed by the delete_one() method.

You can optionally modify the behavior of the find_one_and_delete() method by chaining option builder methods to find_one_and_delete(). These builder methods set FindOneAndDeleteOptions struct fields.

The following table describes the options available in FindOneAndDeleteOptions:

The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the query can run.

Type: Duration
The projection to use when returning results.

Type: Document
Default: None
The sorting order to use when returning results. By default, the driver returns documents in their natural order, or as they appear in the database. To learn more, see natural order in the Server manual glossary.

Type: Document
Default: None
The write concern for the operation. If you don't set this option, the operation inherits the write concern set for the collection. To learn more about write concerns, see Write Concern in the Server manual.

Type: WriteConcern
The collation to use when sorting results. To learn more about collations, see the Collations guide.

Type: Collation
Default: None
The index to use for the operation. To learn more about indexes, see Indexes in the Server manual. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 4.4 and later.

Type: Hint
Default: None
A map of parameters and values. You can access these parameters as variables in aggregation expressions. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 5.0 and later.

Type: Document
An arbitrary Bson value tied to the operation to trace it through the database profiler, currentOp, and logs. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 4.4 and later.

Type: Bson
Default: None


Setting Options

You can set FindOneAndDeleteOptions fields by chaining option builder methods directly to the find_one_and_delete() method call. If you're using an earlier version of the driver, you must construct a FindOneAndDeleteOptions instance by chaining option builder methods to the builder() method. Then, pass your options instance as a parameter to find_one_and_delete().

The following code shows how to set the comment field by chaining the comment() method to the find_one_and_delete() method:

let res = my_coll.find_one_and_delete(filter)

The following example uses the find_one_and_delete() method to match and delete the first document where the value of the age field is less than or equal to 10:

let filter = doc! { "age": doc! { "$lte": 10 } };
let res = my_coll.find_one_and_delete(filter).await?;
println!("Deleted document:\n{:?}", res);

The find_one_and_update() method finds and updates the first document that matches the specified query filter. The operation updates the document based on the specifications you provide in an update document. If a document matches the filter criteria, the method returns a Some type. If no documents match, it returns a None type.


If you want to perform other operations between finding and updating a document, you can call the find_one() method followed by the update_one() method.

You can optionally modify the behavior of the find_one_and_update() method by chaining option builder methods to find_one_and_update(). These builder methods set FindOneAndUpdateOptions struct fields.

The following table describes the options available in FindOneAndUpdateOptions:

The set of filters specifying the array elements to which the update applies.

Type: Vec<Document>
If true, allows the driver to perform a write that violates document-level validation. To learn more about validation, see Schema Validation in the Server manual.

Type: bool
Default: false
The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the query can run.

Type: Duration
The projection to use when returning results.

Type: Document
Default: None
If Before, the operation returns the document before the update. If After, the operation returns the updated document.

Type: ReturnDocument
Default: ReturnDocument::Before
The sorting order to use when returning results. By default, the driver returns documents in their natural order, or as they appear in the database. To learn more, see natural order in the Server manual glossary.

Type: Document
Default: None
If true, the operation inserts a document if no documents match the query filter.

Type: bool
Default: false
The write concern for the operation. If you don't set this option, the operation inherits the write concern set for the collection. To learn more about write concerns, see Write Concern in the Server manual.

Type: WriteConcern
The collation to use when sorting results. To learn more about collations, see the Collations guide.

Type: Collation
Default: None
The index to use for the operation. To learn more about indexes, see Indexes in the Server manual. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 4.4 and later.

Type: Hint
Default: None
A map of parameters and values. You can access these parameters as variables in aggregation expressions. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 5.0 and later.

Type: Document
An arbitrary Bson value tied to the operation to trace it through the database profiler, currentOp, and logs. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 4.4 and later.

Type: Bson
Default: None

The following code shows how to set the comment field by chaining the comment() method to the find_one_and_update() method:

let res = my_coll.find_one_and_update(filter, update)

This example shows how to perform the following actions:

  • Call the find_one_and_update() method

  • Pass a query filter to find_one_and_update() that matches a document where the value of school is "Aurora High School"

  • Pass an update document to find_one_and_update() that sets the school field to "Durango High School" and increments the age field by 1

  • Chain the return_document() method to find_one_and_update() to return the matched document after the update

let filter = doc! { "school": "Aurora High School" };
let update =
doc! { "$set": doc! { "school": "Durango High School" },
"$inc": doc! { "age": 1 } };
let res = my_coll.find_one_and_update(filter, update)
println!("Updated document:\n{:?}", res);

The find_one_and_replace() method finds and replaces the first document that matches the specified query filter. The operation replaces all the fields of the document except the _id field with fields and values that you provide. If a document matches the filter criteria, the method returns a Some type. If no documents match, it returns a None type.


If you want to perform other operations between finding and replacing a document, you can call the find_one() method followed by the replace_one() method.

You can optionally modify the behavior of the find_one_and_replace() method by chaining option builder methods to find_one_and_replace(). These builder methods set FindOneAndReplaceOptions struct fields.

The following table describes the options available in FindOneAndReplaceOptions:

If true, allows the driver to perform a write that violates document-level validation. To learn more about validation, see Schema Validation in the Server manual.

Type: bool
Default: false
The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the query can run.

Type: Duration
The projection to use when returning results.

Type: Document
Default: None
If Before, the operation returns the document before the update. If After, the operation returns the updated document.

Type: ReturnDocument
Default: ReturnDocument::Before
The sorting order to use when returning results. By default, the driver returns documents in their natural order, or as they appear in the database. To learn more, see natural order in the Server manual glossary.

Type: Document
Default: None
If true, the operation inserts a document if no documents match the query filter.

Type: bool
Default: false
The write concern for the operation. If you don't set this option, the operation inherits the write concern set for the collection. To learn more about write concerns, see Write Concern in the Server manual.

Type: WriteConcern
The collation to use when sorting results. To learn more about collations, see the Collations guide.

Type: Collation
Default: None
The index to use for the operation. To learn more about indexes, see Indexes in the Server manual. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 4.4 and later.

Type: Hint
Default: None
A map of parameters and values. You can access these parameters as variables in aggregation expressions. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 5.0 and later.

Type: Document
An arbitrary Bson value tied to the operation to trace it through the database profiler, currentOp, and logs. This option is available only when connecting to MongoDB Server versions 4.4 and later.

Type: Bson
Default: None

The following code shows how to set the comment field by chaining the comment() method to the find_one_and_replace() method:

let res = my_coll.find_one_and_replace(filter, replacement)

This example performs the following actions:

  • Calls the find_one_and_replace() method

  • Passes a query filter to find_one_and_replace() that matches a document where the value of name includes the string "Johnson"

  • Passes a replacement document to find_one_and_replace() that describes a new student

  • Chains the return_document() method to find_one_and_replace() to return the document after replacement

  • Chains the projection() method to find_one_and_replace()``to project only the ``name and school fields in the output

let filter = doc! { "name": doc! { "$regex": "Johnson" } };
let replacement =
doc! { "name": "Toby Fletcher",
"age": 14,
"school": "Durango High School" };
let res = my_coll.find_one_and_replace(filter, replacement)
.projection(doc! { "name": 1, "school": 1, "_id": 0 })
println!("Document after replacement:\n{:?}", res);

To learn more about the operations in this guide, see the following documentation:

To learn more about the methods and types mentioned in this guide, see the following API documentation:


Bulk Operations