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On this page

  • Overview
  • How GridFS Works
  • Reference a GridFS Bucket
  • Upload Files
  • Download Files
  • Retrieve File Information
  • Rename Files
  • Delete Files
  • Delete a GridFS Bucket
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to store and retrieve large files in MongoDB by using GridFS. GridFS is a specification that describes how to split files into chunks during storage and reassemble them during retrieval. The Rust driver implementation of GridFS manages the operations and organization of the file storage.

Use GridFS if the size of your file exceeds the BSON document size limit of 16 MB. GridFS also helps you access files without loading the entire file into memory. For more detailed information about whether GridFS is suitable for your use case, see the GridFS page in the Server manual.

To learn more about GridFS, navigate to the following sections in this guide:

GridFS organizes files in a bucket, which is a group of MongoDB collections containing file chunks and descriptive information. Buckets contain the following collections, named according to the convention defined in the GridFS specification:

  • chunks, which stores the binary file chunks

  • files, which stores the file metadata

When you create a new GridFS bucket, the Rust driver performs the following actions:

  • Creates the chunks and files collections, prefixed with the default bucket name fs, unless you specify a different name

  • Creates an index on each collection to ensure efficient retrieval of files and related metadata

You can create a reference to a GridFS bucket by following the steps in the Reference a GridFS Bucket section of this page. However, the driver does not create a new GridFS bucket and its indexes until the first write operation. For more information on GridFS indexes, see the GridFS Indexes page in the Server manual.

When storing a file in a GridFS bucket, the Rust driver creates the following documents:

  • One document in the files collection that stores a unique file ID, file name, and other file metadata

  • One or more documents in the chunks collection that store the content of the file, which the driver splits into smaller pieces

The following diagram describes how GridFS splits files when uploading to a bucket:

A diagram that shows how GridFS uploads a file to a bucket

When retrieving files, GridFS fetches the metadata from the files collection in the specified bucket and uses the information to reconstruct the file from documents in the chunks collection. You can read the file into memory or output it to a stream.

Before storing files in a GridFS bucket, create a bucket reference or get a reference to an existing bucket.

The following example calls the gridfs_bucket() method on a database instance, which creates a reference to either a new or existing GridFS bucket:

let bucket = my_db.gridfs_bucket(None);

You can specify a custom bucket name by setting the bucket_name field of the GridFsBucketOptions struct.


Instantiating Structs

The Rust driver implements the Builder design pattern for the creation of some struct types, including GridFsBucketOptions. You can use the builder() method to construct an instance of each type by chaining option builder methods.

The following table describes the methods that you can use to set GridFsBucketOptions fields:

Possible Values
Any String value
Specifies a bucket name, which is set to fs by default


Any u32 value

Specifies the chunk size used to break the file into chunks, which is 255 KB by default

Specifies the bucket's write concern, which is set to the database's write concern by default


ReadConcern::local(), ReadConcern::majority(), ReadConcern::linearizable(), ReadConcern::available(), ReadConcern::snapshot()

Specifies the bucket's read concern, which is set to the database's read concern by default

Specifies which servers are suitable for a bucket operation, which is set to the database's selection
criteria by default

The following example specifies options in a GridFsBucketOptions instance to configure a custom bucket name and a five-second time limit for write operations:

let wc = WriteConcern::builder().w_timeout(Duration::new(5, 0)).build();
let opts = GridFsBucketOptions::builder()
let bucket_with_opts = my_db.gridfs_bucket(opts);

You can upload a file to a GridFS bucket by opening an upload stream and writing your file to the stream. Call the open_upload_stream() method on your bucket instance to open the stream. This method returns an instance of GridFsUploadStream to which you can write the file contents. To upload the file contents to the GridFsUploadStream, call the write_all() method and pass your file bytes as a parameter.


Import the Required Module

The GridFsUploadStream struct implements the futures_io::AsyncWrite trait. To use the AsyncWrite write methods, such as write_all(), import the AsyncWriteExt module into your application file with the following use declaration:

use futures_util::io::AsyncWriteExt;

The following example uses an upload stream to upload a file called "example.txt" to a GridFS bucket:

let bucket = my_db.gridfs_bucket(None);
let file_bytes = fs::read("example.txt").await?;
let mut upload_stream = bucket.open_upload_stream("example").await?;
println!("Document uploaded with ID: {}",;

You can download a file from a GridFS bucket by opening a download stream and reading from the stream. Call the open_download_stream() method on your bucket instance, specifying the desired file's _id value as a parameter. This method returns an instance GridFsDownloadStream from which you can access the file. To read the file from the GridFsDownloadStream, call the read_to_end() method and pass a vector as a parameter.


Import the Required Module

The GridFsDownloadStream struct implements the futures_io::AsyncRead trait. To use the AsyncRead read methods, such as read_to_end(), import the AsyncReadExt module into your application file with the following use declaration:

use futures_util::io::AsyncReadExt;

The following example uses a download stream to download a file with an _id value of 3289 from a GridFS bucket:

let bucket = my_db.gridfs_bucket(None);
let id = ObjectId::from_str("3289").expect("Could not convert to ObjectId");
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let mut download_stream = bucket.open_download_stream(Bson::ObjectId(id)).await?;
let result = download_stream.read_to_end(&mut buf).await?;
println!("{:?}", result);


The GridFS streaming API cannot load partial chunks. When a download stream needs to pull a chunk from MongoDB, it pulls the entire chunk into memory. The 255 KB default chunk size is usually sufficient, but you can reduce the chunk size to reduce memory overhead.

You can retrieve information about the files stored in the files collection of the GridFS bucket. Each file is stored as an instance of the FilesCollectionDocument type, which includes the following fields that represent file information:

  • _id: the file ID

  • length: the file size

  • chunk_size_bytes: the size of the file's chunks

  • upload_date: the file's upload date and time

  • filename: the name of the file

  • metadata: a document that stores user-specified metadata

Call the find() method on a GridFS bucket instance to retrieve files from the bucket. The method returns a cursor instance from which you can access the results.

The following example retrieves and prints the length of each file in a GridFS bucket:

let bucket = my_db.gridfs_bucket(None);
let filter = doc! {};
let mut cursor = bucket.find(filter).await?;
while let Some(result) = cursor.try_next().await? {
println!("File length: {}\n", result.length);


To learn more about the find() method, see the Retrieve Data guide. To learn more about retrieving data from a cursor, see the Access Data by Using a Cursor guide.

You can update the name of a GridFS file in your bucket by calling the rename() method on a bucket instance. Pass the target file's _id value and the new file name as parameters to the rename() method.


The rename() method only supports updating the name of one file at a time. To rename multiple files, retrieve a list of files matching the file name from the bucket, extract the _id field from the files you want to rename, and pass each value in separate calls to the rename() method.

The following example updates the filename field of the file containing an _id value of 3289 to "new_file_name":

let bucket = my_db.gridfs_bucket(None);
let id = ObjectId::from_str("3289").expect("Could not convert to ObjectId");
let new_name = "new_file_name";
bucket.rename(Bson::ObjectId(id), new_name).await?;

You can use the delete() method to remove a file from your bucket. To remove a file, call delete() on your bucket instance and pass the file's _id value as a parameter.


The delete() method only supports deleting one file at a time. To delete multiple files, retrieve the files from the bucket, extract the _id field from the files you want to delete, and pass each _id value in separate calls to the delete() method.

The following example deletes the file in which the value of the _id field is 3289:

let bucket = my_db.gridfs_bucket(None);
let id = ObjectId::from_str("3289").expect("Could not convert to ObjectId");

You can use the drop() method to delete a bucket, which removes a bucket's files and chunks collections. To delete the bucket, call drop() on your bucket instance.

The following example deletes a GridFS bucket:

let bucket = my_db.gridfs_bucket(None);

To learn more about any of the methods or types mentioned in this guide, see the following API documentation:


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