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Migrate from ObjectRocket to MongoDB Atlas

Moving your MongoDB deployment to Atlas allows you take advantage of all the benefits Atlas brings, including best-in-class automation, backup, scalability, and compliance with the most demanding data security and privacy standards.

This guide will walk you through how to use the mongodump and mongorestore tools to migrate your data from ObjectRocket to Atlas.

Time required: 20 minutes

  • A MongoDB account for Atlas. See Sign Up for a MongoDB Account.

  • An ObjectRocket MongoDB deployment.

  • The mongodump and mongorestore executables. See MongoDB server bundle for your platform and locate mongodump and mongorestore in the bin directory.


The time required for this procedure varies according to the quantity of data you plan to move. Small data sets can be exported quickly, while larger data sets require more time.


If you don't already have an Atlas deployment, create one now.


Stopping your applications prevents any additional database writes from occurring while you move your data from ObjectRocket to Atlas.


mongodump creates a binary export of the contents of your deployment. The mongodump documentation contains detailed instructions on using the mongodump utility. Use your ObjectRocket credentials to access your ObjectRocket deployment. In the following example, a user named db_user exports all databases to a directory named dump in the current working directory:

mongodump --host --port 12345 --username db_user --password "myPwd" --out dump

Use mongorestore to restore the dump directory to your Atlas deployment.

The mongorestore documentation contains detailed instructions on using the mongorestore utility. Use your Atlas credentials to access your Atlas deployment. In the following example, a user named db_user restores the default dump directory to the host

mongorestore --host --port 27017 --username db_user --password "myPwd" dump/

Use the Atlas Data Explorer to verify that all of your collections are present and populate


Click the Connect button in the cluster panel for your Atlas cluster to obtain the connection string to use in your applications. To learn more about connecting to your Atlas cluster, see Connect to a Cluster.


You're ready to start using your Atlas deployment.

If you have any questions regarding migration beyond what is covered in this documentation, or if you encounter an error during migration, please see the Atlas documentation on requesting support.

You created an Atlas cluster, migrated data from your old ObjectRocket MongoDB cluster, and updated your applications to use the connection string for your new Atlas cluster.