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Ops Manager Resource Specification

The MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates a containerized Ops Manager deployment from specification files that you write.

After you create or update an Ops Manager resource specification, you direct MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to apply this specification to your Kubernetes environment. Kubernetes Operator creates the services and custom Kubernetes resources that Ops Manager requires, then deploys Ops Manager and its backing Application Database in containers in your Kubernetes environment.

Each Ops Manager resource uses an object specification in YAML to define the characteristics and settings of the deployment.

The following examples show a resource specification for an Ops Manager deployment:

2kind: MongoDBOpsManager
4 name: om
6 topology: SingleCluster # optional, SingleCluster by default
7 opsManagerURL: # optional OM URL for the operator
8replicas: 1
9version: "6.0.18"
10 adminCredentials: ops-manager-admin-secret
11 configuration:
12 mms.fromEmailAddr:
13 "false"
14 security:
15 tls:
16 ca: issuer-ca
17 backup:
18 enabled: true
19 encryption:
20 kmip:
21 server:
22 url:
23 ca: mongodb-kmip-certificate-authority-pem
24 headDB:
25 storage: "30Gi"
26 labelSelector:
27 matchLabels:
28 app: my-app
29 opLogStores:
30 - name: oplog1
31 # Sets labels for the oplog store.
32 assignmentLabels: ["test1", "test2"]
33 mongodbResourceRef:
34 name: my-oplog-db
35 mongodbUserRef:
36 name: my-oplog-user
37 s3Stores:
38 - name: s3store1
39 # Sets labels for the S3 store.
40 assignmentLabels: ["test1", "test2"]
42 mongodbResourceRef:
43 name: my-s3-metadata-db
44 mongodbUserRef:
45 name: my-s3-store-user
46 s3SecretRef:
47 name: my-s3-credentials
48 pathStyleAccessEnabled: true
49 s3BucketEndpoint:
50 s3BucketName: my-bucket
51 applicationDatabase:
52 passwordSecretKeyRef:
53 name: om-db-user-secret
54 key: password
55 members: 3
56 topology: SingleCluster
57 version: "6.0.5-ubi8"
58 security:
59 certsSecretPrefix: appdb
60 tls:
61 ca: issuer-ca
2kind: MongoDBOpsManager
4 name: om
6 topology: MultiCluster # optional, SingleCluster by default
7 opsManagerURL: # optional OM URL for the operator
8 clusterSpecList: # optional ClusterSpecOMItem list, the type is different than ClusterSpecItem for AppDB and MongoDB
9 - clusterName: cluster-1 # required
10 replicas: 1 # required, OM application replicas
11 # optional parameters to override those defined at MongoDBOpsManager level
12 clusterDomain: # optional, default cluster.local
13 jvmParameters: ["-Xmx4352m","-Xms4352m"]
14 externalConnectivity: # optional to override
15 type: LoadBalancer
16 port: 9090
17 annotations:
18 key: value
19 statefulSet: # StatefulSetSpecWrapper override
20 spec: {}
21 metadata: {}
22 configuration:
23 automation.versions.source: mongodb
24 mms.adminEmailAddr:
25 backup: # MongoDBOpsManagerBackup, optional, we only support a subset of fields
26 members: 1 # backup daemon replicas, optional, default=1
27 assignmentLabels: [] # assignment labels to override
28 jvmParameters: ["-Xmx4352m","-Xms4352m"] # optional
29 statefulSet: # mdbc.StatefulSetConfiguration, optional to override for backup daemon
30 spec: {}
31 metadata: {}
32 - clusterName: cluster-2
33 replicas: 1
35 ....
37replicas: 1
38 version: "6.0.18"
39 adminCredentials: ops-manager-admin-secret
40 configuration:
41 mms.fromEmailAddr:
42 "false"
43 backup:
44 enabled: true
45 encryption:
46 kmip:
47 server:
48 url:
49 ca: mongodb-kmip-certificate-authority-pem
50 headDB:
51 storage: "30Gi"
52 labelSelector:
53 matchLabels:
54 app: my-app
55 opLogStores:
56 - name: oplog1
57 # Sets labels for the oplog store.
58 assignmentLabels: ["test1", "test2"]
59 mongodbResourceRef:
60 name: my-oplog-db
61 mongodbUserRef:
62 name: my-oplog-user
63 s3Stores:
64 - name: s3store1
65 # Sets labels for the S3 store.
66 assignmentLabels: ["test1", "test2"]
68 mongodbResourceRef:
69 name: my-s3-metadata-db
70 mongodbUserRef:
71 name: my-s3-store-user
72 s3SecretRef:
73 name: my-s3-credentials
74 pathStyleAccessEnabled: true
75 s3BucketEndpoint:
76 s3BucketName: my-bucket
77 security:
78 tls:
79 ca: issuer-ca
80 applicationDatabase:
81 passwordSecretKeyRef:
82 name: om-db-user-secret
83 key: password
84 version: "6.0.5-ubi8"
85 topology: MultiCluster
86 clusterSpecList:
87 - clusterName:
88 members: 4
89 - clusterName:
90 members: 3
91 - clusterName:
92 members: 2
93 security:
94 certsSecretPrefix: appdb
95 tls:
96 ca: issuer-ca

This section describes settings that you must use for all Ops Manager resources.


Type: string

Required. Version of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource schema.


Type: string

Required. Kind of MongoDB Kubernetes resource to create. Set this to MongoDBOpsManager.

Type: string

Required. Name of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource you are creating.

Resource names must be 44 characters or less.


Type: string

Required. Version of Ops Manager that you want to install on this MongoDB Kubernetes resource.


Type: string

Required. Name of the Kubernetes secret you created for the Ops Manager admin user. When you deploy the Ops Manager resource, Kubernetes Operator creates a user with these credentials.


To avoid storing secrets in single-cluster Kubernetes deployments, you can migrate all secrets to a secret storage tool. Deployments on multiple Kubernetes clusters don't support storing secrets in secret storage tools, such as HashiCorp Vault.

The admin user is granted the Global Owner role.


Type: integer

Conditional. Number of Ops Manager instances to run in parallel. If you specify SingleCluster in spec.topology, this parameter is required. The mimimum accepted value is 1.

If you specify MultiCluster in spec.topology, this parameter is ignored.

Ops Manager resources can also use the following settings:


Type: string

Reference to a ConfigMap that contains a custom logback-access.xml file for configuring Ops Manager backup logs.

The key in the ConfigMap must exactly match the name of the logback-access.xml to ensure it replaces the default file in the Ops Manager Pods.

To learn more, see Configure Ops Manager Logs with the CRD.


Type: string

Reference to a ConfigMap that contains a custom logback.xml file. This file configures the general logging behavior for Ops Manager backups, including log rotation policies, log levels, and other logging parameters.

The key in the ConfigMap must exactly match the name of the logback-access.xml to ensure it replaces the default file in the Ops Manager Pods. To learn more, see Configure Ops Manager Logs with the CRD.


Type: string

Reference to a ConfigMap that contains a custom logback-access.xml file for configuring Ops Manager logs.

The key in the ConfigMap must be exactly logback-access.xml to ensure it replaces the default file in the Ops Manager Pods.

To learn more, see Configure Ops Manager Logs with the CRD.


Type: string

Reference to a ConfigMap that contains a custom logback.xml file. This file configures the general logging behavior for Ops Manager, including log rotation policies, log levels, and other logging parameters.

The key in the ConfigMap must be exactly logback.xml to ensure it replaces the default file in the Ops Manager Pods.

To learn more, see Configure Ops Manager Logs with the CRD.


Type: string

Optional. The URL for the Ops Manager resource in the Kubernetes Operator, for example:

  • If you omit this parameter, then to connect to Ops Manager instances the Kubernetes Operator uses the following URL as the default for the Ops Manager instance: <om-name>-svc.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local. This is the FQDN of the headless service for Ops Manager.

  • If you specify this parameter, this allows you to change this URL to a different one.


Don't confuse the spec.opsManagerURL with the URL that you specify in a ConfigMap for a particular deployment to configure MongoDB deployments and Monitoring Agents for the Application Database. The Kubernetes Operator requires to have the spec.opsManagerURL to directly connect to Ops Manager instances and to configure Ops Manager and Application Database deployments. The Kubernetes Operator doesn't use the spec.opsManagerURL to manage particular MongoDB databases.

Change the spec.opsManagerURL parameter to a custom URL in the following cases:

  • When you deploy Ops Manager across multiple Kubernetes clusters and the default URL is not accessible from the Ops Manager-hosting Pod. For example, when you deploy Ops Manager on other Kubernetes clusters than those on which you deploy the Kubernetes Operator, the FQDN for the Ops Manager service might not be accessible. In this case, you can specify a custom URL.

  • When you configure external access to the Ops Manager instance on an external domain, you can specify a custom URL. This also requires the Kubernetes Operator and the Application Database's Monitoring Agents to use this custom URL instead of the default one.


Type: string

Kubernetes assigns each Pod a FQDN. The Kubernetes Operator calculates the FQDN for each Pod using a provided clusterDomain. Kubernetes doesn't provide an API to query these hostnames.



spec.clusterName is Deprecated

Use spec.clusterDomain instead.

Type: string

Kubernetes assigns each Pod a FQDN. The Kubernetes Operator calculates the FQDN for each Pod using a provided clusterName. Kubernetes doesn't provide an API to query these hostnames.


Type: collection

Ops Manager configuration properties. See Ops Manager Configuration Settings for property names and descriptions. Each property takes a value of type string.


If Ops Manager will manage MongoDB resources deployed outside of the Kubernetes cluster it's deployed to, you must add the mms.centralUrl setting to spec.configuration.

Set the value to the URL by which Ops Manager is exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster.

To learn more, see Managing External MongoDB Deployments.


Type: string

When set to enabled, the MongoDB Agent requires signature files for all MongoDB deployments that your Ops Manager instance manages.

When you upgrade the MongoDB Agent with this option enabled, the current version of the MongoDB Agent requires signature files of the new MongoDB Agent binary.

To learn more, see Verify MongoDB Signatures.


Type: boolean

Set to false to disable queryable backups.


Type: boolean

Set to false to disable queryable backups when using WiredTiger.


Type: string

The Kubernetes service's default server type.



Type: array of strings

Optional. JVM parameters passed to the Ops Manager Application in the container. Any parameters given replace the default JVM parameters for the Ops Manager Application.

This Kubernetes Operator parameter defaults to an empty list.

jvmParameters: ["-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError","-XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp"]


Change the JVM Memory Heap values at your own risk

Kubernetes Operator calculates its JVM memory heap values of the Ops Manager Application based on the container's memory. Changing the -Xms and -Xmx values can cause issues with Ops Manager.

Type: string

Text to prefix to the Kubernetes secret that you created that contain Ops Manager's TLS key and certificate.

You must name your secret <prefix>-<>-cert.

To learn how to configure your Ops Manager instance to run over HTTPS, see Deploy an Ops Manager Resource.

Name of the Kubernetes ConfigMap that contains a custom CA file for Ops Manager.

Important is required if you use a custom CA to sign your Ops Manager TLS certificates.

The Kubernetes Operator requires that you name the certificate for the Ops Manager resource mms-ca.crt in the ConfigMap.

This CA signs the certificates that:

  • clients use to connect to the Ops Manager Application, and

  • agents in the Application Database Pods use to communicate with Ops Manager.


You must concatenate your custom CA file and the entire TLS certificate chain from to prevent Ops Manager from becoming inoperable if the application database restarts.

Important is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To enable TLS, provide a value for the setting.

Encrypts communications using TLS certificates between clients and Ops Manager.


Type: collection

Specification for the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for Ops Manager.

To review which fields you can add to spec.statefulSet.spec, see StatefulSetSpec v1 apps in the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: collection

Template for the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the Ops Manager.


The Kubernetes Operator doesn't validate the fields you provide in spec.statefulSet.spec.template.


Type: collection

Metadata for the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the Ops Manager.

To review which fields you can add to spec.statefulSet.spec.template.metadata, see the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: collection

Specifications of the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the Ops Manager.

To review the complete list of fields you can add to spec.statefulSet.spec.template.spec, see the Kubernetes documentation.

The following example spec.statefulSet.spec.template.spec defines minimum and maximum CPU and memory capacity for one Ops Manager container the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator deploys:

- name: mongodb-ops-manager
cpu: "0.70"
memory: "6Gi"
cpu: "1"
memory: "7000M"

Type: collection

List of containers that belong to the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the Ops Manager.

To modify the specifications of the Ops Manager container, you must provide the exact name of the container using the name field, as shown in the following example:

- name: mongodb-ops-manager


When you add containers to spec.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers, the Kubernetes Operator adds them to the Kubernetes pod. These containers are appended to the Ops Manager containers in the pod.


Type: string

Minimum CPU capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host the Ops Manager.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.limits.cpu.


Type: string

Maximum CPU capacity for the node being created to host the Ops Manager. If omitted, this value is set to spec.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.cpu.


Type: string

Minimum memory capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host the Ops Manager on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of memory in JEDEC notation.


If Ops Manager on Kubernetes requires 6 gigabytes of memory, set this value to 6Gi.


MongoDB recommends setting this value to at least 5Gi.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.limits.memory.


Type: string

Maximum memory capacity for the node being created to host the Ops Manager. If omitted, this value is set to spec.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.memory.

The Kubernetes Operator calculates and sets parameters for Java heap size based on the container's memory.


Limit this value to less than 32 GB

Setting this value to a value greater than 32 GB (32Gi) can cause issues with the backup service. Excessive heaps can cause unpredictable results in Ops Manager.

This section describes optional settings related to external connectivity in Ops Manager. For optional external connectivity settings specific to your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment, see Multi-Cluster Settings.


Type: collection

Configuration object that enables external connectivity to Ops Manager. If provided, the Kubernetes Operator creates a Kubernetes service that allows traffic originating from outside of the Kubernetes cluster to reach the Ops Manager application.

If not provided, the Kubernetes Operator doesn't create a Kubernetes service. You must create one manually or use a third-party solution that enables you to route external traffic to the Ops Manager Application in your Kubernetes cluster.


Type: string

The Kubernetes service ServiceType that exposes Ops Manager outside of Kubernetes.

Required if spec.externalConnectivity.type is present.

Accepted values are: LoadBalancer and NodePort. LoadBalancer is recommended if your cloud provider supports it. Use NodePort for local deployments.


Type: integer

Value that indicates which port that a Kubernetes service exposes the Ops Manager Application should use for external traffic.

  • If spec.externalConnectivity.type is NodePort:

    • The Kubernetes service exposes the Ops Manager Application to external traffic through this port.

    • If you don't provide a spec.externalConnectivity.port value, the Kubernetes service routes traffic to the Ops Manager Application from an available port selected randomly from the following default range: 30000-32767.


      You must configure your network's firewall to allow traffic over this port.

  • If spec.externalConnectivity.type is LoadBalancer:

    • The load balancer resource that your cloud provider creates exposes the Ops Manager Application through this port.

    • If you don't provide a spec.externalConnectivity.port value, the Kubernetes service exposes the Ops Manager Application to external traffic through the default HTTP (8080) or HTTPS (8443) port.


Type: string

The IP address the LoadBalancer Kubernetes service uses when the Kubernetes Operator creates it.

This setting can only be used if your cloud provider supports it and spec.externalConnectivity.type is LoadBalancer. To learn more about the Type LoadBalancer, see the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: string

Routing policy for external traffic to the Ops Manager Kubernetes service. The service routes external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints depending the value of this setting.

Accepted values are: Cluster and Local. To learn which of values meet your requirements, see Source IPs in Kubernetes in the Kubernetes documentation.


If you select Cluster, the Source-IP of your clients are lost during the network hops that happen at the Kubernetes network boundary.


Type: collection

Key-value pairs that allow you to provide cloud provider-specific configuration settings.

To learn more about Annotations and TLS support on AWS, see the Kubernetes documentation.

This section describes optional settings related to backups in Ops Manager. For optional backup settings specific to your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment, see Multi-Cluster Settings.


Type: array of strings

A list of assignment labels for the Backup Daemon Service processes. Use assignment labels to identify that specific backup daemon processes are associated with particular projects. If you set assignment labels using the Kubernetes Operator, the values that you set in the Kubernetes configuration file for assignment labels override the values defined in the Ops Manager UI. Assignment labels that you don't set using the Kubernetes Operator continue to use the values set in the Ops Manager UI.


Type: boolean

Flag that enables Backup for your Ops Manager resource. When set to false, Backup is disabled.

Default value is true.


Type: object

Object that contains the backup encryption configuration settings.


Type: object

Object that contains the KMIP backup encryption configuration settings. To learn more, see Configure KMIP Backup Encryption for Ops Manager.


If you set this parameter, the API key linked with the value of spec.credentials must have the Global Owner role.


Type: object

Object that contains the KMIP backup encryption server configuration settings.

Type: string

Human-readable label that identifies the ConfigMap that contains an entry for the CA certificate (ca.pem) to use for KMIP authentication.


Type: string

URL for the KMIP server that uses the hostname.port format (for example, or


Type: collection

Configuration settings for the head database. Kubernetes Operator creates a Persistent Volume Claim with the specified configuration.

Data Type



Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.



Minimum size of Persistent Volume that should be mounted. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 30Gi.

To learn more, see Backup Daemon Hardware Requirements.

For example, if the head database requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60Gi.



Type of storage specified in a Persistent Volume Claim. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.

Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: array of strings

Optional. JVM parameters passed to the Ops Manager backup service in the container.

This Kubernetes Operator parameter defaults to an empty list.

jvmParameters: ["-XX:+UseStringCache"]


Change the JVM Memory Heap values at your own risk

Kubernetes Operator calculates the JVM memory heap values of the backup service based on the container's memory. Changing the -Xms and -Xmx values can cause issues with Ops Manager.


Type: integer

Optional. Number of backup daemon services to deploy in Kubernetes. If not specified, defaults to 1. To ensure high availability for your backup service, deploy multiple backup daemons in Ops Manager.


Type: collection

Required if you enable backup. Array of oplog stores used for backup. Each item in the array references a MongoDB database resource deployed in the Kubernetes cluster by the Kubernetes Operator.


Type: array of strings

A list of assignment labels for the oplog store. Use assignment labels to identify that specific oplog stores are associated with particular projects. If you set assignment labels using the Kubernetes Operator, the values that you set in the Kubernetes configuration file for assignment labels override the values defined in the Ops Manager UI. Assignment labels that you don't set using the Kubernetes Operator continue to use the values set in the Ops Manager UI.

Type: string

Required if you enable Backup. Name of the oplog store.


Once specified, don't edit the name of the oplog store.

Type: string

Required if you enable Backup. Name of the MongoDB resource or the MongoDBMultiCluster resource that you create to store oplog slices. You must deploy this resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource.

The Oplog database only supports the SCRAM authentication mechanism. You cannot enable other authentication mechanisms.

If you enable SCRAM authentication on the oplog database, you must:

  • Create a MongoDB user resource to connect Ops Manager to the oplog database.

  • Specify the name of the user in the Ops Manager resource definition.

If a MongoDB database resource with this name doesn't exist, the backup resource enters a Pending state. The Kubernetes Operator retries every 10 seconds until a MongoDB database resource with this name is created.


The Kubernetes Operator begins to reconcile the Ops Manager resource automatically when you make security changes to the database resources you reference in this setting. The Kubernetes Operator updates the mongoURI and ssl flags in the Ops Manager configuration based on your changes.

Type: string

Required if SCRAM authentication is enabled on the oplog store database. Name of the MongoDB user resource used to connect to the oplog store database. Deploy this user resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource and with all of the following roles:


Type: collection

Required if you enable Backup using a blockstore. Array of blockstores used for Backup. Each item in the array references a MongoDB database resource deployed in the Kubernetes cluster by the Kubernetes Operator.


Type: array of strings

A list of assignment labels for the blockstore. Use assignment labels to identify that specific blockstores are associated with particular projects. If you set assignment labels using the Kubernetes Operator, the values that you set in the Kubernetes configuration file for assignment labels override the values defined in the Ops Manager UI. Assignment labels that you don't set using the Kubernetes Operator continue to use the values set in the Ops Manager UI.

Type: string

Required if you enable backup using a blockstore. Name of the blockstore.


Once specified, don't edit the name of the blockstore.

Type: string

Required if you enable backup using a blockstore. Name of the MongoDB database resource that you create for the blockstore. You must deploy this database resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource.

The blockstore database only supports the SCRAM authentication mechanism. You cannot enable other authentication mechanisms.

If you enable SCRAM authentication on the blockstore database, you must:

  • Create a MongoDB user resource to connect Ops Manager to the blockstore database.

  • Specify the name of the user in the Ops Manager resource definition.

If a MongoDB database resource with this name doesn't exist, the backup resource enters a Pending state. The Kubernetes Operator retries every 10 seconds until a MongoDB database resource with this name is created.


The Kubernetes Operator begins to reconcile the Ops Manager resource automatically when you make security changes to the database resources you reference in this setting. The Kubernetes Operator updates the mongoURI and ssl flags in the Ops Manager configuration based on your changes.

Type: string

Required if SCRAM authentication is enabled on the blockstore database. Name of the MongoDB user resource used to connect to the blockstore database. Deploy this user resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource and with all of the following roles:

Type: string

Name of the secret that contains the queryable.pem file from Ops Manager that you will use for accessing and querying backups based on your deployment's TLS requirements.The PEM file contains a public key certificate and its associated private key that are needed to access and run queries on backup snapshots in Ops Manager. To query backups, specify the value for this parameter. If not set, backups are not affected, but you can't query them.


Type: collection

Specification for the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the backup daemon service.

To review which fields you can add to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec, see StatefulSetSpec v1 apps in the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: collection

Template for the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the backup daemon service.


The Kubernetes Operator doesn't validate the fields you provide in spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.


Type: collection

Metadata for the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the backup daemon service.

To review which fields you can add to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.metadata, see the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: collection

Specifications of the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the backup daemon service.

To review the complete list of fields you can add to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.spec, see the Kubernetes documentation.

The following example spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.spec defines minimum and maximum CPU and memory capacity for one backup daemon service container the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator deploys:

- name: mongodb-backup-daemon
cpu: "0.50"
memory: "4500M"
cpu: "1"
memory: "6000M"

Type: collection

List of containers that belong to the Kubernetes Pods in the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for the backup daemon service.

To modify the specifications of the backup daemon service container, you must provide the exact name of the container using the name field, as shown in the following example:

- name: mongodb-backup-daemon


When you add containers to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers, the Kubernetes Operator adds them to the Kubernetes pod. These containers are appended to the Backup Daemon Service containers in the pod.


Type: string

Minimum CPU capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host the backup daemon service.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.limits.cpu.


Type: string

Maximum CPU capacity for the node being created to host the backup daemon service. If omitted, this value is set to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.cpu.


Type: string

Minimum memory capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host the backup daemon service on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of memory in JEDEC notation.


Set this value to at least 4.5Gi. Values of less than 4.5Gi might result in an error.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.limits.memory.


Type: string

Maximum memory capacity for the node being created to host the backup daemon service. If omitted, this value is set to spec.backup.statefulSet.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.requests.memory.

The Kubernetes Operator calculates and sets parameters for Java heap size based on the container's memory.


Limit this value to less than 32 GB

Setting this value to a value greater than 32 GB (32Gi) can cause issues with the backup service. Excessive heaps can cause unpredictable results in Ops Manager.

You can configure Ops Manager to use S3 for storing oplogs and backup snapshots, and secure connections to S3 with TLS using keys issued by custom CA.

To configure custom CA keys, use the ConfigMap with which you configured TLS for your Application Database as described on the TLS-Encrypted Connection (HTTPS) tab of Deploy an Ops Manager Resource. Set to this ConfigMap.

You can use TLS for both S3 and your Application Database, or for S3 only.

  • To use TLS for both, get certificates for both purposes from the same ca-pem referenced in the ConfigMap.

  • To use TLS for S3 only, don't define in your ConfigMap.


Type: array of strings

A list of assignment labels for S3 oplog stores. Use assignment labels to identify that specific S3 oplog stores are associated with particular projects. If you set assignment labels using the Kubernetes Operator, the values that you set in the Kubernetes configuration file for assignment labels override the values defined in the Ops Manager UI. Assignment labels that you don't set using the Kubernetes Operator continue to use the values set in the Ops Manager UI.


Type: boolean

Deprecated. Use spec.backup.s3OpLogStores.customCertificateSecretRefs instead.

Flag that indicates whether you use AppDB certificates (appdb-ca) as the custom TLS certificate for your S3 oplog store. The default is False.


Type: array of objects

List of custom certificates for your S3 oplog store using Kubernetes secrets. The base64-encoded x.509 certificate must already be present in a Kubernetes secret with a key and must be parsable by the Java CertifcateFactory. You can't specify multiple certificates in a chain in one secret. If you specify multiple certificates in a chain in one secret, Kubernetes Operator uses only the first certificate in the chain. If you also provide the customCertificate setting, Kubernetes Operator uses the as the custom certificate for backups.

Each entry in the list specifies the name and the key. If you specify multiple secrets, Kubernetes Operator uses all the certificates in the specified secrets.

If you don't provide this setting, Ops Manager uses the JVM Default Trust Store used by Ops Manager.

Type: string

Required to use custom certificates for your S3 oplog store. Kubernetes secret that contains the custom certificate.


Type: string

The Kubernetes service's default server type.


Type: string

Required to use custom certificates for your S3 oplog store. File that represents the key in the secret that contains the base64-encoded x.509 certificate. If you don't specify this setting, the Kubernetes Operator can't utilize the custom certificate for S3 oplog store backups.


Type: boolean

Flag that enables using AWS IAM roles for service accounts in AWS EKS to configure an S3 oplog store. The default is False. If you aren't using AWS EKS, this flag has no effect. When set to False, using AWS IAM roles for service accounts in EKS to configure an S3 oplog store is disabled. To learn more, see IAM roles for service accounts in EKS.

Type: string

Required to store the oplog using an S3 store. Name of the S3 oplog store.

Type: string

Name of the MongoDB database resource that you create to store metadata for the S3 oplog store. You must deploy this database resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource.


Omit this setting to use the Application Database to store metadata for the S3 oplog store.

If you omit this setting, you must also omit the setting. The Kubernetes Operator handles SCRAM user authentication internally.

If you enable SCRAM authentication on this database, you must:

  • Create a MongoDB user resource to connect Ops Manager to the database.

  • Specify the name of the user in the Ops Manager resource definition.

Type: string

Required if you created a MongoDB database resource to store S3 oplog metadata and SCRAM is enabled on this database. Name of the MongoDB user resource used to connect to the metadata database of the S3 oplog store. Deploy this user resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource and with all of the following roles:


Once specified, don't edit the name of the S3 metadata oplog store username.

Type: string

Required to store the oplog using an S3 store. Name of the secret that contains the accessKey and secretKey fields. The backup daemon service uses the values of these fields as credentials to access your AWS S3 or S3-compatible bucket. To configure the S3 oplog store, you must specify both keys in the secret.


Type: boolean

Indicates the style of the bucket endpoint URL.



Path-style URL<bucket>


Virtual-host-style URL


To learn more about annotations and TLS support on AWS, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Default value is true.


Type: string

Required to store the oplog using an S3 store. URL of the AWS S3 bucket or S3-compatible bucket that hosts the oplog store.


If your endpoint doesn't include a region in its URL, specify the s3RegionOverride field.


Type: string

Required to store the oplog using an S3 store. Name of the AWS S3 bucket or S3-compatible bucket that hosts the oplog store.


Type: string

Region where your S3-compatible bucket resides. Use this field only if your S3 oplog store's s3BucketEndpoint doesn't support region scoping. Region scoping is when your endpoint doesn't include a region in its URL.

Don't use this field with AWS S3 buckets. For more information, see S3 Blockstore Configuration.


Type: array of strings

A list of assignment labels for the S3 or S3-compatible buckets where stores the database backup snapshots. Use assignment labels to identify that specific S3 stores are associated with particular projects. If you set assignment labels using the Kubernetes Operator, the values that you set in the Kubernetes configuration file for assignment labels override the values defined in the Ops Manager UI. Assignment labels that you don't set using the Kubernetes Operator continue to use the values set in the Ops Manager UI.


Type: boolean

Deprecated. Use spec.backup.s3Stores.customCertificateSecretRefs instead.

Flag that indicates whether you use Application Database's certificates (appdb-ca) as the custom TLS certificate for your S3 backups. The default is False.


Type: array of objects

List of custom certificates for your S3 snapshot store using Kubernetes secrets. The base64-encoded x.509 certificate must already be present in a Kubernetes secret with a key and must be parsable by the Java CertifcateFactory. You can't specify multiple certificates in a chain in one secret. If you specify multiple certificates in a chain in one secret, Kubernetes Operator uses only the first certificate in the chain. If you also provide the spec.backup.s3Stores.customCertificate setting, Kubernetes Operator uses the as the custom certificate for backups.

Each entry in the list specifies the name and the key. If you specify multiple secrets, Kubernetes Operator uses all the specified secrets.

If you don't provide this setting, the Kubernetes Operator uses the JVM Default Trust Store used by Ops Manager for backups.

Type: string

Required to use custom certificates for your S3 oplog store. Kubernetes secret that contains the custom certificate.


Type: string

Required to use custom certificates for your S3 oplog store. File that represents the key in the secret that contains the base64-encoded x.509 certificate. If you don't specify this setting, Kubernetes Operator can't utilize the custom certificate for S3 snapshot store and defaults to the default JVM {Java Virtual Machine) trust store used by Ops Manager.


Type: boolean

Flag that enables using AWS IAM roles for service accounts in AWS EKS to configure an S3 snapshot store. The default is False. If you aren't using AWS EKS, this flag has no effect. When set to False, using AWS IAM roles for service accounts in EKS to configure an S3 snapshot store is disabled. To learn more, see IAM roles for service accounts in EKS.

Type: string

Required to store the oplog using an S3 store. Name of the S3 snapshot store.


Once specified, don't edit the name of the S3 snapshot store. This change will likely fail if backups use the old name. The consequences of a successful change are unpredictable.

Type: string

Name of the MongoDB resource or MongoDBMultiCluster resource that you create to store metadata for the S3 snapshot store. You must deploy this database resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource.


Omit this setting to use the Application Database to store metadata for the S3 snapshot store.

If you omit this setting, you must also omit the setting. The Kubernetes Operator handles SCRAM user authentication internally.

If you enable SCRAM authentication on this database, you must:

  • Create a MongoDB user resource to connect Ops Manager to the database.

  • Specify the name of the user in the Ops Manager resource definition.


Once specified, don't edit the name of the S3 snapshot store. This change will likely fail if backups use the old name. The consequences of a successful change are unpredictable.

If a MongoDB database resource with this name doesn't exist, the backup resource enters a Pending state. The Kubernetes Operator retries every 10 seconds until a MongoDB database resource with this name is created.


The Kubernetes Operator begins to reconcile the Ops Manager resource automatically when you make security changes to the database resources you reference in this setting. The Kubernetes Operator updates the mongoURI and ssl flags in the Ops Manager configuration based on your changes.

Type: string

Required if you created a MongoDB database resource to store |s3| snapshot metadata and SCRAM is enabled on this database. Name of the MongoDB user resource used to connect to the metadata database of the S3 snapshot store. Deploy this user resource in the same namespace as the Ops Manager resource and with all of the following roles:


Once specified, don't edit the name of the S3 metadata snapshot store username.

Type: string

Required if you enable Backup using an S3 store. Name of the secret that contains the accessKey and secretKey fields. The backup daemon service uses the values of these fields as credentials to access your AWS S3 or S3-compatible bucket. The S3 snapshot store can't be configured if the secret is missing either key.


Type: boolean

Indicates the style of the bucket endpoint URL.



Path-style URL<bucket>


Virtual-host-style URL


Default value is true.


Type: string

Required if you enable Backup using an S3 store. URL of the AWS S3 bucket or S3-compatible bucket that hosts the snapshot store.


If your endpoint doesn't include a region in its URL, specify the s3RegionOverride field.


Type: string

Required if you enable Backup using an S3 store. Name of the AWS S3 bucket or S3-compatible bucket that hosts the snapshot store.


Type: string

Region where your S3-compatible bucket resides. Use this field only if your S3 store's s3BucketEndpoint doesn't support region scoping. Region scoping is when your endpoint doesn't include a region in its URL.

Don't use this field with AWS S3 buckets. For more information, see S3 Blockstore Configuration.

This section describes settings that you must use in addition to the required Ops Manager settings in order to configure your Ops Manager Application Database.


Type: string

Required. Version of MongoDB installed on the Ops Manager Application Database. You must specify a compatible enterprise MongoDB version based on the tag in the container registry. For example, 6.0.0-ubi8. Starting in Kubernetes Operator version 1.20, tags no longer end in -ent.


Ensure that you choose a compatible MongoDB Server version.

Compatible versions differ depending on the base image that the MongoDB database resource uses.


If you update this value to a later version of MongoDB for the Application Database, the feature compatibility version remains at the MongoDB version you're upgrading from to give you the option to downgrade if necessary. If you want the feature compatibility version to match the new MongoDB version, you must manually set the featureCompatibilityVersion parameter under spec.applicationDatabase.

This section describes optional settings related to your Ops Manager Application Database. For optional application database settings specific to your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment, see Multi-Cluster Settings.


Type: collection

Ops Manager Application Database resource definition.

The following settings from the replica set resource specification are optional.


All settings under spec.applicationDatabase.agent apply to both Automation and Monitoring, unless you specify values for Automation and Monitoring separately in spec.applicationDatabase.agent and spec.applicationDatabase.monitoringAgent.


Type: string

Default: INFO

Configures the level of Automation Agent logging inside the Pod. Accepted values include:


  • INFO

  • WARN




Type: object

Replace component with one of the following values:

  • mongod

  • backupAgent

  • monitoringAgent

MongoDB configuration object for rotating the MongoDB logs of a process. To use the agent.<component>.logRotate settings, you must set systemLog.destination to file because you can't use the agent.<component>.logRotate settings if you're writing logs to the host's syslog system.


Type: integer

Default: 0

Total number of log files that Ops Manager retains. If you don't change the default, Ops Manager bases rotation on your other agent.<compenet>.logRotate settings.


Type: integer

Default: 5

Maximum number of total log files to leave uncompressed, including the current log file.


Type: number

Default: 0.02

Maximum percentage of total disk space that Ops Manager can use to store the log files expressed as decimal. If this limit is exceeded, Ops Manager deletes compressed log files until it meets this limit. Ops Manager deletes the oldest log files first.


Type: number

Replace component with one of the following values:

  • mongod

  • backupAgent

  • monitoringAgent

Required if rotating logs. Maximum size in MB for an individual log file before Ops Manager rotates it. Ops Manager rotates the log file immediately if it meets the value given in either this sizeThresholdMB or the logRotate.timeThresholdHrs limit.


Type: integer

Replace component with one of the following values:

  • mongod

  • backupAgent

  • monitoringAgent

Required if rotating logs. Maximum duration in hours for an individual log file before the next rotation. The time is since the last rotation. Ops Manager rotates the log file immediately if it meets the value given in either timeThresholdHrs or the logRotate.sizeThresholdM limit.


Type: object

MongoDB configuration object for rotating the MongoDB audit logs of a process.


Type: integer

Default: 0

Total number of audit log files that Ops Manager retains. If you don't change the default value, Ops Manager bases rotation on your other agent.mongod.auditlogRotate settings.


Type: integer

Default: 5

Maximum number of total audit log files to leave uncompressed, including the current audit log file.


Type: number

Default: 0.02

Maximum percentage of total disk space that Ops Manager can use to store the audit log files expressed as decimal. If you exceed this limit, Ops Manager deletes compressed audit log files until it meets this limit. Ops Manager deletes the oldest audit log files first.


Type: number

Required if rotating audit logs. Maximum size in MB for an individual audit log file before Ops Manager rotates it. Ops Manager rotates the audit log file immediately if it reaches the value in either sizeThresholdMB or the auditlogRotate.timeThresholdHrs limit.


Type: integer

Required if rotating audit logs. Maximum duration in hours for an individual audit log file before the next rotation. The time is since the last rotation. Ops Manager rotates the audit log file immediately if it reaches the value in either timeThresholdHrs or the auditlogRotate.sizeThresholdM limit.


Type: object

MongoDB configuration object for startup options. See MongoDB Agent Settings for available fields.


Type: object

MongoDB configuration object for configuring the systemLog options.


Type: string

Default: /var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/mongodb.log

The path of the log file to which mongod or mongos should send all diagnostic logging information, rather than the standard output or the host's syslog. MongoDB creates the log file at the specified path.

The Linux package init scripts don't expect systemLog.path to change from the defaults. If you use the Linux packages and change systemLog.path, you will have to use your own init scripts and disable the built-in scripts.


Type: boolean

Default: false

When true, mongos or mongod appends new entries to the end of the existing log file when the mongos or mongod instance restarts. Without this option, mongod will back up the existing log and create a new file.


Type: string

The destination to which MongoDB sends all log output. Specify either file or syslog. If you specify file, you must also specify systemLog.path.

If you don't specify systemLog.path, MongoDB sends all log output to standard output.


The syslog daemon generates timestamps when it logs a message, not when MongoDB issues the message. This behavior can lead to misleading timestamps for log entries, especially when the system is under heavy load. We recommend using the file option for production systems to ensure accurate timestamps.


Type: array of objects

Specification for each Application Database replica set member in your Ops Manager deployment.


If you set spec.topology to MultiCluster, use spec.applicationDatabase.clusterSpecList.memberConfig instead of spec.applicationDatabase.memberConfig. In a multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment, the Kubernetes Operator ignores all parameters under spec.applicationDatabase.memberConfig.

The number of elements in the memberConfig list must equal spec.applicationDatabase.members.

The order of the elements in the memberConfig list must reflect the order of members in the replica set. For example, the first element of the array affects the Pod at index 0, the second element affects index 1, and so on.


Consider the following example specification for a three-member replica set for the Application Database:

- votes: 1
priority: "0.5"
tag1: "value1"
environment: "prod"
- votes: 1
priority: "1.5"
tag2: "value2"
environment: "prod"
- votes: 0
priority: "0"
tag2: "value2"
environment: "prod"

Type: string

Number that indicates the relative likelihood of an Application Database replica set member to become the primary.

  • To increase the relative likelihood that a replica set member becomes the primary, specify a higher priority value.

  • To decrease the relative likelihood that a replica set member becomes the primary, specify a lower priority value.

For example, a member with a memberConfig.priority of 1.5 is more likely than a member with a memberConfig.priority of 0.5 to become the primary.

A member with a memberConfig.priority of 0 is ineligible to become the primary. To learn more, see Member Priority.


Type: map

Map of replica set tags for directing read and write operations to specific members of your Application Database replica set.


Type: number

Determines whether an Application Database replica set member can vote in an election. Set to 1 to allow the member to vote. Set to 0 to exclude the member from an election.

Type: string

Name of the secret that contains the password for the Ops Manager database user mongodb-ops-manager. Ops Manager uses this password to authenticate to the Application Database.


Type: string

Name of the field in the secret that contains the password for the Ops Manager database user mongodb-ops-manager. Ops Manager uses this password to authenticate to the Application Database.

The default value is password.

Type: string

Text to prefix to the Kubernetes secret that you created that contains your Application Database's TLS key and certificate.

You must name your secret <prefix>-<>-db-cert.

To learn how to configure your Ops Manager instance to run over HTTPS, see Deploy an Ops Manager Resource.

Type: string

Name of the Kubernetes ConfigMap containing the CA file for the Application Database.

Important is required if you use a custom CA to sign your Application Database's TLS certificates.

The Kubernetes Operator requires that you name the Application Database's certificate ca-pem in the ConfigMap.

The CA specified in this section is also used for configuring custom TLS certificates for S3 storage when either spec.backup.s3OpLogStores.customCertificate or spec.backup.s3Stores.customCertificate are set to true.

This CA signs the certificates that:

  • the Application Database replica set members use to communicate with one another, and

  • Ops Manager uses to communicate with the Application Database replica set.


You must concatenate your custom CA file and the entire TLS certificate chain from to prevent Ops Manager from becoming inoperable if the application database restarts.

Important is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To enable TLS, provide a value for the setting.

Encrypts communications using TLS certificates between Ops Manager and the Application Database.

The following settings apply when you use Prometheus with your Application Database:


Type: array

Optional. List that contains the parameters for exposing metrics to Prometheus.


Type: string

Default: "/metrics"

Optional. Human-readable string that indicates the path to the metrics endpoint. If you don't specify this setting, the default applies.


Type: object

Conditional Object that contains the details of the secret for basic HTTP authentication. If you want to use Prometheus with your Application Database, you must specify this setting.


Type: string

Default: "password"

Optional. Human-readable string that identifies the key in the secret that stores the password for basic HTTP authentication. If you don't specify this setting, the default applies.

Type: string


Human-readable label that identifies the secret that contains the password for basic HTTP authentication. If you want to use Prometheus with your Application Database, you must specify this setting.


Type: integer

Default: 9216

Optional. Number that identifies the port that the metrics endpoint will bind to. If you don't specify this setting, the default applies.


Type: object

Optional. Object that contains the details of the secret for TLS authentication.


Type: string

Default: "password"

Optional. Human-readable string that identifies the key in the secret that stores the password for TLS authentication. If you don't specify this setting, the default applies.

Type: string

Conditional. Human-readable label that identifies the secret that contains the password for TLS authentication. If you want to use Prometheus with your Application Database and you want to use TLS authentication, you must specify this setting.


Type: string

Conditional. Human-readable label that identifies the user for basic HTTP authentication. If you want to use Prometheus with your application database, you must specify this setting.

This section describes settings that you must use for your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment in addition to the required Ops Manager settings.


Type: integer

Conditional. The number of Ops Manager members in the Ops Manager cluster in a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment. When you set spec.topology to MultiCluster, you must specify the value for this parameter. Omit this parameter for single-cluster deployments. If you set this parameter to zero, this removes this Ops Manager member cluster from the list of member clusters in the multi-Kubernetes cluster of Ops Manager instances.


Type: string

The type of the Kubernetes deployment for the Ops Manager Resource.

  • The values are SingleCluster or MultiCluster. If omitted, the default value is SingleCluster.

  • If you specify MultiCluster:

Ops Manager resources can also use the following settings specific to multi-cluster Ops Manager deployments:


Type: collection

Conditional. Details of selected Kubernetes member clusters in a multi-Kubernetes cluster where you intend to deploy Ops Manager or Backup Daemon instances. See also the example of the resource specification.


Type: string

Optional. Name of the member Kubernetes cluster in a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment where the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator schedules the StatefulSet for Ops Manager or the Backup Daemon.


Type: string

Optional. An override for spec.clusterDomain for the specific Ops Manager member cluster. If you omit this value, defaults to the value set in spec.clusterDomain. Kubernetes assigns each Pod a FQDN. The Kubernetes Operator calculates the FQDN for each Pod using a provided clusterDomain value. Kubernetes doesn't provide an API to query these hostnames.


Type: collection

Optional. Ops Manager configuration properties that override properties you set in spec.configuration for the specific cluster. See Ops Manager Configuration Settings for property names and descriptions. Each property takes a value of type string. For example, setting these properties allows you to change environment variables that you must pass to Ops Manager and the Backup Daemon in that particular member cluster.

If you omit specifying values, defaults to the values set in spec.configuration.


Type: array of strings

Optional. JVM parameters passed to the Ops Manager and Backup Daemon instances for this member cluster.


Type: collection

Optional. Configuration object that enables external connectivity to Ops Manager for the specific cluster. This is an override for spec.externalConnectivity for the specific cluster.

Specify values for this parameter to change how the Ops Manager application is exposed externally in different clusters. For example, if you deploy Ops Manager on Kubernetes nodes across different cloud providers, you might be required to specify cloud proviver-specific values for this parameter.

If you set this parameter:

  • The Kubernetes Operator doesn't use spec.externalConnectivity values for this member Ops Manager cluster.

  • The Kubernetes Operator creates a Kubernetes service, named <om-name>-svc-ext, that allows traffic originating from outside of the Kubernetes cluster to reach the Ops Manager application on this member cluster.

If you omit this parameter, the Kubernetes Operator uses values from spec.externalConnectivity for this member cluster.


Type: collection

Optional. Specification for the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for a specific member cluster in the multi-Kubernetes cluster Ops Manager deployment. This parameter is an override for spec.statefulSet.spec. If you omit it, the Kubernetes Operator uses the values from spec.statefulSet.spec. For example, you can use this parameter to specify different storage values for each of your Ops Manager clusters in the multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment.

To review which fields you can add to spec.clusterSpecList.statefulSet.spec, see StatefulSetSpec v1 apps in the Kubernetes documentation.


Optional. Backup settings that override values specified under spec.backup for that particular member cluster.

  • You can set these values only if spec.backup.enabled is set to true.

  • If you omit setting any values for this parameter, they default to values specified in settings under spec.backup.

  • Not all backup settings are supported in this override. You can't override the following backup settings because they apply globally to all member clusters, if specified under spec.backup:

    • externalServiceEnabled

    • headDB

    • opLogStores

    • blockStores

    • s3Stores

    • fileSystemStores

    • queryableBackupSecretRef

    • encryption


Type: integer

Optional. Override for spec.backup.members. The number of Backup Daemon instances to deploy in this cluster. if you omit this value or provide a value of 0, the Kubernetes Operator won't deploy Backup Daemon instances in a particular member cluster.


Type: array of strings

Optional. Override for spec.backup.assignmentLabels. If specified, the Kubernetes Operator uses the values you specify in this override for all Backup Daemon instances in a particular member cluster. If you omit values for this parameter, the values default to those specified in spec.backup.assignmentLabels for all Backup Daemon instances in a member cluster.


Type: array of strings

Optional. Override for spec.backup.jvmParameters. Allows you to customize the JVM value for Backup Daemon instances in a particular member cluster.


Type: string

Optional. Override for spec.backup.statefulSet.spec. Allows you to customize the values for a Backup Daemon in a particular member cluster. To review which fields you can add to spec.clusterSpecList[*].backup.statefulSet, see StatefulSetSpec v1 apps in the Kubernetes documentation.

This section describes settings specific to your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment that you must use for your Application Database.


Type: collection

Details of selected Kubernetes member clusters in a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment that serve as nodes that host the Application Database.


Type: string

Name of the member Kubernetes cluster in a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment where the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator schedules the StatefulSet for the Application Database.


You can't convert a single cluster Ops Manager instance to a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment instance by modifying the topology and the clusterSpecList settings in the CRD.


Type: number

Number of statefulSet nodes in the given member cluster. The member cluster is one of the member clusters that hosts the Application Database in a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment.


Type: string

The type of the Kubernetes deployment for the Application Database.

  • The values are SingleCluster or MultiCluster. If omitted, the default value is SingleCluster.

  • If you specify MultiCluster, you must specify at least one member

  • cluster on which you want to deploy the Application Database using the clusterSpecList, clusterName, members parameters.

  • If you specify MultiCluster, the Kubernetes Operator ignores values that you set for the spec.applicationDatabase.members field.

To learn more, see the example of the multi-cluster resource specification.

This section describes settings specific to your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment that you can use for your Application Database.


Type: array of strings

Specification for each Application Database replica set member in your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment.

The number of elements in the memberConfig list must equal spec.applicationDatabase.clusterSpecList.members.

The order of the elements in the memberConfig list must reflect the order of members in the replica set. For example, the first element of the array affects the Pod at index 0, the second element affects index 1, and so on.


Consider the following example specification for a three-member replica set for the Application Database:

replicas: 3
version: 4.4.1
enabled: true
storage: 10Gi
storageClassName: standard
- name: appdb
members: 3
- votes: 1
priority: "0.5"
tag1: "value1"
environment: "prod"
- votes: 1
priority: "1.5"
tag2: "value2"
environment: "prod"
- votes: 0
priority: "0"
tag2: "value2"
environment: "prod"

Type: string

Number that indicates the relative likelihood of an Application Database replica set member to become the primary.

  • To increase the relative likelihood that a replica set member becomes the primary, specify a higher priority value.

  • To decrease the relative likelihood that a replica set member becomes the primary, specify a lower priority value.

For example, a member with a memberConfig.priority of 1.5 is more likely than a member with a memberConfig.priority of 0.5 to become the primary.

A member with a memberConfig.priority of 0 is ineligible to become the primary. To learn more, see Member Priority.


Type: map

Map of replica set tags for directing read and write operations to specific members of your Application Database replica set.


Type: number

Determines whether an Application Database replica set member can vote in an election. Set to 1 to allow the member to vote. Set to 0 to exclude the member from an election.