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Connect to a MongoDB Database Resource from Inside Kubernetes

The following procedure describes how to connect to a MongoDB resource deployed by Kubernetes from inside of the Kubernetes cluster.

You must be able to connect to the host and port where you deployed your Kubernetes resource. To learn more about connecting to your deployment, see Connect to a MongoDB Process.

Retrieve and run the connection command for your deployment. You can retrieve the connection command from the Ops Manager or Cloud Manager application, depending on where your clusters are hosted. You can also retrieve the connection command from the Kubernetes secret that the Kubernetes Operator creates automatically when you add a MongoDB user with SCRAM authentication or X509.

The procedure for connecting to a MongoDB Database resource varies based on how you want to retrieve your connection string:

Perform the following steps in the Ops Manager or Cloud Manager application, depending on where your clusters are hosted:


Click Deployment in the left navigation.



To connect to a sharded cluster resource named shardedcluster, you might use the following connection string:

mongosh --host shardedcluster-mongos-0.shardedcluster-svc.mongodb.svc.cluster.local \
--port 27017

When connecting to a resource from inside of Kubernetes, the hostname to which you connect has the following form:


When you create a new MongoDB database user, Kubernetes Operator automatically creates a new Kubernetes secret. The Kubernetes secret contains the following information about the new database user:

  • username: Username for the database user

  • password: Password for the database user

  • connectionString.standard: Standard connection string that can connect you to the database as this database user.

  • connectionString.standardSrv: DNS seed list connection string that can connect you to the database as this database user.


Alternatively, you can specify an optional spec.connectionStringSecretName field in the MongoDB User Resource Specification to specify the name of the connection string secret that the Kubernetes Operator creates.

Perform the following steps to view the credentials and use the connection string to connect to MongoDB:


Run the following command in a terminal to view the secret, replacing the variables with the values in the table:



Human-readable label that identifies the MongoDB resource.


Human-readable label that identifies the MongoDB user.

kubectl get secret {MongoDB-Resource-Name}-{User-Name}-admin -o jsonpath='{.data}'

If this command returns an error, you can verify the name of the secret by running the following command and retrieving the correct name:

kubectl get secrets

Use the connectionString.standard value within a connection string to connect to the deployment.

mongosh {connectionString.standard}

You can mount the secret in your pod to ensure that your applications can access the credentials.