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The MongoDBOpsManager Custom Resource Definition

The Kubernetes Operator manages Ops Manager deployments using the MongoDBOpsManager custom resource in each Kubernetes cluster where you deploy the resource. The Kubernetes Operator watches the resource's specification for changes. When the specification changes, the Kubernetes Operator validates the changes and makes the appropriate updates to the resource in each of the Kubernetes clusters where you deploy Ops Manager components.

MongoDBOpsManager custom resources specification defines the following Ops Manager components:

  • The Application Database

  • The Ops Manager application

  • The Backup Daemon

The following diagram describes the related components for an Ops Manager deployment:

  • In single-cluster deployments, you deploy these components in the same Kubernetes cluster where you install the Kubernetes Operator. This cluster is known as the "operator cluster".

  • In multi-cluster deployments, you:

    • Deploy each component in different Kubernetes clusters, known as "member clusters". You can also deploy a simplified multi-cluster deployment with a single member Kubernetes cluster. To learn more, see Single- and Multi-Cluster Mode.

    • Install the Kubernetes Operator in one Kubernetes cluster, known as the "operator cluster" from where the Kubernetes Operator manages all other member clusters. The operator cluster can also be considered a member cluster as it too can host the Ops Manager components. See Multi-Cluster Architecture Diagram.

Diagram showing the high-level architecture of the MongoDB
Enterprise Kubernetes Operator (single Kubernetes Cluster)

For the Application Database, the Kubernetes Operator deploys a MongoDB replica set as a StatefulSet.

Each Pod for the Application Database has the following containers:

  • mongod.

  • MongoDB Agent. To override the MongoDB Agent version, use the $AGENT_IMAGE environment variable or agent.version in the Helm chart that you use for installing the Kubernetes Operator.

  • Monitoring Agent. You can't override the Monitoring Agent's version. The version that the Kubernetes Operator uses ensures backwards compatibility with the Ops Manager versions.

    To view the Monitoring Agent's version:

    • Inspect /usr/local/om_version_mapping.json inside the Pod for the Kubernetes Operator or the image for the Kubernetes Operator.

    • Check the Monitoring Agent's container image on the Pod where you deploy the Application Database.

In multi-cluster deployments (when you set spec.applicationDatabase.topology to MultiCluster), the Kubernetes Operator creates the StatefulSet in each Kubernetes cluster specified for the Application Database in spec.applicationDatabase.clusterSpecList.

The following actions take place in each member Kubernetes cluster hosting MongoDB replica set nodes for the Application Database:

  • Kubernetes creates one Pod in the StatefulSet for each node that comprises your Application Database replica set. Each Pod in the StatefulSet runs a mongod and the MongoDB Agent.

    To enable each MongoDB Agent to start mongod on its Pod in the StatefulSet, you must specify a specific MongoDB Server version for the Application Database using the spec.applicationDatabase.version setting. The version that you specify in this setting must correspond to the tag in the container registry.

  • Each MongoDB Agent starts mongods on its Application Database Pod. MongoDB Agent's add mongod processes to the Application Database replica set.

    You configure the number of replicas and other configuration options for the Application Database replica set in the spec.applicationDatabase collection in the MongoDBOpsManager custom resource. The Kubernetes Operator passes this configuration to the MongoDB Agent's using a secret that the Kubernetes Operator mounts to each Pod in the Application Database StatefulSet.

    In multi-cluster Application Database deployments, (where spec.applicationDatabase.topology is set to MultiCluster), you specify the number of nodes in each member cluster separately for each member cluster in spec.applicationDatabase.clusterSpecList. In multi-cluster deployments, the replicas setting in spec.applicationDatabase is ignored.

  • Each time that you update the spec.applicationDatabase collection, the Kubernetes Operator applies the changes to the MongoDB Agent configuration and the StatefulSet specification, if applicable. If the StatefulSet specification changes, Kubernetes upgrades the Pods in a rolling fashion and restarts each Pod.

  • To provide connectivity to each Application Database Pod from within each Kubernetes cluster hosting the Application Database, the Kubernetes Operator creates a headless service. In multi-cluster deployments of the Application Database, the Kubernetes Operator also creates one service per Pod named <om_resource_name>-db-N-svc (this corresponds to, and uses its FQDN, such as <om_resource_name>-db-0.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local, as a hostname for connecting to a particular mongod.

  • Depending on the StorageClass or the environment to which you deploy the Kubernetes Operator, Kubernetes might create the Persistent Volumes using dynamic volume provisioning.

    You can customize the Persistent Volume Claims for the Application Database Pods using spec.applicationDatabase.podSpec.persistence.single or spec.applicationDatabase.podSpec.persistence.multiple.

To elect a primary, a majority of the Application Database replica set's nodes must be available. If a majority of replica set's nodes fail, the replica set can't form a voting majority to elect a primary node. To learn more, see Replica Set Deployment Architectures.

If possible, use an odd number of member Kubernetes clusters and distribute your Application Database nodes across data centers, zones, or Kubernetes clusters. To learn more, see Replica Sets Distributed Across Two or More Data Centers.

Consider the following examples of the Application Database's topology:

For a five-member Application Database, some possible distributions of members include:

  • Two clusters: three members to Cluster 1 and two members to Cluster 2.

    • If Cluster 2 fails, Cluster 1 hosts a sufficient number of Application Database's replica set members to elect a primary node.

    • If Cluster 1 fails, Cluster 2 doesn't have enough Application Database's members to elect a primary node.

  • Three clusters: two members to Cluster 1, two members to Cluster 2, and one member to Cluster 3.

    • If any single cluster fails, there are enough members on the remaining clusters to elect a primary node.

    • If two clusters fail, there are not enough members on any remaining cluster to elect a primary node.

For a seven-member Application Database, consider the following distribution of members:

  • Two clusters: four members to Cluster 1 and three members to Cluster 2.

    • If Cluster 2 fails, there are enough members on Cluster 1 to elect a primary node.

    • If Cluster 1 fails, there are not enough members on Cluster 2 to elect a primary node.

Although Cluster 2 meets the three member minimum for the Application Database, a majority of the Application Database's seven members must be available to elect a primary node.

To learn more, see Disaster Recovery for Ops Manager and AppDB Resources.

After the Application Database reaches a Running state, the Kubernetes Operator starts deploying the Ops Manager Application:

  • It configures a StatefulSet on each member Kubernetes cluster.

  • For each Ops Manager replica set that you want to deploy, Kubernetes creates one Pod in the StatefulSet.

  • Each Pod contains one Ops Manager Application process.

To make your single cluster Ops Manager deployment resilient to single Pod failures, increase the number of replicas hosting the Ops Manager Application, using spec.replicas.

To make your multi-cluster Ops Manager deployment resilient to entire data center or zone failures, deploy the Ops Manager Application in multiple Kubernetes clusters by setting spec.topology and spec.applicationDatabase.topology to MultiCluster. See also Disaster Recovery for Ops Manager and AppDB Resources.

If spec.backup.enabled is true, then on each member Kubernetes cluster, the Kubernetes Operator starts the Backup Daemon after the Ops Manager Application reaches a Running stage. For the Backup Daemon, the Kubernetes Operator deploys a StatefulSet to each member Kubernetes cluster. In each member cluster, Kubernetes creates as many Backup Daemon Pods in the StatefulSet as specified in spec.backup.members. In single cluster deployments, these actions take place on the operator cluster that you use for installing the Kubernetes Operator and deploying the Ops Manager components.

If you enable backup, configure the oplog store, a blockstore, or an S3 snapshot store at the global spec.backup level, and not for each Kubernetes member cluster.

You can also encrypt backup jobs, but limitations apply to deployments where the same Kubernetes Operator instance is not managing both the MongoDBOpsManager and MongoDB custom resources.

If you enable backup, the Kubernetes Operator creates a Persistent Volume Claim for the Backup Daemon's head database on each member Kubernetes cluster. You can configure the head database using the spec.backup.headDB setting.

The Kubernetes Operator invokes Ops Manager APIs to ensure that the Ops Manager Application's backup configuration matches the one that you define in the custom resource definitions for each member Kubernetes cluster.