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MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator

Deploy in Restricted Networks

This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy MongoDB Enterprise Operator, an Ops Manager instance, and a MongoDB replica set using the Kubernetes Operator in a restricted network OpenShift environment.


Red Hat Operator catalogs contain metadata that OLM queries to install Operators and their dependencies on a cluster. You must create a copy of the Operator catalog and then disable the default catalog as a cluster administrator.

The relatedImages in the operator bundle lists the following images:

  • Images directly used by the operator, which are the current version of mongodb-enterprise-init-database-ubi, mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager-ubi, mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb-ubi, mongodb-enterprise-init-database-ubi.

  • All currently supported images of Ops Manager, AppDB and mongodb-agent-ubi that can be configured in an Ops Manager deployment.

For init images, use only the version that is present in the latest Kubernetes Operator version.

The size of all related images referenced by the operator bundle is over 26 GB.

Your mirroring command won't pick unsupported versions of the AppDB images. If you want to use any other unsupported version, you must manually provide these images to the mirror registry. For other versions for a given operator version, see image for Deployment.

For the full list of images defined in the RELATED_IMAGE_* environment variables, see the CSV file.

  1. To mirror, see Mirroring images for a disconnected installation.

    When you run the oc adm catalog mirror command to mirror the catalog, it generates the imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml file, which you must apply to remap original source to mirrored images. For example:

    oc apply -f ./<output dir>/imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml

    To learn more, see Mirroring Operator catalogs for use with disconnected clusters. For a list of supported MongoDB versions for each Ops Manager version, see Compatible MongoDB Version.

  2. To disable the default catalog, add disableAllDefaultSources: true to the OperatorHub object.

To learn more, see Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks.


To learn more, see:

  • Plan your MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator Installation

  • Install the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator


To deploy Ops Manager in Local Mode, you must do the following:

  1. Copy the following example Ops Manager Kubernetes object and save it as a .yaml file.

    • Use the Ops Manager configuration setting automation.versions.source: local in spec.configuration to enable Local Mode.

    • Define a Persistent Volume for the Ops Manager StatefulSet to store the MongoDB installation archive. MongoDB Agent's running in MongoDB database resource containers that you create with the Kubernetes Operator download the installation archives from Ops Manager instead of from the Internet.

    2kind: MongoDBOpsManager
    4 name: ops-manager-localmode
    6 replicas: 2
    7 version: "6.0.0"
    8 adminCredentials: ops-manager-admin-secret
    9 configuration:
    10 # this enables local mode in Ops Manager
    11 automation.versions.source: local
    12 statefulSet:
    13 spec:
    14 # the Persistent Volume Claim will be created for each Ops Manager Pod
    15 volumeClaimTemplates:
    16 - metadata:
    17 name: mongodb-versions
    18 spec:
    19 accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
    20 resources:
    21 requests:
    22 storage: "20Gi"
    23 template:
    24 spec:
    25 containers:
    26 - name: mongodb-ops-manager
    27 volumeMounts:
    28 - name: mongodb-versions
    29 # this is the directory in each Pod where all MongoDB
    30 # archives must be put
    31 mountPath: /mongodb-ops-manager/mongodb-releases
    32 backup:
    33 enabled: false
    34 applicationDatabase:
    35 members: 3
    36 persistent: true

    To learn more about the settings, see Deploy an Ops Manager Resource.

  2. Configure oc to default to your namespace.

    oc config set-context $(oc config current-context) --namespace=<metadata.namespace>
  3. Copy the following Ops Manager resource settings, paste into your existing Ops Manager resource, and save your Ops Manager config file.

    2 # this enables local mode in Ops Manager
    3 automation.versions.source: local
    5 spec:
    6 # the Persistent Volume Claim will be created for each Ops Manager Pod
    7 volumeClaimTemplates:
    8 - metadata:
    9 name: mongodb-versions
    10 spec:
    11 accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
    12 resources:
    13 requests:
    14 storage: "20Gi"
    15 template:
    16 spec:
    17 containers:
    18 - name: mongodb-ops-manager
    19 volumeMounts:
    20 - name: mongodb-versions
    21 # this is the directory in each Pod where all MongoDB
    22 # archives must be put
    23 mountPath: /mongodb-ops-manager/mongodb-releases
  4. Copy the MongoDB installation archive to the Ops Manager Persistent Volume.

    To learn how to copy MongoDB installation archive, see step 10 in the Configure an Ops Manager Resource to use Local Mode procedure.

  5. Create credentials and store them as a secret.

    Run the following command:


    Provide your public and private key values for the following parameters. To learn more, see Create Credentials for the Kubernetes Operator.

    oc \
    create secret generic ops-manager-admin-key \
    --from-literal="publicKey=<publicKey>" \
  6. Create a ConfigMap similar to the following:

    cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: my-project
    namespace: mongodb
    projectName: myProjectName # this is an optional parameter
    orgId: 5b890e0feacf0b76ff3e7183 # this is a required parameter

    To learn more about the settings in the ConfigMap, see step 7 in the OpenShift Quick Start.

To learn more about deploying Ops Manager in Local Mode, see Configure an Ops Manager Resource to use Local Mode.


You can Deploy a Replica Set or a Deploy a Sharded Cluster. To learn more, see Deploy a MongoDB Database Resource.


Quick Start