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C Driver

Run a Database Command

On this page

  • Overview
  • Execute a Command
  • Command Options
  • Response
  • Example
  • Output
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to run a database command with the C driver. You can use database commands to perform a variety of administrative and diagnostic tasks, such as fetching server statistics, initializing a replica set, or running an aggregation pipeline.


Prefer Driver Functions to Database Commands

The driver provides wrapper functions for many database commands. We recommend using driver functions instead of executing database commands when possible.

To perform administrative tasks, use the MongoDB Shell instead of the C driver. Calling the db.runCommand() method inside the shell is the preferred method to issue database commands, as it provides a consistent interface between the shell and drivers.

To run a database command, you must specify the command and any relevant parameters in a BSON document, then pass this BSON document to a command execution function. The C driver provides the following functions to run database commands:

  • mongoc_client_command_simple(), which runs a specified command on the server and stores the first document from the result in the reply BSON document. This function provides a simplified way to send a command directly to the server.

  • mongoc_client_command_with_opts(), which runs a specified command on the server and interprets opts according to the MongoDB server version. This function offers flexibilty by allowing additional options.

The following code shows how you can use the mongoc_client_command_simple() function to run the hello command, which returns information about the current member's role in the replica set, on a database:

bson_t reply;
bson_error_t error;
bson_t *command = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_INT32 (1));
bool retval = mongoc_client_command_simple (client, "admin", command, NULL, &reply, &error);
if (!retval) {
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to run command: %s\n", error.message);
} else {
char *str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (&reply, NULL);
printf ("%s\n", str);
bson_free (str);
bson_destroy (command);
bson_destroy (&reply);

For a full list of database commands and corresponding parameters, see the Additional Information section.

You can specify optional command behavior for the mongoc_client_command_with_opts() function. This function accepts a BSON document for the opts parameter.

You can pass a BSON document that specifies the following options:

  • readConcern

  • writeConcern

  • sessionId

  • collation

  • serverId

To learn more about a command and the options that it accepts, locate the command and follow the link in the Database Commands section of the Server manual.

The following code shows how to specify a grantRolesToUsers command with a majority write concern:

bson_t reply;
bson_error_t error;
bson_t *command = BCON_NEW(
"grantRolesToUser", BCON_UTF8("user011"),
"roles", "[", BCON_UTF8("readWrite"), "]"
mongoc_write_concern_t *write_concern = mongoc_write_concern_new();
mongoc_write_concern_set_w (write_concern, MONGOC_WRITE_CONCERN_W_MAJORITY);
bson_t *opts = bson_new();
mongoc_write_concern_append(write_concern, opts);
bool retval = mongoc_client_command_with_opts(client, "admin", command, NULL, opts, &reply, &error);
if (!retval) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to run command: %s\n", error.message);
} else {
char *str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json(&reply, NULL);
printf("Command Result: %s\n", str);
mongoc_write_concern_destroy (write_concern);


Read Preference

The mongoc_client_command_simple() and mongoc_client_command_with_opts() functions ignore the read preference setting you might have set on your client. By default, these functions use the primary read preference.

To specify a read preference other than the primary read preference, you must explicity pass it as an argument. The following code demonstrates how to specify a read preference and use it with the mongoc_client_command_simple() function:

read_prefs = mongoc_read_prefs_new(MONGOC_READ_SECONDARY);
command = BCON_NEW("hello", BCON_INT32(1));
retval = mongoc_client_command_simple(client, "admin", command,
read_prefs, &reply, &error);

For more information on read preference options, see Read Preference in the Server manual.

Each function returns either a BSON document or a cursor containing the response from the database after the command runs. Each database command performs a different function, so the response content can vary across commands. However, every response contains documents with the following fields:

  • <command result>: Provides fields specific to the database command. For example, count returns the n field and explain returns the queryPlanner field.

  • ok: Indicates whether the command succeeded (1) or failed (0).

The following code shows how you can use the mongoc_client_write_command_with_opts() function to run the cloneCollectionAsCapped command with the writeConcern option. It then uses the mongoc_client_read_command_with_opts() function to run the distinct command with the collation and readConcern options.

1bson_t reply;
2bson_error_t error;
4bson_t *cmd = BCON_NEW ("cloneCollectionAsCapped",
5 BCON_UTF8 ("my_collection"),
6 "toCollection",
7 BCON_UTF8 ("my_capped_collection"),
8 "size",
9 BCON_INT64 (1024 * 1024));
11/* Includes write concern "majority" in command options */
12mongoc_write_concern_t *write_concern = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
13mongoc_write_concern_set_w (write_concern, MONGOC_WRITE_CONCERN_W_MAJORITY);
14bson_t *opts = bson_new ();
15mongoc_write_concern_append (write_concern, opts);
17if (mongoc_client_write_command_with_opts (client, "test", cmd, opts, &reply, &error)) {
18 char *str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (&reply, NULL);
19 printf ("cloneCollectionAsCapped: %s\n", str);
20 bson_free (str);
21} else {
22 fprintf (stderr, "cloneCollectionAsCapped: %s\n", error.message);
25bson_free (cmd);
26bson_free (opts);
27bson_destroy (&reply);
29/* Defines distinct values of "x" in "my_collection" where "y" sorts after "one" */
30cmd = BCON_NEW ("distinct",
31 BCON_UTF8 ("my_collection"),
32 "key",
33 BCON_UTF8 ("x"),
34 "query",
35 "{",
36 "y",
37 "{",
38 "$gt",
39 BCON_UTF8 ("one"),
40 "}",
41 "}");
43mongoc_read_prefs_t *read_prefs = mongoc_read_prefs_new (MONGOC_READ_SECONDARY);
45/* Specifies "One" sorts after "one" to override default behavior */
46opts = BCON_NEW ("collation", "{", "locale", BCON_UTF8 ("en_US"), "caseFirst", BCON_UTF8 ("lower"), "}");
48/* Adds a read concern to "opts" */
49mongoc_read_concern_t *read_concern = mongoc_read_concern_new ();
50mongoc_read_concern_set_level (read_concern, MONGOC_READ_CONCERN_LEVEL_MAJORITY);
51mongoc_read_concern_append (read_concern, opts);
53if (mongoc_client_read_command_with_opts (client, "test", cmd, read_prefs, opts, &reply, &error)) {
54 char* str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (&reply, NULL);
55 printf ("distinct: %s\n", str);
56 bson_free (str);
57} else {
58 fprintf (stderr, "distinct: %s\n", error.message);
61bson_destroy (cmd);
62bson_destroy (opts);
63bson_destroy (&reply);
64mongoc_read_prefs_destroy (read_prefs);
65mongoc_read_concern_destroy (read_concern);
66mongoc_write_concern_destroy (write_concern);

The cloneCollectionAsCapped command clones a collection as a capped collection. Then, the distinct command gets the distinct values of a field with a given filter and collation. The example outputs the following result:

cloneCollectionAsCapped: { "ok": 1, ... } distinct: { "values": ["value1",
"value2", "value3"], "ok": 1, ... }

For more information about the concepts in this guide, see the following documentation:


Time Series