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C Driver

Delete Documents

On this page

  • Overview
  • Sample Data
  • Delete Operations
  • Delete One Document
  • Delete Multiple Documents
  • Customize the Delete Operation
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to use the C driver to remove documents from a MongoDB collection by performing delete operations.

A delete operation removes one or more documents from a MongoDB collection. You can perform a delete operation by using the mongoc_collection_delete_one() or mongoc_collection_delete_many() functions.

The examples in this guide use the restaurants collection in the sample_restaurants database from the Atlas sample datasets. To learn how to create a free MongoDB Atlas cluster and load the sample datasets, see the Get Started with Atlas guide.

You can perform delete operations by using the following functions:

  • mongoc_collection_delete_one(), which deletes the first document that matches the search criteria

  • mongoc_collection_delete_many(), which deletes all documents that match the search criteria

Each delete function accepts the following parameters:

  • Collection: Specifies the collection to modify.

  • Query filter document: Specifies which collection documents to delete. For more information about query filters, see the Query Filter Documents section in the MongoDB Server manual.

  • Results location: Specifies a pointer to overwritable storage that will contain operation results, or NULL.

  • Error location: Specifies a location for an error value, or NULL.

The following example uses the mongoc_collection_delete_one() function to remove a document in the restaurants collection that has a name value of "Ready Penny Inn":

bson_t *filter = BCON_NEW ("name", BCON_UTF8 ("Ready Penny Inn"));
bson_error_t error;
if (!mongoc_collection_delete_one (collection, filter, NULL, NULL, &error)) {
printf ("Delete error: %s\n", error.message);
bson_destroy (filter);

The following example uses the mongoc_collection_delete_many() function to remove all documents in the restaurants collection that have a borough value of "Brooklyn":

bson_t *filter = BCON_NEW ("borough", BCON_UTF8 ("Brooklyn"));
bson_error_t error;
if (!mongoc_collection_delete_many (collection, filter, NULL, NULL, &error)) {
printf ("Delete error: %s\n", error.message);
bson_destroy (filter);

You can modify the behavior of the mongoc_collection_delete_one() and mongoc_collection_delete_many() functions by passing a BSON document that specifies option values. The following table describes some options you can set in the document:



Specifies the kind of language collation to use when comparing text. For more information, see Collation in the MongoDB Server manual.
Type: bson_t


Sets the write concern for the operation.
Defaults to the write concern of the namespace.
Type: mongoc_write_concern_t


Specifies a document with a list of values to improve operation readability. Values must be constant or closed expressions that don't reference document fields. For more information, see the let statement in the MongoDB Server manual.
Type: bson_t


A comment to attach to the operation. For more information, see the insert command fields guide in the MongoDB Server manual.
Type: bson_value_t

The following example calls the mongoc_collection_delete_many() function to delete all documents in the restaurants collection that have a name value containing the string "Mongo". It also sets the comment option to add a comment to the operation:

bson_t *filter = BCON_NEW ("name", "{", "$regex", BCON_UTF8 ("Mongo"), "}");
bson_error_t error;
bson_t opts;
BCON_APPEND (&opts, "comment", BCON_UTF8 ("Deleting Mongo restaurants"));
if (!mongoc_collection_delete_many (collection, filter, &opts, NULL, &error)) {
printf ("Delete error: %s\n", error.message);
bson_destroy (filter);
bson_destroy (&opts);


If you use the mongoc_collection_delete_one() function instead of mongoc_collection_delete_many() in the preceding example, the driver deletes only the first document that has a name value containing "Mongo".

To learn more about any of the functions discussed in this guide, see the following API documentation:

