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MongoDB C++ Driver

Welcome to the documentation site for the official MongoDB C++ Driver.

Learn how to install the driver, establish a connection to MongoDB, and begin working with data in the Get Started with the C++ Driver tutorial.

Learn how to create and configure a connection to a MongoDB deployment in the Connect to MongoDB section.

Learn how you can retrieve data from MongoDB in the Read Data section.

Learn how you can write data to MongoDB in the Write Data to MongoDB section.

Learn how to use the C++ driver to work with MongoDB databases and collections in the Databases and Collections section.

Learn how to work with common types of indexes in the Optimize Queries with Indexes section.

Learn how to use the C++ driver to perform aggregation operations in the Transform Your Data with Aggregation section.

Learn about ways you can authenticate your application and encrypt your data in the Secure Your Data section.

Learn how to work with specialized data formats and custom types in the Specialized Data Formats section.

Learn about advanced configuration and installation options in the Advanced Configuration and Installation Options section.

For a list of new features and changes in each version, see the What's New section.

Learn what changes you might need to make to your application to upgrade driver versions in the Upgrade Driver Versions section.

Learn how to report bugs, contribute to the driver, and find help in the Issues & Help section.

For compatibility tables that show the recommended C++ driver version to use for specific C++ and MongoDB Server versions, see the Compatibility section.

For detailed information about types and methods in the C++ driver, see the C++ driver API documentation.


We recommend using the C++ standard library whenever possible by setting the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD configuration option to 17 or newer.

The MongoDB C++ Driver uses C++17 features std::optional<T> and std::string_view. If you configure the driver with a pre-C++17 standard, the bsoncxx library provides polyfill implementations for these C++17 features. The driver uses the bsoncxx polyfill implementations when the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD configuration option is set to a number less than 17. By default, this option is set to 11.


The choice of polyfill library has a direct impact on the public API and ABI for the mongocxx library. Changing the polyfill can lead to both source-breaking changes during compilation and binary-breaking changes during linking or execution. To limit reliance on polyfill-specific behavior, avoid using stdx::string_view and stdx::optional<T> with non-bsoncxx and non-mongocxx library interfaces.

Stability indicates whether this driver is recommended for production use. Currently, no drivers guarantee API or ABI stability.

For documentation about previous releases, see the legacy documentation.


(repo master branch)


Active development

New feature development

mongocxx 4.0.x


Bug fixes only

Current stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.11.x


Bug fixes until November 2025

Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.10.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.9.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.8.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.7.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.6.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.5.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.4.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.3.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.2.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.1.x



Previous stable C++ driver release

mongocxx 3.0.x



Previous stable C++ driver release |

The mongocxx is a ground-up rewrite of a C++ driver for MongoDB based on libmongoc. It requires a C++11 compiler. It is known to build on x86 and x86-64 architectures for Linux, macOS, Windows, and FreeBSD.

The mongocxx driver library includes a matching bson package, bsoncxx, that implements the BSON specification. This library can be used standalone for object serialization and deserialization even when one is not using MongoDB at all.

Releases of the mongocxx driver have version numbers like v3.x.y.


There were no v2.x.y C++ drivers to avoid confusion with the deprecated legacy-0.0-26compat-2.x.y drivers.

MongoDB C++ drivers are available under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0.