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C++ Driver

Retrieve Distinct Field Values

On this page

  • Overview
  • Sample Data
  • distinct() Method
  • Retrieve Distinct Values Across a Collection
  • Retrieve Distinct Values Across Specified Documents
  • Modify Distinct Behavior
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to use the C++ driver to retrieve the distinct values of a specified field across a collection.

Within a collection, different documents might contain different values for a single field. For example, one document in a restaurants collection has a borough value of "Manhattan", and another has a borough value of "Queens". By using the C++ driver, you can retrieve all the unique values that a field contains across multiple documents in a collection.

The examples in this guide use the restaurants collection in the sample_restaurants database from the Atlas sample datasets. To access this collection from your C++ application, instantiate a mongocxx::client that connects to an Atlas cluster and assign the following values to your db and collection variables:

auto db = client["sample_restaurants"];
auto collection = db["restaurants"];

To learn how to create a free MongoDB Atlas cluster and load the sample datasets, see the Get Started with Atlas guide.

To retrieve the distinct values for a specified field, call the distinct() method and pass in the name of the field you want to find distinct values for.

The following example retrieves the distinct values of the borough field in the restaurants collection:

auto cursor = collection.distinct("borough", {});
for(auto&& doc : cursor) {
std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;
{ "values" : [ "Bronx", "Brooklyn", "Manhattan", "Missing", "Queens", "Staten Island" ],
"ok" : 1.0, "$clusterTime" : { "clusterTime" : { "$timestamp" : { ... } },
"signature" : { "hash" : { ... }, "keyId" : ... } }, "operationTime" : { "$timestamp" : { ... } }

The operation returns a cursor that contains a single document. The document includes a list of distinct borough field values and metadata about the operation. Although several documents have the same value in the borough field, each value appears in the results only once.

You can provide a query filter to the distinct() method to find the distinct field values across a subset of documents in a collection. A query filter is an expression that specifies search criteria used to match documents in an operation. For more information about creating a query filter, see the Specify a Query guide.

The following example retrieves the distinct values of the borough field for all documents that have a cuisine field value of "Italian":

auto cursor = collection.distinct("borough", make_document(kvp("cuisine", "Italian")));
for(auto&& doc : cursor) {
std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;
{ "values" : [ "Bronx", "Brooklyn", "Manhattan", "Queens", "Staten Island" ],
"ok" : 1.0, "$clusterTime" : { "clusterTime" : { "$timestamp" : { ... },
"signature" : { "hash" : { ... }, "keyId" : ... } }, "operationTime" : { "$timestamp" : { ... } }

You can modify the behavior of the distinct() method by passing an instance of the mongocxx::options::distinct class as an argument. The following table describes the fields you can set in a mongocxx::options::distinct instance:

The collation to use for the operation.
Type: bsoncxx::document::view_or_value
The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the operation can run.
Type: std::chrono::milliseconds
The comment to attach to the operation.
Type: bsoncxx::types::bson_value::view_or_value
The read preference to use for the operation.
Type: mongocxx::read_preference

The following example retrieves the distinct values of the name field for all documents that have a borough field value of "Bronx" and a cuisine field value of "Pizza". It also specifies the comment field of an options instance to add a comment to the operation:

mongocxx::options::distinct opts{};
opts.comment(bsoncxx::types::bson_value::view_or_value{"Bronx pizza restaurants"});
auto cursor = collection.distinct("name",
make_array(make_document(kvp("borough", "Bronx")),
make_document(kvp("cuisine", "Pizza"))))),
for (auto&& doc : cursor) {
std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;
{ "values" : [ "$1.25 Pizza", "18 East Gunhill Pizza", "2 Bros", "Aenos Pizza", "Alitalia Pizza Restaurant", … ],
"ok" : 1.0, "$clusterTime" : { "clusterTime" : { … }, "signature" : { … }, "keyId" : … } }, "operationTime" : { … } }

To learn more about any of the methods or types discussed in this guide, see the following API documentation:


Specify Fields To Return