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Upgrade Driver Versions

On this page

  • Overview
  • Breaking Changes
  • Version 5.2 Breaking Changes
  • Version 5.1 Breaking Changes
  • Version 5.0 Breaking Changes
  • Version 4.8 Breaking Changes
  • Version 4.7 Breaking Changes
  • Version 4.2 Breaking Changes
  • Version 4.0 Breaking Changes
  • Server Release Compatibility Changes
  • Server Version 8.1 Support Changes
  • Driver Version 5.2 Server Support Changes
  • Driver Version 4.8 Server Support Changes

In this section, you can identify the changes you must make to your application to upgrade your driver to a new version.

Before you upgrade, perform the following actions:

  • Ensure the new driver version is compatible with the MongoDB Server versions your application connects to and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) your application runs on. To view compatibility information, see the Compatibility page.

  • Address any breaking changes between the current version of the driver your application is using and your planned upgrade version in the Breaking Changes section. To learn more about MongoDB Server release compatibility changes, see the Server Release Compatibility Changes section.


To minimize the number of changes your application might require when you upgrade driver versions in the future, use the Stable API.

A breaking change is a modification in a convention or behavior in a specific version of the driver that might prevent your application from working properly if not addressed before upgrading.

The breaking changes in this section are categorized by the driver version that introduced them. When upgrading driver versions, address all the breaking changes between the current and upgrade versions. For example, if you are upgrading the driver from v4.0 to v4.7, address all breaking changes from the version after v4.0 including any listed for v4.7.

This driver version introduces the following breaking changes:

  • Drops support for MongoDB Server v3.6. To learn more about this change, see the Driver Version 5.2 Server Support Changes section.

  • Revises the mongodb-crypt dependency versioning to match the versioning for the JVM drivers. Future versions of mongodb-crypt will be released alongside the driver and will share the same version number. You must upgrade your mongodb-crypt dependency to v5.2.0 when upgrading your driver for this release.

This driver version introduces the following breaking changes:

  • When using the MONGODB-OIDC authentication mechanism, you must not include comma characters in the authMechanismProperties connection string value.

This driver version introduces the following breaking changes:

  • Introduces the following changes to the ConnectionId class:

    • The ConnectionId constructor now accepts a value of type long as its second parameter instead of type int. Similarly, the constructor now accepts a value of type Long as its third parameter instead of type Integer. Because this change breaks binary compatibility, recompile any existing code that calls the ConnectionId constructor.

    • The withServerValue() method now accepts a parameter of type long rather than type int. Because this change breaks binary compatibility, you must recompile any code that calls the withServerValue() method.

    • The getServerValue() method now returns a value of type Long instead of type Integer. Similarly, the getLocalValue() method returns a value of type long instead of type int. Because this change breaks both binary and source compatibility, update any source code that uses these methods and rebuild your binary.

  • Replaces the following record annotations from the org.bson.codecs.record.annotations package with annotations of the same name from the org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations package:

    • BsonId

    • BsonProperty

    • BsonRepresentation

  • Changes the data type of the connectTimeout timeout duration parameter for the SocketSettings.Builder.connectTimeout() and SocketSettings.Builder.readTimeout() methods. The data type of this parameter is now long instead of int.

    In earlier versions, this parameter is of type int for both methods. This change breaks binary compatibility and requires recompiling, but does not require code changes.

  • Removes the Filters.eqFull() method, released exclusively in Beta, which allowed you to construct an equality filter when performing a vector search. Instead, you can use the Filters.eq() method when instantiating a VectorSearchOptions type, as shown in the following code:

    VectorSearchOptions opts = vectorSearchOptions().filter(eq("x", 8));
  • Removes the org.mongodb.scala.ObservableImplicits.ToSingleObservableVoid implicit class. The org.reactivestreams.Publisher[Void] type no longer converts automatically to org.mongodb.scala.SingleObservable[Void]. The API also exposes org.mongodb.scala.Observable[Unit] instead of org.mongodb.scala.Observable[Void].

    For more information, see the Observable trait in the Scala API documentation.

  • Changes how ClusterSettings computes the ClusterConnectionMode setting, making it more consistent by using the specified replica set name, regardless of how it is configured. Previously, the driver considered the replica set name only if it was set in the connection string.

    For example, the following two code samples both return the value ClusterConnectionMode.MULTIPLE. Previously, the second example returned ClusterConnectionMode.SINGLE.

    .applyConnectionString(new ConnectionString("mongodb://"))
    new ServerAddress("", 27017)
  • BsonDecimal128 values respond to method calls in the same way as Decimal128 values. BsonDecimal128.isNumber() now returns true and BsonDecimal128.asNumber() returns the equivalent BsonNumber.

  • Removes the ServerAddress methods getSocketAddress() and getSocketAddresses().

    Instead of getSocketAddress(), use the getByName() instance method of

    Instead of getSocketAddresses(), use the getAllByName() instance method of

  • Removes the UnixServerAddress methods getSocketAddress() and getUnixSocketAddress().

    Instead of getSocketAddress(), use the getByName() instance method of

    Instead of getUnixSocketAddress(), construct an instance of jnr.unixsocket.UnixSocketAddress. Pass the full path of the UNIX socket file to the constructor. By default, MongoDB creates a UNIX socket file located at "/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock". To learn more about the UnixSocketAddress class, see the UnixSocketAddress API documentation.

  • Removes the Parameterizable interface. Instead of implementing this interface on a custom Codec type, override the CodecProvider.get() method on the codec's CodecProvider if the codec is intended for a parameterized type.

  • Removes the isSlaveOk() method from the ReadPreference and TaggableReadPreference classes. To check whether a read preference allows reading from a secondary member of a replica set, use the isSecondaryOk() methods from these classes instead.

  • Removes the DBCollection.getStats() and DBCollection.isCapped() helper methods for the collStats command. Instead of these methods, you can use the $collStats aggregation pipeline stage.

  • Removes the MapCodec and IterableCodec classes. Instead of MapCodec, use MapCodecProvider. Instead of IterableCodec, use CollectionCodecProvider, or IterableCodecProvider for Iterable types that aren't Collection types.

  • Removes the sharded() and nonAtomic() methods from the MapReducePublisher and MapReduceIterable classes.

  • Removes the following methods for use with geoHaystack indexes:

    • Indexes.geoHaystack()

    • IndexOptions.getBucketSize()

    • IndexOptions.bucketSize()

    Instead, you can use the $geoNear aggregation pipeline stage or a geospatial query operator on a 2d index. For more information, see the Geospatial Queries page in the MongoDB Server manual.

  • Removes the oplogReplay option from find operations. The following oplogReplay methods are no longer available:

    • DBCursor.oplogReplay()

    • DBCollectionFindOptions.isOplogReplay()

    • DBCollectionFindOptions.oplogReplay()

    • FindPublisher.oplogReplay()

    • FindIterable.oplogReplay()

  • Removes the following Exception constructors:

    • MongoBulkWriteException(BulkWriteResult, List<BulkWriteError>, WriteConcernError, ServerAddress)

    • MongoCursorNotFoundException(long, ServerAddress)

    • MongoQueryException(ServerAddress, int, String)

    • MongoQueryException(ServerAddress, int, String, String)

    • MongoQueryException(MongoCommandException)

  • Removes the following overloads for the BulkWriteResult.acknowledged() method:

    • acknowledged(Type, int, List<BulkWriteUpsert>)

    • acknowledged(Type, int, Integer, List<BulkWriteUpsert>)

    • acknowledged(int, int, int, Integer, List<BulkWriteUpsert>)

  • Removes the following ChangeStreamDocument constructors:

    • ChangeStreamDocument(String, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, TDocument, TDocument, BsonDocument, ...)

    • ChangeStreamDocument(String, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, TDocument, BsonDocument, BsonTimestamp, ...)

    • ChangeStreamDocument(OperationType, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, TDocument, BsonDocument, BsonTimestamp, ...)

  • Removes the following constructors for events:

    • CommandEvent(RequestContext, int, ConnectionDescription, String)

    • CommandEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String)

    • CommandEvent(RequestContext, long, int, ConnectionDescription, String)

    • CommandFailedEvent(RequestContext, int, ConnectionDescription, String, long, Throwable)

    • CommandFailedEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String, long, Throwable)

    • CommandStartedEvent(RequestContext, int, ConnectionDescription, String, String, BsonDocument)

    • CommandStartedEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String, String, BsonDocument)

    • CommandSucceededEvent(RequestContext, int, ConnectionDescription, String, BsonDocument, long)

    • CommandSucceededEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String, BsonDocument, long)

    • ConnectionCheckedInEvent(ConnectionId)

    • ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(ConnectionId, long)

    • ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(ConnectionId)

    • ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(ServerId, long, Reason)

    • ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(ServerId, Reason)

    • ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent(ServerId)

    • ConnectionReadyEvent(ConnectionId)

    • ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent(ConnectionId, long, Throwable)

    • ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent(ConnectionId, BsonDocument, long)

  • Removes the errorLabels option from the WriteConcernError class. This includes the addLabel() and getErrorLabels() methods and the constructor that includes an errorLabels parameter. Instead, you can use the error labels included in the MongoException object that contains the WriteConcernError.

  • Removes the following classes from the com.mongodb.event package:

    • ConnectionAddedEvent

    • ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent

    • ConnectionRemovedEvent

    • ClusterListenerAdapter

    • ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter

    • ServerListenerAdapter

    • ServerMonitorListenerAdapter

    The driver also removes the following related methods from the ConnectionPoolListener interface:

    • connectionAdded()

    • connectionPoolOpened()

    • connectionRemoved()

    For more information about the com.mongodb.event package, see the API documentation.

  • Adds the authorizedCollection option for the listCollections command. This introduces a breaking binary change in the MongoDatabase.listCollectionNames() method. This change does not require any changes to source code, but you must recompile any code that uses this method.

  • Removes the following methods and types related to the Stream interface:

    • MongoClientSettings.Builder.streamFactoryFactory() method. Use the MongoClientSettings.Builder.transportSettings() method instead.

    • MongoClientSettings.getStreamFactoryFactory() method. Use the MongoClientSettings.getTransportSettings() method instead.

    • NettyStreamFactoryFactory class. Instead, call the TransportSettings.nettyBuilder() method to create a NettyTransportSettings object. Then, call the MongoClientSettings.Builder.transportSettings() method to apply the settings.

    • NettyStreamFactory class.

    • AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory class.

    • AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory class.

    • BufferProvider interface.

    • SocketStreamFactory class.

    • Stream interface.

    • StreamFactory interface.

    • StreamFactoryFactory interface.

    • TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory class.

This driver version introduces the following breaking changes:

  • Ends support for connecting to MongoDB Server versions v3.4 and earlier. To learn more about this change, see the Driver Version 4.8 Server Support Changes section.

  • Requires adding an explicit dependency on the org.bson.codecs.record module if your application deploys the driver in an OSGi container and relies on the driver for encoding and decoding Java records.

  • RecordCodec deserializes POJOs and record classes that are specified as type parameters of List or Map fields to the proper record and POJO types. Previously, this codec deserialized them as Document values.

    For example, the following record class definitions show a Book record that contains a List that receives a Chapter type parameter:

    public record Book(String title, List<Chapter> chapters) {}
    public record Chapter(Integer number, String text) {}

    Starting in this version, the codec deserializes data in the List into Chapter record classes instead of Document values.

This driver version introduces the following breaking changes:

  • The setWindowFields builder API is no longer in beta. The new pipeline stage builder method breaks binary and source compatibility. See the Aggregates API documentation for information about the new setWindowFields() method signatures.

    If your application uses this builder in a version earlier than v4.7, update your source code to use the new method signature and rebuild your binary.

This driver version introduces the following breaking changes:

  • Updates the ObjectId class and its serialVersionUID field to use a new format that minimizes serialization compatibility issues across different versions of the driver.

    If an application using driver version 4.2 or later attempts to perform Java Object Serialization on any objects that contain an ObjectId and were serialized by a prior version of the driver, Java throws an InvalidClassException.

    To learn more about Java Object Serialization, see Serializable Objects in the Java documentation.

This driver version introduces the following breaking changes:

  • Removes several classes and methods marked as deprecated in the 3.12 release.

  • Modifies insert helper methods to return an InsertOneResult or InsertManyResult object instead of void.

  • Modifies toJson() methods in the BsonDocument, Document, and DbObject classes to return a relaxed JSON format instead of a strict JSON format. This makes the JSON documents more readable, but can make it more difficult to identify the BSON type information, such as the difference between a 32-bit and 64-bit integer. If your application relies on the strict JSON format, use the strict mode when reading or writing data.

  • Changes the default BSON representation of java.util.UUID values from JAVA_LEGACY to UNSPECIFIED. Applications that store or retrieve UUID values must explicitly specify which representation to use. You can specify the representation in the uuidRepresentation property of a MongoClientSettings object.

    The UUID representation that you specify strictly controls how the driver decodes UUIDs. In version 4.0, the JAVA_LEGACY representation works only with subtype 3. In previous versions of the driver, if you specified the JAVA_LEGACY representation, the driver would decode binary objects of subtypes 3 and 4 as UUIDs.

    For a list of members in the UuidRepresentation enum, see the v4.0 API documentation.

  • The connection pool no longer restricts the number of wait queue threads or asynchronous tasks that require a connection to MongoDB. The application throttles requests as necessary rather than depending on the driver to throw a MongoWaitQueueFullException.

  • The driver no longer logs using the java.util.logging package and only supports the SLF4J logging framework.

  • The embedded and Android drivers were removed. If your application relies on these drivers, you must continue to use a 3.x Java driver version.

  • The uber JARs for the Java driver, mongo-java-driver and mongodb-driver, are no longer published. If your application relies on these uber JARs, remove them as a dependency and use one of the following packages instead:

    • If your application uses the current API, add the mongodb-driver-sync package as a dependency.

    • If your application uses the legacy API, add the mongodb-driver-legacy package as a dependency.

  • Several classes introduce binary compatibility breaks, such as the method signature change to the insert helper methods. Recompile any classes that link to the driver against this version or later to ensure that they continue to work.

A server release compatibility change is a modification to the Scala driver that discontinues support for a set of MongoDB Server versions.

The driver discontinues support for a MongoDB Server version after it reaches end-of-life (EOL).

To learn more about the MongoDB support for EOL products, see the Legacy Support Policy.

You cannot use a 3.x version of the Scala driver to connect to a MongoDB deployment running MongoDB Server v8.1. Starting in MongoDB Server v8.1, the buildinfo command requires authentication, causing an incompatibility with the v3.x driver.

The v5.2 driver drops support for MongoDB Server v3.6. To use the v5.2 driver, your MongoDB Server must be v4.0 or later. To learn how to upgrade your MongoDB Server deployment, see Release Notes in the MongoDB Server manual.

The v4.8 driver drops support for MongoDB Server v3.4 and earlier. To use the v4.8 driver, your MongoDB Server must be v3.6 or later. To learn how to upgrade your MongoDB Server deployment, see Release Notes in the MongoDB Server manual.


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