Query a Document with Encrypted Fields
On this page
This guide shows you how to use a Queryable Encryption-enabled application to retrieve a document that has encrypted fields.
After you complete the steps in this guide, you should be able to use your application to query data in encrypted fields, and to decrypt those fields as an authorized user.
Before You Start
Create an encrypted collection and insert documents before continuing.
Query an Encrypted Field with Equality
If you enabled equality queries on an encrypted field, you can retrieve documents that have a specified value in that field.
The following example performs an equality query on an encrypted field and prints the decrypted data:
const findResult = await encryptedCollection.findOne({ "patientRecord.ssn": "987-65-4320", }); console.log(findResult);
var ssnFilter = Builders<Patient>.Filter.Eq("patientRecord.ssn", patient.PatientRecord.Ssn); var findResult = await encryptedCollection.Find(ssnFilter).ToCursorAsync(); Console.WriteLine(findResult.FirstOrDefault().ToJson());
var findResult PatientDocument err = coll.FindOne( context.TODO(), bson.M{"patientRecord.ssn": "987-65-4320"}, ).Decode(&findResult)
Patient findResult = collection.find( new BsonDocument() .append("patientRecord.ssn", new BsonString("987-65-4320"))) .first(); System.out.println(findResult);
const findResult = await encryptedCollection.findOne({ "patientRecord.ssn": "987-65-4320", }); console.log(findResult);
find_result = encrypted_collection.find_one({ "patientRecord.ssn": "987-65-4320" }) print(find_result)
Query an Encrypted Field with Range
If you enabled range queries on an encrypted field, you can retrieve documents where the value of that field is within the range that you specify.
The following example performs a range query on an encrypted field and prints the decrypted data:
const findResult = await encryptedCollection.findOne({ "patientRecord.billAmount": { $gt: 1000, $lt: 2000 }, }); console.log(findResult);
var filter = Builders<Patient>.Filter.Gt("patientRecord.billAmount", 1000) & Builders<Patient>.Filter.Lt("patientRecord.billAmount", 2000); var findResult = encryptedCollection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine(findResult.ToJson());
filter := bson.D{ {"patientRecord.billAmount", bson.D{ {"$gt", 1000}, {"$lt", 2000}, }}, } var findResult PatientDocument err = coll.FindOne(context.TODO(), filter).Decode(&findResult) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err != nil { fmt.Print("Unable to find the document\n") } else { output, _ := json.MarshalIndent(findResult, "", " ") fmt.Printf("%s\n", output) }
Document filter = new Document("patientRecord.billAmount", new Document("$gt", 1000).append("$lt", 2000)); Patient findResult = collection.find(filter).first(); System.out.println(findResult);
const findResult = await encryptedCollection.findOne({ "patientRecord.billAmount": { $gt: 1000, $lt: 2000 }, }); console.log(findResult);
query = {"patientRecord.billAmount": {"$gt": 1000, "$lt": 2000}} find_result = encrypted_collection.find_one(query) print(find_result)
Query Result
The output of the preceding code examples should look similar to the following:
{ "_id": { "$oid": "648b384a722cb9b8392df76a" }, "name": "Jon Doe", "record": { "ssn": "987-65-4320", "billing": { "type": "Visa", "number": "4111111111111111" }, "billAmount": 1500 }, "__safeContent__": [ { "$binary": { "base64": "L1NsYItk0Sg+oL66DBj6IYHbX7tveANQyrU2cvMzD9Y=", "subType": "00" } } ] }
Do not Modify the __safeContent__ Field
The __safeContent__
field is essential to Queryable Encryption. Do not modify
the contents of this field.