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Welcome to MongoDB Shell (mongosh)

The MongoDB Shell, mongosh, is a JavaScript and Node.js REPL environment for interacting with MongoDB deployments in Atlas , locally, or on another remote host. Use the MongoDB Shell to test queries and interact with the data in your MongoDB database.

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Abstract illustration showing a terminal interacting with different systems
What You Can Do

Find your connection string. The connection string varies depending on the type of deployment you're connecting to.

Learn how to find your connection string for Atlas.

Or connect to a self-hosted deployment.


Connect to a MongoDB deployment using the connection string.

The following connection string connects to an Atlas deployment:

mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username <username>

Use your chosen connection type to view your data, import documents, and run queries.

For more information, refer to Perform CRUD Operations.

MongoDB Atlas Connect to your Database image

mongosh supports common insert opererations, including:

For more information and examples, refer to Insert Documents.


Use the db.collection.find() method to query documents in a collection. For more information and examples, refer to Query Documents.


mongosh supports common update operations, including:

For more information and examples, refer to Update Documents.


mongosh supports common delete operations, including:

For more information and examples, refer to Delete Documents.


You can run aggregation pipelines in mongosh using the db.collection.aggregate() method. Aggregation pipelines transform your documents into aggregated results based on the stages you specify. For more information and examples, refer to Run Aggregation Pipelines.

Abstract illustration showing CRUD and aggregation operations

View information about databases, create collections or views, or drop databases - all from your shell. See all Database Methods.

Perform collection operations, create or delete indexes, or explain queries with Collection Methods.


Manage replication or sharding conveniently in your shell.

Check server status with a variety of Server Status Methods.


Create or update roles, define and update privileges, or drop roles using Role Management Methods.

Create and update users, authenticate users, and manage user roles with User Management Methods.

Abstract illustration showing a terminal performing operations

Write scripts to run with the MongoDB Shell that perform CRUD or administrative operations in MongoDB.

For example, if you have a JS file that seeds synthetic or mock data into MongoDB in your development or staging environment, run the file with:


Explore a tutorial that uses the MongoDB Shell with JavaScript to access MongoDB: Write Scripts.


Repeatedly writing large helper functions in the Shell? Store them in a .mongoshrc config file. For example, if you often find yourself converting date strings to ISO format for queries, create a function in .mongoshrc to handle it:

function toISO(dateString) {
return new Date(dateString).toISOString();

Then, call the function in mongosh:

db.clientConnections.find( { connectTime: toISO("06/07/2017") } )

For more information, refer to Execute Code From a Configuration File.


Pull existing snippets into your codebase for convenient reuse. Or create and share snippets for your custom use case.

For example, you might have a snippet that validates the data you import daily as a cron job. You can publish this snippet, so your development team can access it. Publish to a community registry or configure a private registry.

For more information, refer to Registries and Registry Configuration.

Abstract illustration implying a terminal executing scripts
Learn More
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Use an external or built-in editor to work with multiline functions. Go beyond the line-oriented mongosh default console.

Unlock the Power of Editor Mode

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Access session logs for any session within the last 30 days. Find the command syntax you can't quite remember, or look for common commands you can script.

Access Session Logs

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Find out which methods mongosh supports. Get example syntax and parameter details for supported methods.

View Available Methods