mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives
On this page
Manage online archives for your cluster.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-h, --help | false | help for onlineArchives |
Inherited Options
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-P, --profile | string | false | Profile to use from your configuration file. |
Related Commands
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives create - Create an online archive for a cluster.
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives delete - Delete an online archive from a cluster.
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives describe - Describe an online archive for a cluster.
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives list - List online archives for a cluster.
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives pause - Pause an online archive from a cluster.
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives start - Start a paused online archive from a cluster.
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives update - Update an online archive for a cluster.
mongocli atlas clusters onlineArchives watch - Watch for an archive to be available.
Auto generated by MongoDB CLI on 29-Jun-2021