mongocli atlas dbusers create
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Create a database user for your project.
mongocli atlas dbusers create [options]
Name | Type | Required | Description |
--awsIAMType | string | false | AWS IAM method by which the provided username is authenticated.
Valid values: NONE|USER|ROLE. (default "NONE") |
--deleteAfter | string | false | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC after which Atlas deletes the user. |
-h, --help | false | help for create | |
--ldapType | string | false | LDAP method by which the provided username is authenticated.
Valid values: NONE|USER|GROUP. (default "NONE") |
-o, --output | string | false | Output format.
Valid values: json|json-path|go-template|go-template-file |
-p, --password | string | false | User’s password. |
--projectId | string | false | Project ID to use. Overrides configuration file or environment variable settings. |
--role | strings | false | User's roles and the databases or collections on which the roles apply. |
--scope | strings | false | Array of clusters and Atlas Data Lakes that this user has access to. |
-u, --username | string | true | Username for authenticating to MongoDB. |
--x509Type | string | false | X.509 method by which the provided username is authenticated.
Valid values: NONE|MANAGED|CUSTOMER. (default "NONE") |
Inherited Options
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-P, --profile | string | false | Profile to use from your configuration file. |
Create an Atlas admin user $ mongocli atlas dbuser create atlasAdmin --username <username> --projectId <projectId> Create user with read/write access to any database $ mongocli atlas dbuser create readWriteAnyDatabase --username <username> --projectId <projectId> Create user with multiple roles $ mongocli atlas dbuser create --username <username> --role clusterMonitor,backup --projectId <projectId> Create user with multiple scopes $ mongocli atlas dbuser create --username <username> --role clusterMonitor --scope clusterName:CLUSTER,DataLakeName:DATA_LAKE --projectId <projectId>
Auto generated by MongoDB CLI on 29-Jun-2021