mongocli atlas quickstart
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Create and access an Atlas Cluster.
This command creates a new cluster, adds your public IP to the atlas access list and creates a db user to access your new MongoDB instance.
mongocli atlas quickstart [options]
Name | Type | Required | Description |
--accessListIp | strings | false | IP address to be allowed to access the deployment. |
--clusterName | string | false | Name of the cluster. |
-Y, --default | false | Run the Quickstart command with all the auto generated values to deploy and access an Atlas cluster. | |
-h, --help | false | help for quickstart | |
--password | string | false | User’s password. |
--projectId | string | false | Project ID to use. Overrides configuration file or environment variable settings. |
--provider | string | false | Name of your cloud service provider.
Valid values: AWS|AZURE|GCP. |
-r, --region | string | false | Physical location of your MongoDB cluster.
For a complete list of supported AWS regions, see:
For a complete list of supported Azure regions, see:
For a complete list of supported GCP regions, see: |
--skipMongosh | false | Don't access your deployment with MongoDB Shell. | |
--skipSampleData | false | Don't load sample data into your Atlas Cluster. | |
--tier | string | false | Tier for each data-bearing server in the cluster. (default "M2") |
--username | string | false | Username for authenticating to MongoDB. |
Inherited Options
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-P, --profile | string | false | Profile to use from your configuration file. |
Skip setting cluster name, provider or database username by using the command options $ mongocli atlas quickstart --clusterName Test --provider GCP --username dbuserTest
Auto generated by MongoDB CLI on 8-Jul-2021