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Known Issues

We are consistently working to improve the C# Analyzer, but we have identified certain issues with its current functionality. If you identify an issue that is not on this page, see the Issues & Help page for instructions on how to get help or report the issue.

Visual Studio for macOS does not have the Error List window feature. If you are using the C# Analyzer in Visual Studio for macOS, you will not be able to see output from the C# Analyzer, such as MongoDB Query API translations, in one location.

The C# Analyzer provides only partial support for Search builder methods and other Atlas Search features. The C# Analyzer cannot analyze code that uses any of the following features:

  • The Compound() method

  • The Range() method

  • The Equals() method with number parameters or parameters of type ObjectId or DateTime

  • The Facet() method

  • The GeoShape() method

  • The GeoWithin() method

  • The MoreLikeThis() method

  • Calling the Near() method with a parameter of type DateTime

  • Calling the Wildcard() method with multiple field definitions

  • Calling Search builder methods with parameters of type SearchRange, SearchFuzzyOptions, or SearchScoreDefinition

  • The SearchMeta() method

  • The SearchPath builder