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Document Validation

On this page

  • Overview
  • Validation Helpers
  • Define a Validation Rule
  • Common Validations
  • Comparison Rule
  • Formatting Rule
  • Inclusion or Exclusion Rule
  • Presence or Absence Rule
  • Uniqueness Rule
  • Validate Associations
  • Custom Validation Rules
  • Behavior
  • Trigger Validation
  • Additional Information

In this guide, you can learn how to define validation rules in your Mongoid models. After you implement validation into your models, Mongoid prevents you from running write operations that violate the validation rules. Use document validation to restrict data types and value ranges of document fields in your collections.

Mongoid includes ActiveModel::Validations from Active Record to provide validation functionality, including an associated and uniqueness validator. To learn more, see the Active Record Validations Rails guide and ActiveModel::Validations Rails API documentation.


Comparing Mongoid and MongoDB Validation

Validation in Mongoid applies only in the context of your application and differs from creating schema validation rules in MongoDB. This means that your validation rules do not apply to write operations that are performed outside of your application. To learn more about MongoDB schema validation, see Schema Validation in the Server manual.

Mongoid supports Active Record validation helpers that you can use when defining your model classes. You can use these helpers to set common validation rules in your application, such as checking for the presence of a field, comparing a field value to a specified value, or ensuring that a field has a unique value.

Use the validates macro to create a validation rule, then include the validation helper and the required specifications for the rule.


Each validation helper accepts one or more field names, which allows you to define the same rule for multiple fields.

The following code demonstrates how to use the presence validation helper to require that Person instances contain a value for the name field:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
validates :name, presence: true

You can learn about other useful validation helpers in the Common Validations section of this guide.

In this section, you can learn about the following common validation rules and view examples that use validation helpers:

You can use the comparison helper to validate a document based on the value of a specified field.

The comparison helper supports the following options:

  • greater_than: The value must be greater than the supplied value.

  • greater_than_or_equal_to: The value must be greater than or equal to the supplied value.

  • equal_to: The value must be equal to the supplied value.

  • less_than: The value must be less than the supplied value.

  • less_than_or_equal_to: The value must be less than or equal to the supplied value.

  • other_than: The value must be different than the supplied value.

This example defines the following comparison validation rules on the Order model:

  • delivery_date: Must be after (greater than) the value of order_date

  • quantity: Must be less than 5

class Order
include Mongoid::Document
field :order_date, type: DateTime
field :delivery_date, type: DateTime
field :quantity, type: Integer
validates :delivery_date, comparison: { greater_than: :order_date }
validates :quantity, comparison: { less_than: 5 }

You can use the format helper to validate a document based on whether a field value matches a regular expression. Use the with option to specify the regular expression.

This example defines a format validation rule on the User model to ensure that the username field contains only letters:

class User
include Mongoid::Document
field :username, type: String
validates :username, format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z]+\z/ }


Alternative Helper Method

The Mongoid::Document module provides macro methods for certain validations. Instead of using the format validation helper in the validates macro statement, you can use the validates_format_of method, as shown in the following code:

validates_format_of :username, with: /\A[a-zA-Z]+\z/

You can use the inclusion and exclusion helpers to validate a document based on whether a field value is in a specified list of values. Use the in option to specify the list of values.

This example defines an inclusion validation rule on the Order model to ensure that the shipping field value is one of the accepted values:

class Order
include Mongoid::Document
field :shipping, type: String
validates :shipping, inclusion: { in: %w(standard priority overnight) }

You can use the presence and absence helpers to validate a document based on whether a field value is present or absent (empty).

This example defines an absence validation rule on the Order model to ensure that the delivery_date field value is either nil or an empty string:

class Order
include Mongoid::Document
field :delivery_date, type: String
validates :delivery_date, absence: true


Alternative Helper Method

The Mongoid::Document module provides macro methods for certain validations. Instead of using the presence validation helper in the validates macro statement, you can use the validates_presence_of method, as shown in the following code:

validates_presence_of :delivery_date

You can use the uniqueness helper to validate a document based on whether a field value is unique from other values in the collection. You can use the scope option to specify one or more field names that Mongoid uses to limit the uniqueness check.

This example defines a uniqueness validation rule on the Person model to ensure that the first_name field value is unique within documents that have the same last_name value:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :first_name, type: String
field :last_name, type: String
validates :first_name, uniqueness: { scope: :last_name }


Alternative Helper Method

The Mongoid::Document module provides macro methods for certain validations. Instead of using the uniqueness validation helper in the validates macro statement, you can use the validates_uniqueness_of method, as shown in the following code:

validates_uniqueness_of :first_name

Mongoid uses a primary read preference when you use the validates_uniqueness_of method on a model, because if it queries a secondary member of the replica set, it might read stale data.

This method takes a conditions option that allows you to specify conditions to add when Mongoid checks for uniqueness:

validates_uniqueness_of :name, conditions: -> { where(:age.gte => 10) }

You can use the validates_associated helper to validate any associations that your model has. When you include this validation rule, Mongoid validates any association documents any time you try to save an instance. To learn more about associations, see the Associations guide.

This example defines an association validation rule on the Author model to run the validation rules for the embedded Book instances:

class Author
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_many :books
validates_associated :books


Don't use the validates_associated helper on both ends of your associations because this causes Mongoid to perform validations in an infinite loop.

You can use the validates_each and validates_with helpers to create custom validators. To learn more about these helpers and view examples, see the validates_each and validates_with references in the Active Record documentation.

To learn more about custom validators, see Performing Custom Validations in the Active Record documentation.

Mongoid performs validation when you persist, or save, a document to the database. The following methods trigger your validation rules, so Mongoid saves the object to the database only if it passes validation:

  • create

  • save

  • update

When you use the !-suffixed version of the preceding methods, Mongoid returns an Mongoid::Errors::Validations exception if validation fails for an object.

You can run validations manually by using the valid? method. This method returns true if the object passes validation, and false otherwise:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
field :age, type: Integer
validates :age, comparison: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
# Returns true "Berta Odom", age: 4).valid?
# Returns false "Cody Peng", age: -5).valid?

Mongoid behaves differently from Active Record when running valid? on persisted data. Active Record's valid? runs all validations, but Mongoid's valid? runs validations only on documents that are in memory to optimize performance.

To learn more about the field types that you can use in Mongoid models, see the Field Types guide.

To learn more about validation methods and macros in Mongoid, see the Mongoid::Validatable module reference in the API documentation.

To view a full list of validations helpers in Active Record, see the ActiveModel::Validations::HelperMethods reference in the Rails API documentation.

