Module: Mongoid::Document
- Extended by:
- ActiveSupport::Concern
- Includes:
- Composable, Touchable::InstanceMethods
- Included in:
- GlobalDiscriminatorKeyAssignment::InvalidFieldHost
- Defined in:
- lib/mongoid/document.rb
This is the base module for all domain objects that need to be persisted to the database as documents.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: ClassMethods
Constant Summary collapse
Regex for matching illegal BSON keys. Note that bson 4.1 has the constant BSON::String::ILLEGAL_KEY that should be used instead. When ruby driver 2.3.0 is released and Mongoid can be updated to require >= 2.3.0, the BSON constant can be used.
Constants included from Composable
Constants included from Interceptable
Constants included from Association
Constants included from Association::Depending
Constants included from Persistable
Constants included from Fields
Fields::Boolean, Fields::IDS, Fields::INVALID_BSON_CLASSES, Fields::StringifiedSymbol, Fields::TRANSLATIONS_SFX, Fields::TYPE_MAPPINGS
Constants included from Atomic
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#__selected_fields ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute __selected_fields.
#new_record ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute new_record.
Attributes included from Stateful
#destroyed, #flagged_for_destroy, #previously_new_record
Attributes included from Association
Attributes included from Attributes
Attributes included from Clients::StorageOptions
Instance Method Summary collapse
#_handle_callbacks_after_instantiation(execute_callbacks) ⇒ Object
Handles the setup and execution of callbacks, if callbacks are to be executed; otherwise, adds the appropriate callbacks to the pending callbacks list.
#as_document ⇒ Hash
Return a hash of the entire document hierarchy from this document and below.
#becomes(klass) ⇒ Document
Returns an instance of the specified class with the attributes, errors, and embedded documents of the current document.
#freeze ⇒ Document
Freezes the internal attributes of the document.
#frozen? ⇒ true | false
Checks if the document is frozen.
#hash ⇒ Integer
Delegates to identity in order to allow two records of the same identity to work with something like:.
#identity ⇒ Array
A Document’s is identified absolutely by its class and database id:.
#initialize(attrs = nil, &block) ⇒ Document
Instantiate a new
, setting the Document’s attributes if given. -
#internal_state=(state) ⇒ Object
Sets the internal state of this document.
#model_name ⇒ String
Return the model name of the document.
#to_key ⇒ String
Return the key value for the document.
Methods included from Touchable::InstanceMethods
#_clear_touch_updates, #_gather_touch_updates, #_run_touch_callbacks_from_root, #_touchable_parent?, #suppress_touch_callbacks, #touch, #touch_callbacks_suppressed?
Methods included from Composable
Methods included from Equality
Methods included from Copyable
Methods included from Interceptable
#_mongoid_run_child_after_callbacks, #_mongoid_run_child_before_callbacks, #_mongoid_run_child_callbacks, #_mongoid_run_child_callbacks_with_around, #_mongoid_run_child_callbacks_without_around, #callback_executable?, #in_callback_state?, #pending_callbacks, #pending_callbacks=, #run_after_callbacks, #run_before_callbacks, #run_callbacks, #run_pending_callbacks
Methods included from Validatable
#begin_validate, #exit_validate, #performing_validations?, #read_attribute_for_validation, #valid?, #validated?, #validating, #validating_with_query?
Methods included from Traversable
__redefine, #_children, #_descendants, #_parent, #_parent=, #_reset_memoized_descendants!, #_root, #_root?, #collect_children, #collect_descendants, #flag_descendants_persisted, #hereditary?, #parentize, #remove_child, #reset_persisted_descendants
Methods included from Cacheable
Methods included from Stateful
#destroyed?, #flagged_for_destroy?, #new_record=, #new_record?, #persisted?, #previously_new_record?, #previously_persisted?, #pushable?, #readonly!, #readonly?, #settable?, #updateable?
Methods included from Shardable
#shard_key_field_value, #shard_key_fields, #shard_key_selector, #shard_key_selector_in_db
Methods included from Serializable
Methods included from Selectable
Methods included from Reloadable
Methods included from Association
#association_name, #embedded?, #embedded_many?, #embedded_one?, #referenced_many?, #referenced_one?, #reload_relations
Methods included from Association::Reflections
#reflect_on_all_association, #reflect_on_association
Methods included from Association::Macros
Methods included from Association::Depending
#apply_destroy_dependencies!, define_dependency!, validate!
Methods included from Association::Accessors
#__build__, #create_relation, #reset_relation_criteria, #set_relation
Methods included from Association::Referenced::Syncable
#_syncable?, #_synced, #_synced?, #remove_inverse_keys, #update_inverse_keys
Methods included from Association::Referenced::CounterCache
define_callbacks!, #reset_counters
Methods included from Association::Referenced::AutoSave
#__autosaving__, #autosaved?, #changed_for_autosave?, define_autosave!
Methods included from Persistable
#atomically, #fail_due_to_callback!, #fail_due_to_validation!
Methods included from Persistable::Unsettable
Methods included from Persistable::Upsertable
Methods included from Persistable::Updatable
#update, #update!, #update_attribute
Methods included from Persistable::Settable
Methods included from Persistable::Savable
Methods included from Persistable::Renamable
Methods included from Persistable::Pushable
Methods included from Persistable::Pullable
Methods included from Positional
Methods included from Persistable::Poppable
Methods included from Persistable::Multipliable
Methods included from Persistable::Minable
Methods included from Persistable::Maxable
Methods included from Persistable::Logical
Methods included from Persistable::Incrementable
Methods included from Persistable::Destroyable
Methods included from Persistable::Deletable
Methods included from Persistable::Creatable
Methods included from Matchable
Methods included from Fields
#apply_default, #apply_defaults, #apply_post_processed_defaults, #apply_pre_processed_defaults, #attribute_names, database_field_name, #database_field_name, #dot_dollar_field?, #lazy_settable?, option, options, traverse_association_tree, #using_object_ids?, #validate_writable_field_name!
Methods included from Evolvable
Methods included from Attributes
#assign_attributes, #attribute_missing?, #attribute_present?, #attributes_before_type_cast, #has_attribute?, #has_attribute_before_type_cast?, #process_raw_attribute, #read_attribute, #read_attribute_before_type_cast, #remove_attribute, #typed_attributes, #write_attribute, #write_attributes
Methods included from Attributes::Readonly
Methods included from Attributes::Processing
Methods included from Clients
clear, clients, default, disconnect, reconnect, set, with_name
Methods included from Clients::Sessions
Methods included from Clients::Options
#collection, #collection_name, #mongo_client, #persistence_context, #persistence_context?, #with
Methods included from Clients::StorageOptions
#remember_storage_options!, #storage_options
Methods included from Changeable
#attribute_before_last_save, #changed, #changed?, #changed_attributes, #changes, #children_changed?, #move_changes, #post_persist, #previous_changes, #remove_change, #saved_change_to_attribute, #saved_change_to_attribute?, #setters, #will_save_change_to_attribute?
Methods included from Atomic
#add_atomic_pull, #add_atomic_unset, #atomic_array_add_to_sets, #atomic_array_pulls, #atomic_array_pushes, #atomic_attribute_name, #atomic_delete_modifier, #atomic_insert_modifier, #atomic_path, #atomic_paths, #atomic_position, #atomic_pulls, #atomic_pushes, #atomic_sets, #atomic_unsets, #atomic_updates, #delayed_atomic_pulls, #delayed_atomic_sets, #delayed_atomic_unsets, #flag_as_destroyed, #flagged_destroys, #process_flagged_destroys
Instance Attribute Details
#__selected_fields ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute __selected_fields.
30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 30 def __selected_fields @__selected_fields end |
#new_record ⇒ Object (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute new_record.
31 32 33 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 31 def new_record @new_record end |
Instance Method Details
#_handle_callbacks_after_instantiation(execute_callbacks) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Handles the setup and execution of callbacks, if callbacks are to be executed; otherwise, adds the appropriate callbacks to the pending callbacks list.
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 186 def _handle_callbacks_after_instantiation(execute_callbacks) if execute_callbacks apply_defaults yield self if block_given? run_callbacks(:find) unless _find_callbacks.empty? run_callbacks(:initialize) unless _initialize_callbacks.empty? else yield self if block_given? self.pending_callbacks += %i[ apply_defaults find initialize ] end end |
#as_document ⇒ Hash
Return a hash of the entire document hierarchy from this document and below. Used when the attributes are needed for everything and not just the current document.
136 137 138 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 136 def as_document end |
#becomes(klass) ⇒ Document
Returns an instance of the specified class with the attributes, errors, and embedded documents of the current document.
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 151 def becomes(klass) mongoid_document_check!(klass) became = became.internal_state = internal_state became end |
#freeze ⇒ Document
Freezes the internal attributes of the document.
51 52 53 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 51 def freeze as_attributes.freeze and self end |
#frozen? ⇒ true | false
Checks if the document is frozen
61 62 63 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 61 def frozen? attributes.frozen? end |
#hash ⇒ Integer
Delegates to identity in order to allow two records of the same identity to work with something like:
[ Person.find(1), Person.find(2), Person.find(3) ] &
[ Person.find(1), Person.find(4) ] # => [ Person.find(1) ]
75 76 77 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 75 def hash identity.hash end |
#identity ⇒ Array
A Document’s is identified absolutely by its class and database id:
Person.first.identity #=> [Person, BSON::ObjectId(‘4f775130a04745933a000003’)]
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 87 def identity [ self.class, _id ] end |
#initialize(attrs = nil, &block) ⇒ Document
Instantiate a new Document
, setting the Document’s attributes if given. If no attributes are provided, they will be initialized with an empty Hash
If a primary key is defined, the document’s id will be set to that key, otherwise it will be set to a fresh BSON::ObjectId
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 104 def initialize(attrs = nil, &block) construct_document(attrs, &block) end |
#internal_state=(state) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
Sets the internal state of this document. Used only by #becomes to help initialize a retyped document.
166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 166 def internal_state=(state) self._id = state[:id] @changed_attributes = state[:changed_attributes] @errors = { |e| e.copy!(state[:errors]) } @new_record = state[:new_record] @destroyed = state[:destroyed] update_discriminator(state[:discriminator_key_was]) (state[:new_record]) end |
#model_name ⇒ String
Return the model name of the document.
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 114 def model_name self.class.model_name end |
#to_key ⇒ String
Return the key value for the document.
124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/mongoid/document.rb', line 124 def to_key (persisted? || destroyed?) ? [ _id.to_s ] : nil end |