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Perform Data Operations

In this guide, you can learn how to use Mongoid to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations to modify the data in your MongoDB collections.

Mongoid supports CRUD operations that you can perform by using other Ruby mappers such as Active Record or Data Mapper. When using Mongoid, general persistence operations perform atomic updates on only the fields that you change instead of writing the entire document to the database each time, as is the case with other ODMs.

You can perform create operations to add new documents to a collection. If the collection doesn't exist, the operation implicitly creates the collection. The following sections describe the methods you can use to create new documents.

Use the create! method on your model class to insert one or more documents into a collection. If any server or validation errors occur, create! raises an exception.

To call create!, pass a hash of attributes that define the document you want to insert. If you want to create and insert multiple documents, pass an array of hashes.

This example shows multiple ways to call create!. The first example creates one Person document, and the second example creates two Person documents. The third example passes a do..end block to create!. Mongoid invokes this block with the documents passed to create! as arguments. The create! method attempts to save the document at the end of the block:

first_name: "Heinrich",
last_name: "Heine"
{ first_name: "Heinrich", last_name: "Heine" },
{ first_name: "Willy", last_name: "Brandt" }
Person.create!(first_name: "Heinrich") do |doc|
doc.last_name = "Heine"

Use the create method to insert a new document or multiple new documents into a database. create does not raise an exception on validation errors, unlike the !-suffixed version. create does raise exceptions on server errors, such as if you insert a document with a duplicate _id field.

If create encounters any validation errors, the document is not inserted but is returned with other documents that were inserted. You can use the persisted?, new_record? or errors methods to verify the documents that were inserted into the database.

This example shows how to use create to insert new documents into MongoDB. The first example shows how to insert a Person document. The second example attempts to insert two Post documents, but the second document fails validation because it contains a duplicate title. The example then uses the persisted? method to confirm which documents were successfully inserted into the collection:

first_name: "Heinrich",
last_name: "Heine"
class Post
include Mongoid::Document
validates_uniqueness_of :title
posts = Post.create([{title: "test"}, {title: "test"}]) { |post| post.persisted? } # => [true, false]

To learn more about the persisted? and new_record? methods, see the Persistence Attributes section of this guide.

Use the save! method to atomically save changed attributes to the collection or to insert a new document. save! raises an exception if there are any server or validation errors. You can use the new method to create a new document instance. Then, use save! to insert the document into the database.

The following example shows how to use save! to insert a new Person document and update the first_name field of the existing document:

person =
first_name: "Esmeralda",
last_name: "Qemal"
person.first_name = "Malik"!

The save method does not raise an exception if there are any validation errors. save still raises an exception if there are any server errors. The method returns true if all changed attributes are saved, and false if any validation errors occur.

You can pass the following options to save:

  • validate: false: To bypass validations when saving the new document or updated attributes.

  • touch: false: To not update the updated_at field when updating the specified attributes. This option has no effect when inserting a new document.

The following code uses save to insert a new document. It then updates that document and applies the validate: false option.

person =
first_name: "Tamara",
last_name: "Graham"
person.first_name = "Aubrey" false)

You can perform read operations to retrieve documents from a collection. To learn more about creating query filters to retrieve a subset of your documents, see the Specify a Document Query guide.

You can use the attributes method to retrieve the attributes of a model instance as a hash. This hash also contains the attributes of all embedded documents.

The following example shows how to use attributes:

person = "James", last_name: "Nan")
puts person.attributes
{ "_id" => BSON::ObjectId('...'),
"first_name" => "James",
"last_name" => "Nan"

You can use the reload method to access the most recent version of a document from MongoDB. When you reload a document, Mongoid also reloads any embedded associations in the same query. However, Mongoid does not reload referenced associations. Instead, it clears these values so that they are loaded from the database during the next access.

When you call reload on a document, any unsaved changes to the document are lost. The following code shows how to call reload on a document:

band = Band.create!(name: 'Sun 1')
# => #<Band _id: ..., name: "Sun 1"> = 'Moon 2'
# => #<Band _id: ..., name: "Moon 2">
# => #<Band _id: ..., name: "Sun 1">

The preceding example updates the name field on the band document, but does not save the new value. Because Mongoid did not persist the change to the name value, name contains the original value saved to the database.


Document Not Found Errors

When Mongoid cannot find a document in the database, by default it raises a Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound error. You can set the raise_not_found_error configuration option to false in your mongoid.yml file to direct Mongoid to save a new document and set its attributes to default values. Generally, it also changes the value of the _id field. For this reason, we do not recommend using reload when raise_not_found_error is set to false.

When you call reload on a document that is not persisted, the method performs a find query on the document's _id value.

The following example calls reload on a document that has not been saved and prints out the name field value. reload performs a find operation using the document's _id value, which causes Mongoid to retrieve the existing document in the collection:

existing = Band.create!(name: 'Photek')
band =

You can perform update operations to modify existing documents in a collection. If you attempt to update a deleted document, Mongoid raises a FrozenError exception.

You can use the update_attributes! method to update the attributes of an existing model instance. This method raises an exception if it encounters any validation or server errors.

The following example shows how to use update_attributes! to update the first_name and last_name attributes of an existing document:

first_name: "Maximilian",
last_name: "Hjalmar"


Mongoid provides the nested attributes feature that allows you to update a document and its nested associations in one call. To learn more, see the Nested Attributes guide.

The update_attributes method does not raise an exception on validation errors. The method returns true if it passes validation and the document is updated, and false otherwise.

The following example shows how to use update_attributes:

first_name: "Hasan",
last_name: "Emine"

You can use the update_attribute method to bypass validations and update a single attribute of a model instance.

The following example shows how to use update_attribute to update the value of a document's first_name attribute:

person.update_attribute(:first_name, "Jean")

You can use the upsert method to update, insert, or replace a document.

upsert accepts a replace option. If you set this option to true and the document that calls upsert already exists in the database, the new document replaces the one in the database. Any fields in the database that the new document does not replace are removed.

If you set the replace option to false and the document exists in the database, it is updated. Mongoid does not change any fields other than the ones specified in the update document. If the document does not exist in the database, it is inserted with the fields and values specified in the update document. The replace option is set to false by default.

The following example shows how to use upsert to first insert a new document, then replace it by setting replace: true:

person =
first_name: "Balu",
last_name: "Rama"
person.first_name = "Ananda"
person.upsert(replace: true)

You can use the touch method to update a document's updated_at timestamp to the current time. touch cascades the update to any of the document's belongs_to associations. You can also pass another time-valued field as an option to also update that field.

The following example uses touch to update the updated_at and audited_at timestamps:


You can perform delete operations to remove documents from a collection.

You can use the delete method to delete a document from the database. When you use delete, Mongoid does not run any callbacks. If the document is not saved to the database, delete attempts to delete any document with the same _id value.

The following example shows how to use the delete method and demonstrates what happens when you delete a document that is not saved to the database:

person = Person.create!(name: 'Edna Park')
unsaved_person =

In the preceding example, Mongoid raises a Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound error when you call reload because unsaved_person.delete deletes the person document because the two documents have the same value for _id.

The destroy method operates similarly to delete, except Mongoid runs callbacks when you call destroy. If the document is not found in the database, destroy attempts to delete any document with the same _id.

The following example shows how to use destroy:


The delete_all method deletes all documents from the collection that are modeled by your Mongoid model class. delete_all does not run callbacks.

The following example shows how to use delete_all to delete all Person documents:


The destroy_all method deletes all documents from the collection that are modeled by your Mongoid model class. This can be an expensive operation because Mongoid loads all documents into memory.

The following example shows how to use destroy_all to delete all Person documents:


The following sections describe the attributes that Mongoid provides that you can use to check if a document is persisted to the database.

The new_record? attribute returns true if the model instance is not saved to the database yet, and false otherwise. It checks for the opposite condition as the persisted? attribute.

The following example shows how to use new_record?:

person =
first_name: "Tunde",
last_name: "Adebayo"
puts person.new_record?!
puts person.new_record?

The persisted? attribute returns true if Mongoid persists the model instance, and false otherwise. It checks for the opposite condition as the new_record? attribute.

The following example shows how to use persisted?:

person =
first_name: "Kiana",
last_name: "Kahananui"
puts person.persisted?!
puts person.persisted?

Mongoid provides several ways to access field values on a document. The following sections describe how you can access field values.

There are multiple ways to get and set field values on a document. If you explicitly declare a field, you can get and set this field value on the document directly. The following example shows how to set and get the first_name field for a Person instance:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :first_name
person =
person.first_name = "Artem"
person.first_name # => "Artem"

The preceding example first uses the first_name attribute to set a value, then calls it again to retrieve the value.

You can also use the [] and [] = methods on a Mongoid model instance to access attributes by using hash syntax. The [] method is an alias for the read_attribute method and the [] = method is an alias for the write_attribute method. The following example shows how to get and set the aliased first_name field by using the [] and []= methods:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :first_name, as: :fn
person = "Artem")
# => "Artem"
person[:first_name] = "Vanya"
# => "Artem"
# => #<Person _id: ..., first_name(fn): "Vanya">

To learn more about these methods, see the following read_attribute and write_attribute section of this guide.

You can use the read_attribute and write_attribute methods to specify custom behavior when reading or writing fields. You can use these methods when defining a model or by calling them on model instances.

To use read_attribute to get a field, pass the name of the field to the method. To use write_attribute to set a field, pass the name of the field and the value to assign.

The following example uses read_attribute and write_attribute in a model definition to define first_name and first_name= as methods that are used to read and write to the fn attribute:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
def first_name
def first_name=(value)
write_attribute(:fn, value)
person =
person.first_name = "Artem"
# => "Artem"

You can also call read_attribute and write_attribute directly on a model instance to get and set attributes. The following example uses these methods on a model instance to get the first_name attribute and set it to the value "Pushkin".

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :first_name, as: :fn
person = "Artem")
# => #<Person _id: ..., first_name(fn): "Artem">
# => "Artem"
# => "Artem"
person.write_attribute(:first_name, "Pushkin")
# => #<Person _id: ..., first_name(fn): "Pushkin">

You can write to multiple fields at the same time by using the attributes= or write_attributes methods on a model instance.

To use the attributes= method, call the method on a model instance and pass a hash object that contains the fields and values that you want to set. The following example shows how to use the attributes= method to set the first_name and middle_name fields on a person document:

person.attributes = { first_name: "Jean-Baptiste", middle_name: "Emmanuel" }

To use the write_attributes method, call the method on a model instance and pass the fields and values that you want to set. The following example shows how to use the write_attributes method to set the first_name and middle_name fields on a person document:

first_name: "Jean-Baptiste",
middle_name: "Emmanuel",

Mongoid provides support for the following update operators that you can call as methods on model instances. These methods perform operations atomically and skip validations and callbacks.

The following table describe the operators supported by Mongoid:



Adds a specified value to an array-valued field.

person.add_to_set(aliases: "Bond")


Performs a bitwise update of a field.

person.bit(age: { and: 10, or: 12 })


Increments the value of a field. 1)


Removes the first or last element of an array field.

person.pop(aliases: 1)


Removes all instances of a value or values that match a specified condition from an array field.

person.pull(aliases: "Bond")


Removes all instances of the specified values from an array field.

person.pull_all(aliases: [ "Bond", "James" ])


Appends a specified value to an array field.

person.push(aliases: ["007","008"])


Renames a field in all matching documents.

person.rename(bday: :dob)


Updates an attribute on the model instance and, if the instance is already persisted, performs an atomic $set on the field, bypassing validations.
set can also deeply set values on Hash fields.
set can also deeply set values on embeds_one associations. If a model instance's embeds_one association document is nil, one is created before the update.
set cannot be used with has_one associations.
person = Person.create!(name: "Ricky Bobby")
# Updates `name` in the database
person.set(name: "Tyler Durden")


Deletes a particular field in all matching documents.


To learn more about update operators, see Update Operators in the MongoDB Server manual.

To group atomic operations together, you can use the atomically method on a model instance. Mongoid sends all operations that you pass to an atomically block in a single atomic command.


Use Transactions to Modify Multiple Documents Atomically

Atomic operations apply to one document at a time. Therefore, nested atomically blocks cannot make changes to multiple documents in one atomic operation. To make changes to multiple documents in one atomic operation, use a multi-document transaction. To learn more about transactions, see the Transactions and Sessions guide.

The following example shows how to use atomically to atomically update multiple fields in a document:

person.atomically do 1)
person.set(name: 'Jake')

You can nest #atomically blocks when updating a single document. By default, Mongoid performs atomic writes defined by each block when the block ends. The following example shows how to nest atomically blocks:

person.atomically do
person.atomically do 1)
person.set(name: 'Jake')
raise 'An exception'
# Name and age changes are persisted

In the preceding example, the $inc and $set operations are executed at the end of the inner atomically block.

The atomically method accepts a join_context: true option to specify that operations execute at the end of the outermost atomically block. When you enable this option, only the outermost block, or the first block where join_context is false, writes changes to the database. The following example sets the join_context option to true:

person.atomically do
person.atomically(join_context: true) do 1)
person.set(name: 'Jake')
raise 'An exception'
# Name and age changes are not persisted

In the preceding example, Mongoid performs the $inc and $set operations at the end of the outermost atomically block. However, since an exception is raised before the block ends and these operations can run, the changes are not persisted.

You can also enable context joining globally, so that operations execute in the outermost atomically block by default. To enable this option globally, set the join_contexts configuration option to true in your mongoid.yml file. To learn more about Mongoid configuration options, see Self-Managed Configuration File Options.

When you globally set join_contexts to true, you can use the join_context: false option on an atomically block to run operations at the end of the block for that block only.

You can track changed ("dirty") fields by using a Mongoid API similar to the one available in Active Model. If you modify a defined field in a model, Mongoid marks the model as dirty and allows you to perform special actions. The following sections describe how you can interact with dirty models.

Mongoid records changes from the time a model is instantiated, either as a new document or by retrieving one from the database, until the time it is saved. Any persistence operation clears the changes.

Mongoid creates model-specific methods that allow you to explore the changes to a model instance. The following code demonstrates ways that you can view changes on your model instance:

# Retrieves a person instance
person = Person.first
# Sets a new `name` value = "Sarah Frank"
# Checks to see if the document is changed
person.changed? # true
# Gets an array of changed fields.
person.changed # [ :name ]
# Gets a hash of the old and changed values for each field
person.changes # { "name" => [ "Sarah Frink", "Sarah Frank" ] }
# Checks if a specific field is changed
person.name_changed? # true
# Gets the changes for a specific field
person.name_change # [ "Sarah Frink", "Sarah Frank" ]
# Gets the previous value for a field
person.name_was # "Sarah Frink"


Tracking Changes to Associations

Setting the associations on a document does not modify the changes or changed_attributes hashes. This is true for all types of associations. However, changing the _id field on referenced associations causes the changes to show up in the changes and the changed_attributes hashes.

You can reset a changed field to its previous value by calling the reset method, as shown in the following code:

person = Person.first = "Sarah Frank"
# Reset the changed `name` field
person.reset_name! # "Sarah Frink"

Mongoid uses dirty tracking as the basis of all persistence operations. It evaluates the changes on a document and atomically updates only what has changed, compared to other frameworks that write the entire document on each save. If you don't make any changes, Mongoid does not access the database when you call Model#save.

After you persist a model to MongoDB, Mongoid clears the current changes. However, you can still see what changes were made previously by calling the previous_changes method, as shown in the following code:

person = Person.first = "Sarah Frank" # Clears out current changes
# Lists the previous changes
# { "name" => [ "Sarah Frink", "Sarah Frank" ] }

Mongoid currently has an issue that prevents changes to attributes of container types, such as Set or Array, from saving to MongoDB. You must assign all fields, including container types, for their values to save to MongoDB.

For example, adding an item to a Set instance as shown in the following code does not persist changes to MongoDB:

person =
# => #<Set: {}>
person.interests << 'Hiking'
# => #<Set: {"Hiking"}>
# => #<Set: {}> # Change does not take effect

To persist this change, you must modify the field value outside of the model and assign it back to the model as shown in the following code:

person =
interests = person.interests
# => #<Set: {}>
interests << 'Hiking'
# => #<Set: {"Hiking"}>
# Assigns the Set to the field
person.interests = interests
# => #<Set: {"Hiking"}>
# => #<Set: {"Hiking"}>

You can mark documents as read-only in the following ways, depending on the value of the Mongoid.legacy_readonly feature flag:

  • If this flag is turned off, you can mark a document as read-only by calling the readonly! method on that document. The resulting read-only document raises a ReadonlyDocument error if you attempt to perform any persistence operation, including, but not limited to, saving, updating, deleting, and destroying. Note that reloading does not reset the read-only state.

    person = Person.first
    person.readonly? # => false
    person.readonly! # Sets the document as read-only
    person.readonly? # => true = "Larissa Shay" # Changes the document # => raises ReadonlyDocument error
    person.reload.readonly? # => true
  • If this flag is turned on, you can mark a document as read-only after you project that document by using methods such as only or without. As a result, you can't delete or destroy the read-only document because Mongoid raises a ReadonlyDocument error, but you can save and update it. The read-only status is reset if you reload the document.

    person = Person.only(:name).first
    person.readonly? # => true
    person.destroy # => raises ReadonlyDocument error
    person.reload.readonly? # => false



    To learn more about projections, see the Return Specified Fields section of the Modify Query Results guide.

You can also make a document read-only by overriding the readonly? method, as shown in the following code:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
def readonly?
person = Person.first
person.readonly? # => true
person.destroy # => raises ReadonlyDocument error

To learn more about specifying query filters, see the Specify a Document Query guide.

To learn more about setting validation rules on your models, see the Document Validation guide.

To learn more about defining callbacks, see the Customize Callbacks for Data Models guide.