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Ops Manager Server Changelog

Released 2025-03-06

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.22.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.11.0.

  • Releases mongosh 2.3.9, which addresses mongosh CVEs, to Ops Manager. To learn more, see mongosh Release Notes.

  • Adds support for configuring multiple passwords in the security.ldap.bind.queryPassword configuration file option so that users can ensure MongoDB doesn't disconnect from LDAP after a restart when performing an LDAP credential rotation. To learn more, see Enable LDAP Authentication for your Ops Manager Project.

  • Improves handling of misconfigured core and maximum connection pool sizes.

  • Adds ability for Ops Manager to recognize a dash (-) in the deployment name.

  • Exports all stored telemetry data into the related files of the diagnostic logs.

  • Improves error handling to avoid mongodb-mms stop crashing from Mongodb-mms-backup-daemon errors when the PID file does not exist.

Fixes the following issues:

  • Broken documentation link when adding an access list entry.

  • Error when saving custom parameter settings due to mms.mail.transport.

Released 2025-02-06

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates JDK to jdk-21.0.6+7.

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.21.

  • Improves error handling for the FileSystemSnapshotStore in the event the job directory does not exist.

Fixes the following issues:

  • Deployment IDs were not filtered out when multi-region backups were enabled.

  • bytesReclaimed reported compressed size for filesystems instead of showing fileSize.

  • Downloading logs failed for systems using syslog in some cases.

  • Upgrades from MongoDB 6.0.x to 7.0.x with OIDC configured and a pinned FCV became stuck.

Released 2025-01-10

  • Hardens the algorithm used for two-way encryption in AppDB.

  • Adds a trigger so that changes to the feature compatibility version (FCV) triggers a snapshot.

  • Adds an AppDB health check to the Ops Manager upgrade process to ensure a successful upgrade.

  • Improves MongoDB Agent connection handling during server overload.

  • Adds clusterID to the Ops Manager logs for each snapshot.

  • Includes deleted groups in the diagnostic archive for better debugging.

  • Adds 320 character limit for Email Address and Mobile Phone Number fields in the user profile UI.

  • Fixes CVE-2024-52046.

Fixes the following issues:

  • Labels did not appear on the Backup Job Config page in the Admin UI.

  • Configuring or updating Blockstore Max Capacity (GB) in the UI caused an error.

  • The MongoDB Agent tried to set the OIDC parameter supportHumanFlows on MongoDB clusters with FCV 6.0.

  • Unsupported mail transport protocol appeared as an option in the Admin UI.

  • The Admin UI redirected back to the logs page after viewing.

  • The link to the MongoDB Deployment Authentication Mechanism documentation in the UI was incorrect.

Released 2024-12-05

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.19.

  • Adds MongoDB Agent support for Ubuntu 24.04 on x86_64 and ARM architectures.

  • Adds support for deploying Ops Manager on Ubuntu 24.04 on x86_64 and ARM architectures.

  • Updates the password hashing algorithm to pbkdf2. Old passwords are migrated automatically without any user impact. New passwords cannot exceed 256 characters. Users with passwords longer than 256 characters must migrate their passwords.

  • Adds a new custom configuration mms.user.passwordHashIterations. to dynamically modify the number of iterations for the hashing algorithm.

  • Adds the following fields to the snapshot APIs: machineId, name, completedTime, fcv, and replicaState.

  • Adds ability to cancel a failed queryable restore for sharded clusters.

Fixes the following issues:

  • User invite API didn't respect the mms.user.bypassInviteForExistingUsers settings.

  • Deployments from deleted groups caused MongoDB version validation to fail and prevented the Ops Manager upgrade.

  • Arbiter nodes caused the Edit Namespace filter option in the UI to not be visible.

  • Topology change requests couldn't be processed when backup wasn't enabled.

  • The MongoDB Agent couldn't download the correct MongoDB Connector for BI versions on certain platforms.

  • When deploying Ops Manager in hybrid mode, .tmp files could be left behind unintentionally.

  • The MongoDB Agent could incorrectly report that goal state was reached while encountering a transient error.

Released 2024-11-01

  • Updates JDK to jdk-21.0.5+11.

  • Supports Workload Identity Federation on top of the already existing Workforce Identity Federation.

  • Supports configuring separate SAML signature validation for responses and assertions so that only one is required through the mms.saml.signedAssertions and mms.saml.signedMessages settings.

  • Supports ability to set a custom idle session timeout using new app settings, Idle Session Timeout Mode and Idle Session Timeout Max Minutes.

  • Removes the Ops Manager version number from the login page.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.17.

  • Upgrades Jetty library to 11.0.23.

  • Fixes an issue where the MongoDB Agent gets stuck because indexes are set to the CANCEL action.

  • Fixes CVE-2024-8184.

  • Fixes broken rpm package for Ops Manager version 8.0.0 containing incorrect version information that could cause standard upgrades to fail. If upgrading from this version to version 8.0.1 or greater, upgrade the package using the --oldpackage flag:

    sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.rpm

Released 2024-9-30


The following list contains features and improvements that have been added since Ops Manager 7.0.0, many of which are also included in later minor releases of Ops Manager 7.0. For details, see Ops Manager 7.0 releases.

  • Supports managing, monitoring, and backing up MongoDB 8.0 deployments.

  • Supports MongoDB 8.0 as a deployment option.

  • Supports deployments that use config shards.


    Queryable backups are not supported when you use config shards.

  • Deprecates support for MongoDB 4.4 and MongoDB 5.0 deployments.

  • Deprecates support for MongoDB Server 6.0 as a backing database.

  • Removes support for MongoDB 4.2 deployments.

  • Supports performing on-demand snapshots in addition to scheduled snapshots.

  • Supports enabling and configuring regional backups.

  • Supports parsing multiple certificates, or a chain, from PEM files for S3-compatible storage backup store configuration.

  • Adds additional snapshot history metadata for block tracking, incremental updates for data and indexes, transfer speed, and duration in the Admin interface and Diagnostic Archive.

  • Adds additional snapshot metrics to the snapshot summary table.

  • Adds ability to track restore block download performance.

  • Enhances logging for MongoDB blockstores groom progress and checks that grooms have enough space to run before starting.

  • Improves the redaction of sensitive fields.

  • Supports net.tls.clusterAuthX509 parameter in MongoDB 7.0 for clusterAuthMode set to x509.

  • Adds ability to configure the net.tls.clusterCAFile parameter.

  • Adds API support for project-level MongoDB log rotation settings.

  • Adds automation support for at-rest encryption of audit logs in MongoDB 6.0 and later versions.

  • Removes Ops Manager support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.

  • Removes Ops Manager support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.

  • Removes Ops Manager support for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

  • Deprecates Ops Manager support for Amazon Linux v2 LTS.

  • Deprecates Ops Manager support for Debian 11.

Released 2025-01-23

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.21.

  • Fixes the following issues:

    • Deployment IDs were not filtered out when multi-region backups are enabled.

    • Downloading logs could fail for systems that use syslog.

Released 2025-01-10

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.19.

  • Updates the release infrastructure:

    • Updates the password hashing algorithm to PBKDF2-SHA512. Migrates old passwords automatically without any user impact.

    • New passwords can't exceed 256 characters to avoid a potential resource exhaustion attack if users enter very long passwords.

    • Users with passwords longer than 256 characters must migrate their password.

  • New mms.user.passwordHashIterations custom configuration variable for Ops Manager to dynamically modify the number of iterations for the algorithm.

  • Adds the following fields to the snapshot APIs: machineId, name, completedTime, fcv, and replicaState.

  • Hardens the algorithm used for two-way encryption in AppDB.

  • Adds a trigger so that changes to the feature compatibility version (FCV) triggers a snapshot.

  • Adds an AppDB health check to the Ops Manager upgrade process to ensure a successful upgrade.

  • Adds clusterID to the Ops Manager logs for each snapshot.

  • Includes deleted groups in the diagnostic archive for better debugging.

  • Improves error handling for the FileSystemSnapshotStore in the event the job directory does not exist.

  • Adds 320 character limit for Email Address and Mobile Phone Number fields in the user profile UI.

  • Adds the ability to cancel a failed queryable restore for sharded clusters.

  • Fixes CVE-2024-52046.

Fixes the following issues:

  • Arbiter nodes caused the Edit Namespace Filter UI option to not appear.

  • Labels did not appear on the Backup Job Config page in the Admin UI.

  • Upgrades from MongoDB 6.0.x to 7.0.x with OIDC configured and a pinned FCV became stuck.

  • Configuring or updating Blockstore Max Capacity (GB) in the UI caused an error.

  • bytesReclaimed reported compressed size for filesystems instead of showing fileSize.

  • The MongoDB Agent tried to set the OIDC parameter on MongoDB 7.x clusters with FCV 6.0 set.

  • The MongoDB Agent downloaded incorrect MongoDB Connector for BI versions on certain platforms.

  • .tmp files were left behind in Hybrid mode.

  • Unsupported mail transport protocol appeared as an option in the Admin UI.

  • The MongoDB Agent could incorrectly report that the goal state was reached while encountering a transient error.

  • The Admin UI redirected back to the logs page after viewing.

  • The link to the MongoDB Deployment Authentication Mechanism documentation in the UI was incorrect.

Released 2024-10-31

  • Updates JDK to jdk-17.0.13+11.

  • Supports Workload Identity Federation on top of the already existing Workforce Identity Federation.

  • Supports configuring separate SAML signature validation for responses and assertions so that only one is required through the mms.saml.signedAssertions and mms.saml.signedMessages settings.

  • Supports ability to set a custom idle session timeout using new application settings, Idle Session Timeout Mode and Idle Session Timeout Max Minutes.

  • Supports taking on-demand snapshots in addition to scheduled snapshots.

  • Removes the Ops Manager version number from the login page if you set to false.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.17.

  • Upgrades Jetty library to 11.0.23.

  • Fixes an issue where the MongoDB Agent gets stuck because indexes are set to the CANCEL action.

  • Fixes CVE-2024-8184.

Released 2024-09-05

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Adds support MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.15.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.10.0.

  • Removes the MongoDB Agent dependencies on the redhat-lsb-core package for RHEL and lsb-release pacakge for Debian.

  • Ensures that Ops Manager retains at least one snapshot regardless of expiration schedule.

  • Fixes the following issues:

    • Upgrades from Ops Manager 6 to Ops Manager 7 fail due to a missing field in the SNMP alert configuration used for upgrade validation.

    • Diagnostics archive shows incorrect free space for File System snapshot store.

    • DeploymentId not displayed for shards with regional backup enabled.

    • Potential error when saving updates to oplog or snapshot stores due to DeploymentId validation.

    • Possible shutdown loop when KMIP rotation and initial sync run concurrently.

Released 2024-08-01

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates JDK to jdk-17.0.12+7.

  • Improves metadata clean up when terminating backup jobs.

  • Fixes CVE-2023-45288

  • Fixes the following issues:

    • Creating a new regional backup errors on internal sync store assignment.

    • Agent potentially crashes during restart due to a race condition.

Released 2024-07-18

Released 2024-06-27

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.13.

  • Improves a snapshot's ability to use the same node from a previous snapshot.

  • Improves the warning when file system stores doesn't exist.

  • Ensures that a groom job has enough space to run before starting.

  • Fixes the following CVEs:

  • Fixes an issue where the HTTP transport for automation didn't always use the configured TLS configuration.

  • Improves the redaction of sensitive fields.

Released 2024-06-06

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Fixes an issue that could cause termination jobs to timeout due to unassigned blockstores.

  • Fixes an issue where required backup job fields could become null.

Released 2024-05-10

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Supports parsing multiple certificates, or a chain, from PEM files for S3-compatible storage backup store configuration.

  • Adds alert to verify defaultRWConcern of the AppDB and other backing databases.

  • Fixes the following issues:

    • Backup job logs for a specific logger didn't appear correctly in the UI.

    • ObjectId fields in snapshot history rendered incorrectly.

Released 2024-05-02

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Releases mongosh 2.2.4 to Ops Manager. To learn more, see mongosh Release Notes.

  • Updates JDK to jdk-17.0.11+9.

  • Displays S3-compatible storage oplog store databases as a backing database in the Admin Overview tab.

  • Adds additional diagnostics information related to backup speed in a separate download ingestible format from diagnostic archive.

  • Adds additional snapshot history metadata for block tracking, incrementality for data and indexes, transfer speed, and duration in the Admin UI and diagnostic archives.

  • Increases the number of snapshots retained to 60 snapshots per cluster for the snapshot history metadata.

  • Fixes an issue with backup configuration daemon filter for deleted daemons.

  • Fixes CVE-2024-29025.

Released 2024-04-04

  • Releases mongosh 2.2.3 to Ops Manager. To learn more, see mongosh Release Notes.

  • Supports enabling and configuring regional backups.

  • Supports net.tls.clusterAuthX509 parameter in MongoDB 7.0 for clusterAuthMode set to x509.

  • Adds API support for project level MongoDB log rotation settings.

  • Adds ability for backup to automatically configure an improved default blocksize for mongo blockstores.

  • Adds automation support for at-rest encryption of audit logs in MongoDB 6.0 and later versions.

  • Enhances logging for MongoDB blockstores groom progress.

  • Fixes the following issues:

    • Inactive accounts prevented users from navigating to the continuous backup page.

    • Restore would fail in existing deployments if credentials version didn't match.

    • Restores couldn't progress due to a DOWN host.

    • The mongodVersion in the backup jobs collection doesn't update correctly.

  • Fixes CVE-2023-33546

  • Fixes CVE-2024-22201

Released 2024-03-07

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Fixes a bug where Ops Manager upgrades might become stuck when webhook notifications are configured due to webhook_url not populating correctly.

  • Adds MongoDB Agent support for Ubuntu 20.04 and RHEL 9 on ARM.

  • Fixes a bug where the MongoDB Agent wasn't considering all of a certificate's SANs.

  • Adds the ability to edit WiredTiger job setting, number of backup workers, and bandwidth for backups in the Administration Console.

  • Adds the ability for Ops Manager to automatically choose the number of backup workers based on available CPU cores and memory.

  • Fixes CVE-2023-52428

  • Fixes CVE-2024-25710

  • Fixes CVE-2024-26308

  • Releases mongosh 2.1.5 to Ops Manager. To learn more, see mongosh Release Notes.

  • Fixes an issue where Ops Manager inaccurately reported the network bytes out metric that appears in the System Network chart. This release resets this metric and the previous values no longer appear. To learn more, see Review Available Metrics and System and Disk Alerts.

Released 2024-02-01

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates JDK to jdk-17.0.10+7.

  • Adds MongoDB Agent support for Debian 12.

  • Adds support for deploying Ops Manager on Debian 12.

  • Adds ability to configure the net.tls.clusterCAFile parameter.

  • Adds additional snapshot metrics to the snapshot summary table.

  • Adds ability to track restore block download performance.

  • Improves MongoDB and S3-compatible blockstore snapshot performance for large files through enhanced memory utilization.

  • Improves the agent's ability to retry for more blockstore errors.

  • Fixes the following bugs:

    • DBUsage API endpoint issue that affected totalCount, pageNum, filtering and pagination in the UI.

    • Oplog Behind warning could be displayed for non-active shards.

    • LOW_APP_DB_FREE_SPACE_PERCENT alert was not working correctly.

    • Servers might display stale statuses in the Ops Manager UI.

  • Removes ability to delete a project that has managed deployments.

Released 2024-01-08


If you're using MongoDB 7.0.0 to 7.0.4, upgrade to Ops Manager 7.0.1 or later before upgrading to MongoDB 7.0.5.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Bumps the minimum required MongoDB Agent version for Ops Manager 7.0 to You must upgrade to this version of the MongoDB Agent to allow clusters using OIDC to continue functioning after upgrading to MongoDB 7.0.5.

  • Fixes a bug where clusters on MongoDB 7.0.0 to 7.0.4 using OpenID Connect authentication fail to properly upgrade to MongoDB 7.0.5.

Released 2024-01-04


If you're using MongoDB 7.0.0 to 7.0.4, upgrade to Ops Manager 7.0.1 or later before upgrading to MongoDB 7.0.5.

  • Supports managing, monitoring, and backing up MongoDB 7.0 deployments.

  • Supports MongoDB 7.0 as a deployment option.

  • Removes support for SNMP alerts.

  • Redacts third-party credentials.

    • Ops Manager redacts credentials for third-party metrics and alert integrations when you view or edit an alert through the UI or query third-party integration settings through the API.

      You can still edit these credentials. We recommend that you store these credentials outside of Ops Manager.

  • Adds support for enabling OIDC authentication through an IdP that supports OIDC, such as Microsoft Entra ID, Okta, or Ping Identity.

  • Replaces the target of the /var/lib/mongodb-mms-automation/bin symlink. This symlink now points to the latest downloaded version of mongosh. In the previous releases, this symlink pointed to the latest MongoDB version in the /bin folder. This change ensures that you always use the newest downloaded mongosh version in all scripts for your deployments.

  • Removes support for the MongoDB Cloud Migration Service in Ops Manager. If you need to use push-based migrations to migrate your deployments to MongoDB Atlas, you can use the Cloud Migration Service in MongoDB Cloud Manager.

  • Removes support for the Manage Sharded Collections UI.

    • Removes the ability to shard a collection, manage the sharded cluster balancer, and manage sharded zones through the UI. You still have full control of your sharded cluster available through the command line by using mongosh.

  • Removes support for Internet Explorer 11.

  • Adds support for deploying Ops Manager on RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 on x86_64 architectures.

  • Adds support for deploying Ops Manager on Ubuntu 22.04 on x86_64 architectures.

  • Adds support for deploying Ops Manager on Amazon Linux 2023.

  • Adds support to fix broken rpm packages for Ops Manager versions 6.0.0, 6.0.1, and 6.0.2 containing incorrect version information that could cause standard upgrades to fail. If upgrading from any of these versions to version 6.0.3 or greater, upgrade the package using the --oldpackage flag:

    sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.rpm
  • Removes Ops Manager support for Debian 10.

  • Removes Ops Manager support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

  • Deprecates Ops Manager support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.

  • Deprecates Ops Manager support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.

  • Deprecates Ops Manager support for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

  • Adds MongoDB Agent support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 on x86_64 and ARM architectures.

  • Adds MongoDB Agent support for Ubuntu 22.04 on x86_64 and ARM architectures.

  • Adds MongoDB Agent support for Amazon Linux 2023.

  • Deprecates MongoDB Agent support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.

  • Deprecates MongoDB Agent support for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Released 2025-01-30


Ops Manager 6.0 EOL

This is the final release of Ops Manager 6.0. Ops Manager 6.0 has reached end of life (EOL). Upgrade to at least Ops Manager 7.0 immediately to keep your Ops Manager support.

Released 2024-10-31

Released 2024-08-08

Released 2024-07-12

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.9.5.

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.13.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Releases mongosh 2.2.4 to Ops Manager. To learn more, see mongosh Release Notes.

  • Uses server-side random sampling to distribute data points in Profiler more evenly across the scatterplot.

  • Displays S3 Oplog Store DBs as a backing DB in the Admin interface's Overview tab.

  • Provides additional diagnostics information related to backup speed in a separate download format from Diagnostic Archive.

  • Updates snapshot history to include additional metadata for block tracking, incrementality for data and indexes, transfer speed, and duration in the Admin interface and Diagnostic Archive.

  • Updates snapshot history from 20 to 60 snapshots for each cluster.

  • Adds API support for project level MongoDB log rotation settings.

  • Fixes the following CVEs:

  • Fixes a potential restore validation error.

  • Fixes a bug where the backup configuration daemon filter appears incorrectly for removed hardware.

  • Fixes a bug where a specific logger doesn't appear correctly in the UI for backup job logs.

  • Fixes a bug where the ObjectId field in snapshot history renders incorrectly.

  • Resolves a NullPointerException from bad hostInfo.

  • Fixes a bug where altering the snapshot time skips longer retained snapshots.

  • Fixes a bug where unassigned blockstores terminate backup jobs to timeout.

  • Fixes a bug where snapshots in the process of restore are groomed.

Released 2024-04-04

  • Fixes the following CVEs:

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.22+7.

  • Releases mongosh 2.1.5 to Ops Manager. To learn more, see mongosh Release Notes.

  • Supports automating deployments on RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 ARM architectures.

  • Adds API support for project level MongoDB log rotation settings.

  • Adds ability for backup to automatically configure an improved default blocksize for mongo blockstores.

  • Enhances logging for MongoDB blockstores groom progress.

  • Improves MongoDB and S3-compatible blockstore snapshot performance for large files through enhanced memory utilization.

  • Supports tracking restore block download performance.

  • Supports editing WiredTiger job setting, number of backup workers, and bandwidth for backups in the Administration Console.

  • Automatically chooses the number of backup workers based on available CPU cores and memory.

  • Adds additional snapshot metrics to the snapshot summary table.

  • Adds automation support for at-rest encryption of audit logs in MongoDB 6.0 and later versions.

  • Supports configuration of the net.tls.clusterCAFile parameter.

  • Improves the agent's ability to retry for more blockstore errors.

  • Fixes the following bugs:

    • Restore would fail in existing deployments if credentials version didn't match.

    • Restores couldn't progress due to a DOWN host.

    • The mongodVersion in the backup jobs collection didn't update correctly.

    • LDAP version manifest URLs weren't constructed properly in local mode.

    • Enabling automation on a deployment might fail.

    • DBUsage API endpoint issue that affected totalCount, pageNum, filtering and pagination in the UI.

    • Oplog Behind warning would be displayed for non-active shards.

    • LOW_APP_DB_FREE_SPACE_PERCENT alert wasn't working correctly.

    • Servers might display stale statuses in the Ops Manager UI.

Released 2024-01-04

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Fixes a bug where backups might default to the wrong storage engine.

  • Fixes a bug where the MongoDB Agent might download the wrong binaries for certain operating systems.

Released 2023-12-14

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.9.4.

  • Adds support for MongoDB Connector for BI 2.14.12.

  • Adds the backupJobsEnabledOnly API parameter to indicate whether to exclude daemons not enabled for backing up databases from the API response.

  • Disallows setting your logRotate configuration to reopen if you've already configured log rotation by the MongoDB Agent in the UI.

  • Fixes a bug where users in local mode could not use the Validate LDAP Connection button when configuring LDAP in the UI.

  • Fixes a bug where a backup with namespace filtering fails due to a file list error.

  • Fixes a bug where a backup successfully restarts before an oplog store could be assigned.

  • Fixes a bug where the Blockstore Minimum Block Size dropdown displays incorrectly in the Admin UI.

  • Fixes the following CVEs:

Released 2023-11-03

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.21+9.

  • Updates jetty to 10.0.17.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.9.0.

  • Updates log4j-over-slf4j to 1.7.36.

  • Eliminates fileSystemStore alerts if you have no filesystem stores configured.

  • Fixes Invalid cong bug that occurred when you upgraded a managed deployment with multiple tags.

  • Fixes a bug that prevented S3 store deletion.

  • Improves SystemSpaceAlertChecks to check all the members.

  • Adds the hostname and port to the abort error log for a job.

  • Releases mongosh 2.0.2 to Ops Manager. To learn more, see mongosh Release Notes.

  • Adds support for automating deployments on RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 x86_64 architectures (with BI connector support).

  • Adds support for automating deployments on Ubuntu 22.04 for both x86_64 and ARM64/aarch64 architectures (with BI connector support).

  • Adds support for running Ops Manager on RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 and Ubuntu 22.04 for x86_64 architectures.

  • Fixes the following CVEs:

Released 2023-10-05

Released 2023-09-07


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

Released 2023-08-03


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

Released 2023-07-06


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

Released 2023-06-15


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

Released 2023-06-01


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates org.bitbucket.b_c:jose4j version 0.7.10 to version 0.9.3 to address SNYK-JAVA-ORGBITBUCKETBC-5488281.

  • Updates net.minidev:json-smart@2.4.2 to version 2.4.11 to address CVE-2023-1370.

  • Updates org.json:json@20211205 to org.json:json@20230227 to address CVE-2022-45688.

  • Includes BI Connector 2.14.6.

  • Snapshots now include a flag that indicates whether or not they are incremental.

  • Adds the ability for Ops Manager administrators to access performance and snapshot metrics. Administrators can now use Prometheus to query newly created collections and view metrics graphs.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.7.0.

Released 2023-05-04


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.


To improve user experience, Ops Manager server 6.0.13 updates the Ops Manager systemd unit file from to This prevents reboot failures caused by attempting to start mongod after the network management stack has started, but before verifying that network connectivity has been established.

Released 2023-04-07


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.7.0.

  • Adds support for managing MongoDB deployments on the Ubuntu 22.04 (x86) operating system. BI Connector is not currently supported on the Ubuntu 22.04 (x86) operating system.

  • Fixes CVE-2023-0342.

  • Fixes a bug in the MongoDB Agent where the shutdown sequence might get blocked under certain circumstances, resulting in failed Agent upgrades.

Released 2023-03-15


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

Released 2023-03-02


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • The MongoDB Agent now compresses its own rotated logs.

  • Fixes an issue where sharded collections could be missing from the chunks dropdown for the backing cluster in the UI.

  • Fixes an issue where clicking the refresh button in the Backup Job Timeline UI resulted in a failure.

  • Includes the latest version of MongoDB Shell 1.6.2.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.6.1.

Released 2023-02-02


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.18+10.

Released 2023-01-12


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

Released 2022-12-01


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Fixes an issue where the list of projects was overriden in the left navigation bar.

  • Adds global alerts for backup groom jobs running late.

  • Adds system alerts for AppDB, Oplog Store, and Blockstore disk space filling up.

  • Adds a new summary page in the Administration UI, under the Backup tab, with the status of the most recent snapshots.

Released 2022-11-08


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.17+8.

  • Updates jetty to 10.0.12 to fix a bug that occurred when SSL connection errors prevented the release of the memory associated with the connection.

  • Fixes an issue that prevented downloading the MongoDB Agent for PowerPC (ppc64le) and zSeries (s390x) architectures.

Released 2022-10-20


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

Released 2022-10-13


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.6.0.

  • Uses amazon2 packages instead of RHEL7 packages on amazon2 hosts for MongoDB Database Tools. If you run Ops Manager in the local mode, you can download amazon2 MongoDB Database Tools binaries via the MongoDB Agent.

  • Fixes an issue where the Project List was overriden in the left navigation bar in the UI.

Released 2022-09-01


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Moves the User to Distinguished Name Mapping field in Security Settings from the LDAP Authorization section to the Other Settings section in Native LDAP Authentication. To learn more, see Enable LDAP Authentication.

  • Updates the delay of the Query Targeting: Scanned Objects / Returned default alert from 0 to 10 minutes, so that the alert fires only if this threshold is maintained for 10 minutes. This affects only the default alert configuration.

  • Updates JDK to jdk-

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Fixes incorrect version information in rpm Ops Manager packages. To learn more, see Install Ops Manager.

Released 2022-08-04


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Removes spurious audit log rotation errors from the MongoDB Agent log files and corrects file suffix handling.

  • Adds MongoDB 6.0.0 as a deployment option.

  • Introduces FCV 6.0 option in Ops Manager.

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.16+8.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to


    Live Migration (push) Deprecated or Not Supported for Source Deployments Managed or Monitored by Ops Manager

    • For source deployments running any MongoDB 6.0.+ versions, where the deployments are managed or monitored by Ops Manager, live migration (push) is not supported.

    • For source deployments running any MongoDB 5.0 and earlier versions, where the deployments are managed or monitored by Ops Manager, live migration (push) is deprecated.

    • For source deployments running MongoDB 6.0.+, where the deployments are monitored by Cloud Manager, live migration (push) is supported. To learn more, see Live Migrate Your MongoDB Cluster Monitored by Cloud Manager to Atlas.


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade the MongoDB Agent to or later or upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

Released 2022-07-20


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Supports MongoDB 6.0 as a deployment option, but doesn't display MongoDB 6.0.0 as an available deployment option by default. To display MongoDB 6.0.0 as a deployment option, set mms.featureFlag.automation.enableV6 configuration option in the file to enabled.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade the MongoDB Agent to or later or upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

Released 2022-07-19


To use the MongoDB Connector for BI on Ops Manager 8.0.0 or later, you must use MongoDB 4.4 or later.

If your BI Connector runs MongoDB 3.6, you must disable the BI Connector, or update MongoDB to 4.4 before you upgrade Ops Manager to 8.0.0 or later.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade the MongoDB Agent to or later or upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

  • Supports managing, monitoring, and backing up MongoDB 6.0 deployments.

  • Improves backpressure support to throttle down the snapshot process when the load is too high, resulting in improved stability of backups.

  • Adds support to upload custom certificates for S3 snapshot/oplog stores from the admin console.

  • Adds support for parallel resumable restores when using Automation.

  • Adds support for concurrent WiredTiger snapshots and grooms when the S3 snapshot store is used.

  • Adds support for MongoDB cluster monitoring via Prometheus:

    • Allows configuring Ops Manager to make MongoDB cluster metric data available for Prometheus to consume.

    • Provides MongoDB process metrics and hardware metrics for the clusters.

    • Supports file-based and http-based discovery for metric resources.

    • Supports integrating with Prometheus:

      • You can configure Ops Manager to send metric data about your MongoDB clusters to your Prometheus instance.

      • Ops Manager sends MongoDB process metrics and hardware metrics for the clusters.

      • Ops Manager supports file based and http based discovery for metric resources.

  • Adds support for the following elements in Data Explorer:

    • Creation, deletion, and viewing of Clustered collections.

    • Creation of secondary indexes for Timeseries collections using the hybrid or rolling build approaches.

  • Adds the following options for queries initiated in the Data Explorer Find tab:

    • Project

    • Sort

    • Collation

  • Adds a new metric, OPLOG_REPLICATION_LAG_TIME, accessible through the Metrics API.

    • This new metric, along with the existing Replication Lag metric, chart now has sub-second precision.

  • Adds a new option to disable monitoring of Ops Manager's backing database (AppDB).

    • When the AppDB is configured for monitoring, it is no longer possible to remove the project from Ops Manager.

    • Previously, after enabling Application Database Monitoring, the user couldn't disable monitoring or remove the project from the Ops Manager projects list.

    • In this release, admins can now permit removal of the Application DB project, allowing application database monitoring to be fully disabled and/or removed.

    • This new option can be found under Admin->Ops Manager Config->Backing DBs.

  • Adds support for Microsoft Teams as an alert notification destination.

  • Improves integration flow with PagerDuty through its Events v2 API for alert notifications.

  • Deprecates SNMP alerts. Ops Manager 7.0.0 will not include SNMP alerts.

  • Adds support for MongoDB log rotate configuration and commands for independent log rotation configuration of MongoDB Log and MongoDB Audit Log Files.

  • Adds download of the new mongo shell (mongosh) to the deployment nodes.


    This isn't supported in Local mode.

  • Improves usability by offering a modernized Deployment Security Configuration UI.

    • Adds support for validating TLS and LDAP configuration before deployment.

  • Changes to MongoDB's current fonts, colors and UI components.

  • Deprecates the Managed Sharded Collections UI. Ops Manager 7.0.0 will not include this feature.

  • Adds support for running Ops Manager on Debian 11.

  • Adds support for automating deployments on RedHat Enterprise Linux version 8 and Amazon Linux 2 on the ARM64/aarch64 architecture.

  • Removes support for automating deployments on Debian 9 and RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.

Released 2023-07-31

Released 2023-06-1

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.19+7.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Includes BI Connector 2.14.6.

  • Includes MongoDB Database Tools 100.7.0.

  • Defaults the Multiple Workers option for a single file during backup to On.

  • Snapshots now include a flag that indicates whether or not they are incremental.

  • Fixes CVE-2023-0342.

  • Fixes a bug in the MongoDB Agent where the shutdown sequence might get blocked under certain circumstances, resulting in failed Agent upgrades.

Released 2023-03-15

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates Apache Commons FileUpload to 1.5 to address CVE-2023-24998.

  • Adds an option to support using multiple workers for a single file during backups. You can enable this beta feature by doing the following:

    1. In the Settings page for your Project, click the Beta Features tab.

    2. Toggle Backup Multiple Workers Per File to enable the feature.

Released 2023-02-02

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.18+10.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2022-11-17

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.17+8.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2022-10-20

Released 2022-09-19

  • Removes spurious audit log rotation errors from the MongoDB Agent log files and corrects file suffix handling.

  • Updates JDK to jdk-

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2022-08-04

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.16+8.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

Released 2022-07-21

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

  • Fixes an issue that caused premature termination of sharded cluster snapshots when one shard completed its snapshot before the other shards.

Released 2022-06-30

  • Updates log4j-over-slf4j to 1.7.36 to address CVE-2020-9493.

  • Fixes an issue where editing an Oplog Store's name that contains dots (.) might have resulted in errors.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.5.3.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Switches to the BCFIPS Java Security Provider library.

  • Switches from using /dev/random for random number generation to using /dev/urandom.


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

Released 2022-06-02

  • Adds support for the PagerDuty Events API V2. All new PagerDuty keys use their Events API v2.

  • Fixes an issue where updating MongoDB Agent versions via the API fails when you use controlled features.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

Released 2022-05-05

  • Adds support for Debian 10 when you use the BI Connector.

  • Fixes an issue that occured when you changed the default server usage for organizations.

  • Updates the JDK to jdk-11.0.15+10.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to


    Due to critical issue SERVER-68925, Ops Manager deployments using this version of the MongoDB Agent should not perform automated rolling index builds on clusters running the following MongoDB versions:

    • MongoDB 4.2.19-4.2.22

    • MongoDB 4.4.13-4.4.16

    • MongoDB 5.0.6-5.0.11

    • MongoDB 6.0.0-6.0.1

    You can continue to perform manual rolling index builds safely on your clusters. To perform automated rolling index builds safely, upgrade your clusters to:

    • MongoDB 4.2.23 or later

    • MongoDB 4.4.17 or later

    • MongoDB 5.0.12 or later

    • MongoDB 6.0.2 or later

Released 2022-04-07

  • Adds support for concurrent MongoDB version 4.2+ snapshots and S3 snapshot store grooms.

  • Fixes an incorrect link when filtering backup jobs on the admin pages.

  • Fixes an issue where the MongoDB Agent erroneously rejects changes when you use controlled features.

  • Changes how disk space is calculated for Cloud Live Migrations. Starting with this release, the migration process validates that the target MongoDB Atlas cluster has enough free disk based on the storage size of the compressed data. To learn more about data and storage sizes, see dbStats.

  • Fixes an issue when creating LDAP group mappings through the API.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.5.2.

Released 2022-03-03

  • Supports MongoDB log rotate configuration and commands for independent log rotation configuration for MongoDB Log and MongoDB Audit Log Files.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.5.2.

Released 2022-02-17

  • Removes support for running Ops Manager on:

    • RHEL 7.x/8.x, and Ubuntu 16.x on PowerPC (ppc64le) architectures.

    • RHEL 6.x/7.x, Ubuntu 18.x, and SUSE 12.x on zSeries (s390x) architectures.

    To learn more about supported platforms for running Ops Manager on, see Ops Manager Software Requirements.

  • Fixes an issue where S3 Oplog Stores can leave behind S3 objects even after the configured retention window has elapsed.

  • Updates JDK to jdk-

  • Keeps legacy monitoring and backup agents in sync with MongoDB agent configuration when making automationConfig API and UI updates.

  • Removes workaround to use an X.509 CommonName instead of a SAN.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.5.2.

Released 2022-01-13

  • Improves storage size calculation for a Cloud Live Migration of a sharded cluster.

  • Fixes a bug that prevents Ops Manager from syncing user information from LDAP servers.

  • Fixes a bug where Ops Manager incorrectly escaped characters in LDAP search filters.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • When taking a snapshot, allows the MongoDB Agent to slow the sending of data blocks when Ops Manager is overloaded, so that the snapshot can complete. Successful completion of snapshots is prioritized over speed.


    To use this feature, you must upgrade to the latest version of the MongoDB Agent.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.5.1.

Released 2021-12-02

  • Upgrades the JDK to version 11.0.13.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2021-11-04

  • Fixed an issue where S3-compatible oplog stores would not appear on the Oplog Storage page in the administration console in all configurations.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Removes support for RHEL 6.

Released 2021-10-06

Released 2021-09-03

  • Fixes a bug where, when running in local mode, with both PowerPC RHEL71 and RHEL81 builds of MongoDB present, the RHEL81 build would always be selected.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Upgrades the JDK to version 11.0.12, which restricts the use of insecure TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. To learn more, see the JDK release notes.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.4.0.

Released 2021-08-05

  • Improves Log Collection Jobs.

  • Adds a warning message when Ops Manager has less than 10GB of disk space available.

  • Fixes a bug that prevents clusters' Real-Time Panel tab from loading properly.

  • Disables the continuous backup page when AppDB monitoring is enabled.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.4.0.

Released 2021-07-13

Adds the MongoDB Cloud Migration Service. This service powers Live Migrations from Ops Manager or MongoDB Cloud Manager to MongoDB Atlas. The service runs when you use the Live Migration wizard in MongoDB Atlas. After preparing a target cluster in Atlas, provisioning a migration host in Ops Manager, and linking your Ops Manager or MongoDB Cloud Manager organization to your MongoDB Atlas organization, you can launch a Live Migration process in MongoDB Atlas for an existing cluster in Ops Manager or MongoDB Cloud Manager, and migrate all data from the source cluster to a target cluster in Atlas. You can also migrate a MongoDB Community to MongoDB Atlas.

For more information, see Workflow for Live Migration in the Atlas documentation.

To live migrate your deployment from Ops Manager or MongoDB Cloud Manager to Atlas, see Migrate from Ops Manager to Atlas. To live migrate your MongoDB Community deployments to Atlas using Ops Manager, see Migrate a MongoDB Community Deployment to Atlas.

  • Supports managing, monitoring, and backing up MongoDB 5.0 deployments.

  • Highlights deployments running without best-practice security features enabled (TLS, authentication, authorization) in the Clusters page.

  • Highlights changes to MongoDB clusters that result in processes restarts in the Review and Deploy confirmation modal.

  • Improves snapshot resiliency to transient failures for clusters running MongoDB 4.2 or later.

  • Improves performance for snapshots running MongoDB 4.2 or later.

  • Improves metadata management and handling of large files.

  • Increases granularity of date filters in Activity Feed to the hour.

  • Adds ability for admins to download a JSON view of the Activity Feed.

  • Adds categories of events for improved filtering of Activity Feed items. These improvements exist in both the console and the API.

  • Changes all instances of the following terms in the activity feed, console, and API endpoint URLs:

    • Whitelist or Blacklist to Access List

    • slaveDelay to secondaryDelaySecs

    Make sure to update any application code or scripts with these updated labels to reflect this change.

  • Supports up to 200,000 logs.

  • Doesn't cap logs read at 10 MB.

  • Suggests removing redundant, unused, or hidden indexes.

Adds new hardware charts for system level memory, swap, and network usage on RHEL Linux.

Simplifies deploying Kubernetes MongoDB resources. This release adds a wizard-like interface to generate configuration files in the Ops Manager console. MongoDB Kubernetes Enterprise Operator improvements released separately.

  • Signs Ops Manager packages with PGP.

  • Supports Ops Manager services on RedHat Enterprise Linux version 8 on the ppc64le architecture.

Disables TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 by default.

Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2022-07-29

  • Updates the JDK to jdk-11.0.16+8.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2022-07-07

  • Fixes an issue where editing an Oplog Store's name that contains dots (.) might have resulted in errors.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2022-05-05

  • Adds support for Debian 10 when you use the BI Connector.

  • Fixes an issue that occurred when you changed the default server usage for organizations.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Updates the JDK to jdk-11.0.15+10.

  • Upgrades the package to 3.19.4.

Released 2022-02-17

  • Removes support for running Ops Manager on:

    • RHEL 7.x/8.x, and Ubuntu 16.x on PowerPC (ppc64le) architectures.

    • RHEL 6.x/7.x, Ubuntu 18.x, and SUSE 12.x on zSeries (s390x) architectures.

    To learn more about supported platforms for running Ops Manager on, see Ops Manager Software Requirements.

  • Fixes an issue where S3-compatible storage Oplog Stores can leave behind S3-compatible storage objects even after the configured retention window has elapsed.

  • Updates the JDK to jdk-

  • Removes workaround to use an X.509 CommonName instead of a SAN.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2022-01-13

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • When taking a snapshot, allows the MongoDB Agent to slow the sending of data blocks when Ops Manager is overloaded, so that the snapshot can complete. Successful completion of snapshots is prioritized over speed.


    To use this feature, you must upgrade to the latest version of the MongoDB Agent.

Released 2021-11-16

  • Updates JDK to jdk-11.0.13+8.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2021-11-04

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Removes support for RHEL 6.

Released 2021-09-03

  • Fixes a bug where, when running in local mode, with both PowerPC RHEL71 and RHEL81 builds of MongoDB present, the RHEL81 build would always be selected.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Upgrades the JDK to version 11.0.12, which restricts the use of insecure TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. To learn more, see the JDK release notes.

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.5.0.

Released 2021-08-05

  • Fixes a bug that caused restore to fail due to an invalid ping from the backup agent.

  • Adds a warning message when Ops Manager has less than 10GB of disk space available.

  • Fixes a bug that caused the System Alerts UI to fail after a system alert was saved with a webhook URL.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.3.1.

Released 2021-07-01

Released 2021-06-10

Released 2021-06-03

  • Upgrades JDK to jdk-11.0.11+9.

  • Disables TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1.

  • Fixes a bug that would re-enable Ops Manager instances for API writes during an upgrade of Ops Manager.

  • Fixes a date formatting issue when listing logs in the admin user interface.

  • Adds MongoDB server for RHEL 8.1 running on PowerPC to Ops Manager's version manifest.

  • Caches the computed list of MongoDB binaries available on disk in Local Mode.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.3.1.

Released 2021-05-06

  • Fixed a bug that caused the User Authentication Method field on the Ops Manager Config page to not display a visual indicator that the setting is overwritten in the configuration file.

  • Removed support for Ubuntu 16.04 since Ubuntu 16.04 is End OF Life (EOL) as of April 2021.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Compatible with MongoDB Database Tools 100.3.1.

Released 2021-04-01

  • Updates an outdated comment in the file. Even though Ops Manager 4.4.11 does not add any new parameters to this file, the upgrade process detects that the file had changed. To avoid having to manually reconfigure Ops Manager, ensure that Ops Manager uses the current version of this file after the upgrade. Create and store backup copies of all your configuration files, to avoid losing important Ops Manager configuration.

    • For upgrades that use the .deb package, the upgrade process prompts you to choose which version of the file Ops Manager should use. Choose the current file.

    • For upgrades that use the rpm package, the upgrade process saves the file as the file. Use the mv command to rename to This ensures that Ops Manager uses the current file after the upgrade.

  • Fixes a bug in the MongoDB usage report where backing databases are not correctly identified.

  • Fixes a bug in the MongoDB usage report where Ops Manager could potentially find duplicate hosts based on network aliases.

  • Fixes a bug that causes some MongoDB versions to be considered as custom builds when validating the Automation configuration.

  • Fixes a bug that disallows configuring LDAP group names longer than 100 characters.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Requires MongoDB Database Tools 100.3.1.

  • Changes the protocolVersion API parameter from an integer to a string. For example, previously, you could specify 1 for this parameter. Now, you must specify "1" for this parameter instead.

Released 2021-03-04

  • Allows you to choose either redact, or to not redact, sensitive information from the server usage report. If you choose to redact, Ops Manager redacts before it generates the report for download.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Requires MongoDB Database Tools 100.3.0.

Released 2021-02-17

Released 2021-02-05

Released 2021-01-11

Released 2020-12-03

  • Fixes a bug that prevents Ops Manager from correctly authenticating to an HTTP Proxy.

  • Limits Tracking and Groom Jobs to the Backup Daemons set in the Backup Configuration. This applies to the project in which you set the configuration and run the jobs.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Requires MongoDB Database Tools 100.2.0.

Released 2020-11-05

  • Updates the JDK to jdk-jdk-

  • Supports viewing MongoDB Profiler entries with overlapping timestamps separately in the Visual Query Profiler.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Requires MongoDB Database Tools 100.2.0.

Released 2020-10-07

  • Adds JVM Arguments in the Ops Manager diagnostic archive.

  • Adds a new configuration parameter Non Proxy Hosts which allows the Ops Manager Application Server to bypass the outgoing proxy you configured when accessing specific hosts.

  • Fixes a bug that prevents users from changing their password.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Adds support for Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Requires MongoDB Database Tools 100.1.0.

Released 2020-09-23

  • Fixes a high severity vulnerability in Ops Manager. CVE-2020-7927 is allocated for this issue.

  • Fixes an issue that can prevent alert processing for monitored clusters with partial status information.

  • Removes muninEnabled and muninPort fields from the Hosts API.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

  • Requires MongoDB Database Tools 100.1.0.

Released 2020-09-03

Released 2020-08-05

Released 2020-07-08

  • Supports management, monitoring and backup of MongoDB 4.4 deployments.

  • Can be deployed to Kubernetes using the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator.

  • Improves summary and detailed views of MongoDB deployments.

  • Improves the operational performance of managing large sharded clusters.


    Applies requested configuration changes across the cluster faster.

  • Improves rendering performance of the Metrics page.

  • Supports direct monitoring of the Ops Manager application database.

  • Supports fetching MongoDB binaries from a custom HTTP server.

  • Sets the Profiler to use MongoDB slow query logs as the default data source.

    If you had not enabled the Profiler:
    You now see the Profiler. Ops Manager sources the data points from your slow query logs. These data points have been logged since Ops Manager 4.2 through the Performance Advisor.
    If you had enabled the Profiler:
    You continue to see the Profiler. Ops Manager sources the data points from your slow query logs rather than through the MongoDB Profiler entries. (These entries continue to be ingested.) The MongoDB Profiler entries contain more detailed information than the slow query logs. To revert to using the profiler entries, toggle the Project's feature flag Profiler Nds to OFF.
  • Introduces Schema Advisor for automatic identification of schema optimization opportunities.

  • Supports AWS IAM roles in S3-compatible storage Snapshot Store configurations.

  • Upgrades OpenJDK to 11.0.8+10.

  • Requires MongoDB Database Tools 100.0.2.


Ops Manager Support Ends after 4.4 Series

  • Support for running Ops Manager on the Windows platform ends after the 4.4 series.

  • Ops Manager still supports managing MongoDB deployments that run on Windows 2016, 2019, 2020.

Released 2021-07-29

  • Upgrades third-party dependencies and fixes minor bugs.

Released 2021-06-03

  • Upgrades JDK to jdk-11.0.11+9.

  • Disables TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1.

  • Fixes a bug that would re-enable Ops Manager instances for API writes during an upgrade of Ops Manager.

  • Caches the computed list of MongoDB binaries available on disk in Local Mode.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2021-05-05

  • Fixes an issue where the MongoDB usage report might find duplicate hosts based on network aliases.

  • Updates an outdated comment in the file that comes with Ops Manager. When you upgrade to this version, you receive a notification that the configuration file changed. For example, on Redhat systems: /opt/mongodb/mms/conf/ saves as /opt/mongodb/mms/conf/ You can disregard this notification and keep using the existing or current configuration file. No new parameters are added.

  • Adds further protections against CVE-2021-20335.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2021-01-27

  • Fixes a bug where Ops Manager reported a server error when trying to save an invalid configuration on the LDAP Admin configuration page.

  • Generates diagnostic archives that contain:

  • Fixes a medium severity vulnerability in Ops Manager. CVE-2021-20335 is allocated for this issue.


SSL may be unexpectedly disabled during upgrade of multiple-server MongoDB Ops Manager


For MongoDB Ops Manager 4.2.X with multiple OM application servers, that have SSL turned on for their MongoDB processes, the upgrade to MongoDB Ops Manager 4.4.X triggers a bug where Automation thinks SSL is being turned off, and can disable SSL temporarily for members of the cluster. This issue is temporary and eventually corrects itself after MongoDB Ops Manager instances have finished upgrading to MongoDB Ops Manager 4.4. In addition, customers must be running with clientCertificateMode=OPTIONAL / allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates=true to be impacted.

CVSS score

Affected versions

MongoDB Ops Manager 4.2, 4.2.0 to 4.2.22

Released 2020-12-03

  • Fixes a bug that prevents Ops Manager from correctly authenticating to an HTTP Proxy.

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2020-11-05

  • Adds a migration that removes REPLICATION_OPLOG_WINDOW_RUNNING_OUT events when upgrading to Ops Manager 4.0 or 4.2. If any alerts or alert configurations of event type REPLICATION_OPLOG_WINDOW_RUNNING_OUT exist, global alerts throw the runtime exception "Alert job failed due to runtime error: No enum constant".

  • Updates the JDK to jdk-jdk-

  • Updates the MongoDB Agent to

Released 2020-10-07

  • Adds a new configuration parameter (http.proxy.nonProxyHosts) which allows the Ops Manager Application Server to bypass the configured outgoing proxy when accessing specific hosts.

Released 2020-09-25

  • Fixes an issue that prevents rendering the All Clusters view for some users in Ops Manager 4.2.18.

  • Adds support for Debian 10.

Released 2020-09-23

  • Fixes a high severity vulnerability in Ops Manager. CVE-2020-7927 is allocated for this issue.

Released 2020-09-13

Released 2020-08-06

  • Fixes an error when creating API Keys without roles.

  • Updates the diagnostic archive filename to include the current date and time of the server when generated or downloaded.

  • Updates JDK to AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.8+10.

  • Updates MongoDB Agent to

Released 2020-07-02

  • Allows users to audit user creation / modification events through the API.

  • Fixes a bug that prevented Ops Manager upgrades when the Application Database is a sharded cluster.

  • Fixes a bug with converting from LDAP Native Authentication to saslauthd.

  • Fixes a bug where the Backup dashboard can be inaccessible while a snapshot is in progress for a MongoDB 4.2 deployment.

  • Fixes an issue that can prevent a successful snapshot of a MongoDB 4.2 deployment that contains a large number of files.

Upgrades MongoDB Agent:

Released 2020-06-04

  • Fixes an issue with the BACKUP_AGENT_DOWN alert and MongoDB 4.2+ deployments.

  • Removes enforcement of a minimum oplog window size on a replica set before you can enable Backup.

  • Fixes an issue with snapshots of MongoDB 4.2+ running on Windows while the Ops Manager Application runs on Linux.

  • Fixes an issue where a MongoDB 4.2+ queryable restore fails if the snapshot contains a large WiredTiger.wt file.

  • Fixes an issue that caused snapshot generation of the CSRS of a sharded cluster to stall in certain arrangements of MongoDB Agents running the Backup module.

  • Fixes an issue that prevented editing block stores in the Ops Manager Administration Console.

Upgrades MongoDB Agent:

Released 2020-05-14

  • Supports point-in-time restores for MongoDB 4.2 deployments.

  • Retries rather than fails when a transient network error to the KMIP server configured for Ops Manager occurs.

  • Improves the algorithm for which MongoDB 4.2 replica set and shard members use to select for creating snapshots.

  • Supports queryable restores for MongoDB 4.2 deployments.

  • Supports incremental backup with MongoDB 4.2.6 or later.

  • Fixes bug that prevented creating a new group via the API when SAML is enabled.

  • Fixes a console issue for managed deployments where a shard key's fields can be displayed out of order.

  • Fixes an issue for managed deployments on Windows with spaces in directory paths.

  • Fixes an issue that could prevent enabling authentication on a managed deployment through the API.

  • Fixes an issue that could prevent managed deployments from upgrading to a custom MongoDB build.

  • Fixes issue in console for managed deployments where the Review and Deploy confirmation can mistakenly display that a sharded cluster CSRS is being removed from the deployment.

  • Reduces impact of RTPP on backing MongoDB.

  • Updates JDK to AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.8+10.

Upgrades MongoDB Agent:

Released 2020-04-09

Upgrades Agent: MongoDB Agent

Released 2020-04-06

  • Bootstrapping a Backup initial sync using rsync can now complete when syncing from a hidden secondary.

  • Logs are viewable in the Ops Manager Admin panel.

  • Ensures initial sync can complete after FCV downgrades.

  • Upgrades Agent: MongoDB Agent

Released 2020-03-16

  • No longer requires that JavaScript be enabled on the Ops Manager Application Database.

Released 2020-03-05

  • Fixes an issue which arose when toggling the authentication mechanism for a MongoDB user in the Deployment: Security: Users tab between SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-1.

  • Adds the new version (2.13.4) for the MongoDB Business Intelligence Connector.

  • Removes all uses of the MMAPv1 noPadding option for Ops Manager backing databases. This resolves issues encountered when upgrading Ops Manager backing databases from MongoDB version 4.0 to 4.2.

  • Shows progress of backup snapshots for MongoDB version 4.2+ on the backup dashboard.

Released 2020-02-06

Released 2020-01-09

  • Optimizes snapshots of MongoDB 4.2 and later clusters. This increases parallelism when sending bytes to the snapshot store for large files.

  • Upgrades Agent: MongoDB Agent

Released 2019-12-19

Upgrades Agent: MongoDB Agent

Released 2019-12-12

  • Supports backup of MongoDB 4.2 sharded clusters.

  • Ops Manager is now supported on RHEL8 and Debian 10.

  • Upgrades Agent: MongoDB Agent

Released 2019-11-07

Released 2019-10-10

  • Removes the Version Behind alert if:

    • The alert had been configured for deployments using the legacy Monitoring and Backup Agents, and

    • Deployments using that alert were upgraded to using the MongoDB Agent.

  • Upgrades Agent: MongoDB Agent

Released 2019-10-03

Released 2019-09-05

  • Fixes an issue in Ops Manager 4.2.0 that prevented Ops Manager versions 4.0.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4 and 4.0.5 from being upgraded to Ops Manager 4.2.0. This is resolved in Ops Manager 4.2.1 such that all Ops Manager 4.0.x versions can be upgraded to Ops Manager 4.2.1+.

  • Removes need for a persistent cookie to be set on login.

  • Agent Upgrade: MongoDB Agent

Released 2019-08-16

  • Supports management of MongoDB 4.2 deployments.

  • Merges Automation, Backup and Monitoring Agents into a single MongoDB Agent.

  • Replaces Personal API Keys with Programmatic API Keys. New users of the API should use Programmatic API Keys. Personal API Keys will be deprecated in a future release of Ops Manager.

  • Begins support for MongoDB 4.2 with "featureCompatibilityVersion" : 4.2. Backup of MongoDB 4.2 instances with FCV: 4.2 no longer require head databases within the Ops Manager installation.


    Support is incomplete; see release advisories.

  • Supports running and managing MongoDB in IPv6-only environments. For additional details, see the release advisories.

  • Allows you to track your usage of MongoDB instances in the Ops Manager Admin panel.

  • Allows you to upgrade Ops Manager without downtime of Monitoring or Alerting. This applies to upgrades from Ops Manager 4.2.0 and later versions.

  • Containerizes Ops Manager in a Docker Container for use with the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator. This support is currently in alpha and not recommended for production use.

  • Supports SAML authentication.

  • Removes the Version Manager.

  • Disables weak TLS ciphers.




















    See also:

  • Ops Manager supports the following new platforms:

    • SUSE Linux 15

  • Ops Manager no longer supports the following platforms:

    • Debian 8

    • Ubuntu 14.04

    • Windows Server 2008R2

  • Ops Manager has deprecated the following platforms. These platforms will not be supported in a future Ops Manager release:

    • Windows Server 2012

Released on 2020-11-05

Released on 2020-08-06

  • Fixes a bug with converting from LDAP Native Authentication to saslauthd.

Released on 2020-05-14

Released on 2020-02-06

Released on 2019-11-07

  • Improves backup initial sync time for MMAPv1 collections in which there is a high rate of change during the backup initial sync.

  • Improves handling of operations that modify the data directory (restores, storage engine changes, etc.) for deployments where the MongoDB journal directory is mounted on a separate partition.

  • Includes various security improvements.

  • Upgrades the JDK to 1.8.232.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent, and Monitoring Agent

Released on 2019-09-05

Released on 2019-07-31

  • Dependency Update: Updates org.quartz-scheduler:quartz to 2.3.1 to address CVE-2018-20433.

  • Fix: Backup Daemons on Amazon Linux 2 and SUSE 12/15 can successfully download required MongoDB builds.


    This problem was introduced in Ops Manager 4.0.13 and resolved in Ops Manager 4.0.14.

  • Fix: Fixes a bug which prevented the following two algorithms to be disabled by default when using SSL connections with Ops Manager:



    These algorithms are now disabled by default.

  • Improves performance when downloading multiple restores concurrently.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released on 2019-07-04

Released on 2019-06-06

  • Fix: Authentication & TLS/SSL settings allows removal of PEM key file and password no matter the tlsMode.

  • Fix: Fixes support for the security.clusterIpSourceWhitelist MongoDB configuration option.

  • Dependency Update: Updates jetty to 9.4.18.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • EOL: Ops Manager support for Ubuntu 14.04 has ended. Ops Manager 4.0.12 is not supported on Ubuntu 14.04.

Released on 2019-05-02


Fixes important security fixes, including a CVSSv3.1 score of 5.8 (Medium Severity).



Potential exposure of log information in Ops Manager


In affected Ops Manager versions, an exposed HTTP route may allow attackers to view a specific access log of a publicly exposed Ops Manager instance.


CVSS score

Affected versions

  • Ops Manager 4.0 series: 4.0.9, 4.0.10

  • Ops Manager 4.1 series: 4.1.5

  • Provides a new option to bypass invitations so you can add users to organizations and projects immediately, without requiring them to accept an invitation. Organization and project owners can enable this setting in the User Authentication section of the Ops Manager Config wizard.

    This setting is only available when managing user accounts in the Application Database. The invitation bypass option is available for users added via the UI and the API.

  • Fix: When enabling MongoDB profiling from the Profile tab, ensure that the pending changes banner is shown without requiring a browser refresh.

  • Updated JDK to version 8u212. On Windows, Ops Manager now requires the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.

Released on 2019-04-04

  • Fix: Creating new projects now succeeds in Firefox.

  • Fix: When managing authentication for a deployment, the MongoDB keyfile parameter is not required if all processes set the clusterAuthMode parameter to x509.

  • Fix: A backup initial sync of MongoDB 3.4 can misapply oplogs in rare circumstances in which mongod returns a partial applyOps result array.

  • Fix: Hidden secondaries display the correct icon in the user interface.

  • Improved the durability of backup data in the event that a head database experiences an unclean shutdown.

  • Improved performance for the Deployment page for deployments with many items.

  • Easier to disable TLS/SSL when managing TLS/SSL configuration for a deployment.

  • Update BI Connector to 2.10.

Released on 2019-03-09

  • Add support for managing MongoDB deployments on IBM zSeries for the Ubuntu 18.04, SUSE12 and RHEL7 operating systems.

  • Fix: Add validation for allowed characters for the names of filesystem snapshot stores, S3 snapshot stores and MongoDB blockstore snapshot stores.

  • Fix: Do not remind users to configure two-factor authentication, if two-factor authentication has been disabled for the Ops Manager installation.

  • Fix: Ensure that all redirects are always relative URIs.

Released on 2019-02-07

  • Updated JDK to AdoptOpenJDK 8u202.

  • Fix: For queryable restores, the configurable expiration value (brs.queryable.expiration) now also applies to MongoDB authentication requests.

  • Fix: Improve password verification for sensitive actions within Ops Manager, for Ops Manager installations using LDAP for user authentication, and ActiveDirectory as the LDAP server.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released 2019-01-10

Released 2018-12-10

  • Bug fix: When a project is deleted, remove any open Global Alerts.

  • Bug fix: Authentication & TLS/SSL Settings allows removal of PEM key file and password no matter the sslMode.

  • Bug fix: Restore ability to rotate the KMIP master key.

  • Increase timeout for starting queryable restore jobs. This increases robustness for data sets with large numbers of namespaces.

  • Various optimizations to allow faster backup restores.

  • Visual Query Profiler can handle value of Infinity.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released 2018-11-01

  • Fix: Removed memory leak in proxy server used for queryable restores.

  • Fix: Removed race condition that could cause a backup initial sync to be required when the featureCompatibilityVersion is updated on the source replica set.

  • Fix: Automatic download of MongoDB binaries fails when hybrid mode is enabled for MongoDB binary management.

  • Fix: When importing a cluster into Ops Manager, ignore the value of pidFilePath if it set to the CentOS default in /var/run.

  • Updated JDK to 8u192.

  • Updated bundled version of the BI Connector to 2.7.0.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released 2018-10-12

  • Critical Fix: When running in local mode for MongoDB binary management, the Backup Daemon may try to use MongoDB binaries for the wrong operating system.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released 2018-10-04

  • Critical Fix: Backup initial syncs may fail with an error during the oplog application phase, if retryable writes are executed on the source cluster during the backup initial sync.

  • Fix: Log collection fails for log files greater than approximately 2.2 GB.

  • LDAP connections will now use a connection pool. This reduces load on LDAP servers.

  • Update bundled version of the MongoDB Connector for BI to version 2.6.1.

Released 2018-09-06

  • Adds support for management of MongoDB processes on Ubuntu 18.04.

  • User alerts are now available.

  • Fix: When performing a point in time restore for MongoDB 4.0, drop the minOptimeRecovery document before bringing up the target cluster.

  • Show MongoDB start-up warnings on the cluster overview page.

  • Log Collection was unable to complete if one of the requested files was an empty file.

  • Real Time Performance Panel adds support for killing sessions in MongoDB 4.0+.

  • Support additional schema-related options when configuring the MongoDB BI Connector.

  • Perform additional validations for deployments managed by external orchestration platforms (such as the MongoDB Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes).

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released 2018-08-02

  • Critical Fix: Allow removal of processes from Deployment List view.

  • Critical Fix: Avoid failures to upgrade from Ops Manager 3.4 when using local mode for MongoDB version management.

  • Critical Fix: Fix issue which caused the All Clusters page to fail to display content.

  • During a backup initial sync, ensure that the UUID of the system.views collection is preserved.

  • In Local Mode, the Backup Daemon will now unpack MongoDB tarballs. Administrators no longer need to unpack them themselves.

  • Reinstate support for security.encryptionKeyFile parameter.

  • Security patches for third-party library dependencies.

  • Updates Ops Manager JDK (x86_64) to 8u181, which enables endpoint identification by default.

  • When configuring MongoDB LDAP authentication, allow setting the User to Distinguished Name Mapping without setting the Authorization Query Template.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Critical Fix: Set TasksMax=infinity and TasksAccounting=false in systemd scripts for SUSE 12 versions of Ops Manager.

Released 2018-06-27

  • Revised Ops Manager interface for deployment management.

  • Added new CRUD features to Data Explorer.

  • Improved the Real-Time Performance Panel.

  • Added integrations for:

  • Improved Monitoring

    • Added alert for rollback.

  • Updated Public API

    • Added endpoints for Public API Keys.

    • Added endpoints to manage Agent API keys.

    • Removed support for Agent API keys created before Ops Manager 3.4.

  • Provided new option to only have Ops Manager connect to the internet to download MongoDB installer binaries.

  • Deprecated Server Pools.

    • In Ops Manager 4.0, Server Pools are disabled by default.

    • If you are currently using Server Pools, they will continue to work as expected after upgrading to Ops Manager 4.0.

  • Added platform support to include:

    • Amazon Linux 2

    • Debian 9

    • SLES 12

  • Deprecated platform support for:

    • Windows 2008 R2

    • MongoDB 2.6, 3.0


    Support for these platforms will be removed in a future Ops Manager release.

  • Removed platform support for:

    • Ubuntu 12.04

    • SLES 11

    • Debian 7

  • Added support for PowerPC hardware using the following Linux distros:

    • Ubuntu 16.04

    • RHEL 7.x

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent, Monitoring Agent

Released on 2019-05-02

Released on 2019-02-07

  • Updated JDK to AdoptOpenJDK 8u202.

  • Fix: For queryable restores, the configurable expiration value (brs.queryable.expiration) now also applies to MongoDB authentication requests.

  • Fix: Resolve transient inability to restore a snapshot if a backup data pruning job (garbage collection) is running during the restore.

  • Fix: Improve password verification for sensitive actions within Ops Manager, for Ops Manager installations using LDAP for user authentication, and ActiveDirectory as the LDAP server.

Released on 2019-01-10

Released on 2018-11-01

  • Critical Fix: Backup initial syncs may fail with an error during the oplog application phase, if retryable writes are executed on the source cluster during the backup initial sync.

  • Fix: Log Collection was unable to complete if one of the requested files was an empty file.

  • LDAP connections will now use a connection pool. This should reduce load on LDAP servers.

  • Update JDK to 8u192.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released on 2018-08-02

  • Critical Fix: Avoid failures to upgrade from Ops Manager 3.4 when using local mode for MongoDB version management.

  • Improve support for global diagnostic download for large deployments.

  • Updates Ops Manager JDK (x86_64) to 8u181, which enables endpoint identification by default.

  • When configuring MongoDB LDAP authentication, allow setting the User to Distinguished Name Mapping without setting the Authorization Query Template.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Critical Fix: Set TasksMax=infinity and TasksAccounting=false in systemd scripts for SUSE 12 versions of Ops Manager.

Released on 2018-06-06

Released on 2018-05-03

  • At the completion of an automated restore of a sharded cluster, ensure that the balancer is enabled.

  • Improved handling of MongoDB Server Parameters with boolean values. Accept all of true, "true" and 1 as the boolean value true.

  • Network charts now display physical bytes in/out instead of logical bytes in/out. That is, if network compression is enabled for MongoDB, the network charts will now show the compressed bytes in/out.

  • Ops Manager now properly handles LDAP names which contain special characters.

  • Fix: Performance Advisor now supports ingesting MongoDB logs using ISO8601-UTC timestamps.

  • Fix: Include the script needed to seed a secondary when creating a TAR.GZ restore for a config server replica set.

  • Fix: Retrieving logs via the Ops Manager UI succeeds when the Server Pools feature is also in use.

  • Upgrade the bundled JDK to 8u172.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

Released on 2018-04-05

  • Allow Projects to be deleted from the admin pages, and from Project settings.

  • Allow queryable restores for compressed snapshots stored in MongoDB blockstore snapshot storage.

  • Automation support for the new security.ldap.validateLDAPServerConfig (MongoDB 3.4.14+)

  • Enable log rotation for Backup HEAD dbs.

  • Never save localhost/ as a host mapping.

  • Show agent out of date warnings for manually managed Monitoring and Backup Agents.

  • Support for the MongoDB Connector for BI, version 2.4.1.

  • When importing replica sets into Automation, include information on replica set tags.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Monitoring Agent, Backup Agent

Released on 2018-03-01

Released on 2018-02-01

Released on 2018-01-11

  • Add support for MongoDB 3.6.1.

  • Add BI Connector information to the Diagnostic Archive.

  • Allow Project User Admin to set team roles and remove teams from projects.

  • Allow user to specify sampleRefreshIntervalSecs BI Connector flag.

  • Avoid "Inconsistent backup configuration" message when Monitoring Agent fails to communicate with MongoDB.

  • Improve parsing of queries by Performance Advisor.

  • Log Collection now collects log files from mongos instances.

  • Log the list of TLS ciphers in use and any disabled by config.

  • MongoDB Enterprise 3.6.2+ is needed on daemons to perform queryable restores of 3.6 sharded clusters.

  • Fix: Bug that prevented backups on an S3-compatible snapshot store from being terminated.

  • Restrict downgrading clusterAuthMode in the Automation Agent UI.

  • Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.9.3.

  • When doing an automated restore, only allow restoring to clusters that have a higher FCV than the snapshot and where all mongod versions support the snapshots FCV.

  • Expand access for the Automation Agent user by adding the restore@admin role.

  • Fix: Bug where Performance Advisor could display "A server error has occurred".

  • Fix: PIT restores of inactive replica sets.

  • Fix: Add timeouts to Queryable Restores.

  • Fix: Always set the correct From and Reply-To fields in System Alert emails.

  • Fix: Extra System Alerts are no longer created.

  • Fix: Version Manifest no longer reverts to the on-disk version.

  • Fix: MongoDB 3.6 sharded cluster import no longer blocked.

  • Fix: Set correct Maximum Number of Connections for MongoDB 3.6 for Alerting.

Released on 2017-12-19

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • Fix: Point in time automated restores now downloads the correct utility.

  • Fix: When Ops Manager is configured to use LDAP for user authentication, do not allow users to be invited.

  • Fix: Allow MongoDB Advanced Options to be edited for an entire sharded cluster.

  • Fix: Allow clusterAuthMode independently of X509 auth.

  • Fix: Allow import of deployments using the net.ssl.allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates parameter.

  • Fix: Explicitly specify the collation {locale: "simple"} in createIndex during initial sync.

  • Fix: Users should be able to convert from LDAP native to saslauthd using the UI.

  • Performance improvements for queryable restores.

  • Security enhancements.

Released 2017-12-05

  • Added support for a new organizations and projects hierarchy to facilitate the management of your Ops Manager deployments. Groups are now known as Projects. You can put multiple Projects under an Organization.

  • Added support for nested LDAP groups via the member field when configuring Ops Manager to use LDAP for Ops Manager authentication.

    Although Ops Manager 3.6 supports the use of either member or memberOf for configuration, support for LDAP via the memberOf field will be removed in a future version of Ops Manager. When possible, use member instead.

  • Added support for a new Agent API Key model. Multiple Agent API Keys can now be associated with a project. This gives users the ability to perform Agent key rotation.

  • The bundled JDK is version 8u152.

  • Added support for management of the MongoDB Connector for Business Intelligence. The MongoDB Connector for Business Intelligence allows you to query a MongoDB database using SQL commands to aid in data analysis. It translates SQL queries from data analysis tools to MongoDB aggregation pipelines on MongoDB database.

  • Added the ability to retrieve the on-disk logs for all MongoDB and Ops Manager Agent processes. The logs are sent to the Ops Manager server and available for download by Ops Manager administrators.

  • Ended support for the script. You cannot run the script on any MongoDB database running MongoDB 3.6 or later. To learn more about restoring a snapshot, see Restore a Completed Snapshot.

  • Agent Upgrade: Automation Agent

  • Added support for queryable backups. This functionality allows you to query specific backup snapshot. You can use the queryable backups to:

    • Restore a subset of data within the MongoDB deployment.

    • Compare previous versions of data against the current data.

    • Identify the best point in time to restore a system by comparing data from multiple snapshots.


    On Windows, queryable restores work on MongoDB 3.2, 3.4, and 3.6 snapshots once the Ops Manager Backup Daemon can access MongoDB 3.4.11 or later.

  • Added support for IBM Cloud Object Storage and DellEMC Elastic Cloud Storage for S3 blockstore snapshot storage

  • Added support for performing automated restores from one Project to another Project.

  • Added the ability to reschedule the expiration time of a snapshot.

  • Added support for automated restores via the Public API.

  • Agent Upgrade: Backup Agent

  • Added Real-Time Metrics.

  • Added the Performance Advisor. The Performance Advisor monitors any operation with a query predicate that MongoDB considers slow and suggests new indexes to improve query performance.

  • Added the Data Explorer. This feature provides the ability to introspect collections in your managed MongoDB deployments via the Data Explorer view.

  • Agent Upgrade: Monitoring Agent

Before upgrading Ops Manager from 3.4 to 3.6, complete the following actions:

  • Upgrade all backing databases to MongoDB 3.2 or later.

  • Upgrade the monitoring schema.

    To monitor the schema upgrade:

    1. Click Admin.

    2. Click Ops Manager Config.

    3. Click the Miscellaneous tab.

      The progress should be shown before the Default Monitoring Data Retention heading.

  • Change mms.minimumTLSVersion if you must support older TLS versions.

    Ops Manager Application supports TLS 1.2 only by default.

    To re-enable ciphers which have been disabled, change mms.disableCiphers.


    Consider the security implications carefully before doing this.

  • MongoDB 2.4 is no longer supported for Automation and Backups:

    • All MongoDB 2.4 processes in Automation will be unmanaged.

    • All MongoDB 2.4 backups will be stopped.

  • MongoDB 3.0 is no longer supported as a backing store for Ops Manager.

  • Support for MongoDB 3.2 as a backing store for Ops Manager will be removed in Ops Manager 4.0.

  • Support for restores delivered by SCP will be removed in Ops Manager 4.0.

  • Support for LDAP via the memberOf field will be removed in Ops Manager 4.0. Use member instead. In Ops Manager 3.6, you may use either member or memberOf.

  • Support for the older Agent API Key model will be removed in Ops Manager 4.0. Instead, use the new-style keys. In Ops Manager 3.6, the new-style keys are preferred, the but the older keys will still work.

Released on 2018-08-02

  • Updates Ops Manager JDK (x86_64) to 8u181, which enables endpoint identification by default.

Released on 2018-05-03

  • Fix: At the completion of an automated restore of a sharded cluster, Ops Manager ensures that the balancer is enabled.

  • Fix: Network charts now display physical bytes in/out instead of logical bytes in/out. That is, if network compression is enabled for MongoDB, the network charts shows the compressed bytes in/out.

  • Upgrade: Bundled JDK to 8u172.

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

Released on 2018-04-05

Released on 2018-02-01

  • The bundled JDK is version 8u162

  • Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.9.3

Released on 2017-12-20

  • Fix: Issue importing a process into Automation running on a custom build.

  • Fix: Explicitly specify the collation {locale: simple} in createIndex during the initial sync of a backup.

  • Fix: Allow clusterAuthMode to be configured when deployment does not use MONGODB-X509 authentication.

  • Fix: Allow importing a process into Automation using the allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates parameter.

  • Security enhancements.

Released on 2017-11-02

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • Fix: credentialstool and encryptiontool load dependencies correctly.

  • Fix: Backup groom jobs no longer get stuck on partially-deleted snapshots.

  • Fix: Some of the Cloud Manager interface no longer shown when creating groups.

  • Fix: where sorting during deletion of backups could run out of memory.

  • Reduce memory usage of backup snapshot deletion.

  • Remove a restriction where a shard key range could not have an equal minimum and maximum.

  • Update JDK to 8u152.

Released on 2017-10-05

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Fix: Allow the mongos autoSplit configuration parameter to be removed simultaneously with a major version upgrade from MongoDB 3.2 to 3.4.

  • Fix: During the initial sync of a new backup, documents with a compound _id that are moved on disk at the source during the initial sync may be omitted from the backup under rare conditions. This issue affects only MMAPv1.

  • Increase the expiration period for snapshots downloaded during an automated restore and make the expiration periods a configurable parameter.

  • Reduce the amount of memory used when a backup is terminated.

Released on 2017-09-07

  • Allow session timeouts to be configured to a fraction of an hour.

  • Fix: Downloading the global diagnostic archive could fail if more than 32 MB of agent logs were stored.

  • Fix: Inconsistent Backup Configuration alert runs for config servers.


    Special Advisory

    After upgrading to Ops Manager 3.4.8, the Inconsistent Backup Configuration alert may be triggered for config servers. The backup for these config servers should be resynchonized.

    1. Click Backup.

    2. From the config server row, click on the Option menu [ ].

    3. Click Resync.

    Do not resync the entire sharded cluster if a config server triggers this alert. Resync the config server in question only.

  • Fix: Changes to the storage engine for a config server backup are applied on resync.

  • Fix: Validation for Backup Agent authentication mechanism failed if MONGODB-X509 was implicitly enabled.

  • Fix: In Local Mode, checks during Ops Manager startup allow configurations of deleted Groups to require MongoDB versions which are not present.

  • Security enhancements.

Released on 2017-08-03

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Update JDK to 8u144.

  • Additional logging for oplog extensions due to delayed backups.

  • Additional logging for backup snapshots that retry due to unexpected file changes.

  • Fix: Ability to restore SCCC sharded clusters without a healthy mongos.

  • Fix: Race condition between snapshots and schedule update requests.

  • Fix: Do not query arbiters when executing an administrative error retrieval task.

  • Security improvements.

Released on 2017-07-06

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Fix: Server Pool servers can get stuck in cleaning state if server is reimaged.

  • Fix: Make Backup ingestion collection stats calls idempotent.

  • Fix: Avoid skipping storage measurement rollups if customers have a database named hm.

  • Fix: Cause Discovery to update shard ID when shard is repurposed to arbiter.

  • Fix: Following upgrade from 2.x to 3.4.x, show progress of monitoring data migration.

  • Fix: Make all metrics available to cluster view.

  • Fix: Delay in Metric alerts check when opening and closing alerts for oplog metrics.

  • Fix: Metric alerts check may miss system measurements.

Released on 2017-05-18

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Monitoring Agent, Backup Agent

  • Ability to disable daily/weekly/monthly snapshots through the API.

  • Fix validation error for automated restores where the source or target cluster uses the storage.wiredTiger.directoryForIndexes parameter.

  • Fix validation errors when using LDAP Authorization along with LDAP and SCRAM-SHA1 authentication.

  • Various security enhancements.

Released on 2017-03-30

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Fix for premature forceful shutdown of the HEAD mongod instances for Ops Manager Backup Daemons running on Windows.

  • Fix problem with shutdown of mongod processes during an automated restores on Windows.

  • Fix for issues using Automation in multi-server deployments using SSL and encrypted PEM key files.

  • Fix for restores of backup snapshots stored unencrypted using file system storage.

  • Expose newest AWS regions as a storage option for S3 blockstores.

  • Optimization: Performance optimization for sending monitoring data to New Relic.

  • Security enhancement: Set X-Frame-Options: DENY HTTP headers for all authenticated requests.

  • Security enhancement: New option to allow enablement of HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) with configurable maximum age.

  • Security enhancement: New option to allow use of browser session cookies, rather than time-limited persistent cookies.

  • Security enhancement: New option to disable all browser caching.

Released on 2017-02-17

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent, Monitoring Agent

  • Fix resource leak preventing successful backups when Ops Manager Backup is running on Windows.

  • Fix bug in removal of shards for sharded clusters on MongoDB 3.4.

  • Various security enhancements.

  • Support for running Automation, Backup and Monitoring Agents on MacOS Sierra.

  • Support for MongoDB Enterprise builds for Debian 7.1.

  • Fix import into Automation for deployments using LDAP authorization and SCRAM-SHA1 authentication.

  • Automation will deploy SSL-capable Windows builds for MongoDB 3.2.12+ and 3.4.2+.

  • Fix possible stall in the oplog application phase of Ops Manager Backups of MongoDB 3.4.

Released on 2017-01-19

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Fixed PageDuty notifications failing to send for System Alerts.

  • Fixed issue creating deployments with overlapping replica set / shard names of other deployments.

  • Fixed Global Alert UI validation being incorrect for some roles.

  • Fixed failure configuring MONGODB-CR + LDAP auth mechanisms + LDAP authz.

  • Added option to disable checksums during restores.

  • Upgrade to JDK8u121.

Released on 2016-12-27

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Monitoring Agent, Backup Agent

  • Support for Ops Manager using Active Directory to authenticate to application databases.

  • Fixed roles info being lost when editting a database user.

  • Fixed issue starting backup when 'net.compression' is in use.

  • Prevent Ops Manager URLs from having a double forward slash when the URL configured by the user ends in a forward slash.

  • Fixed editing LDAP group mappings.

  • Fixed new OM 3.4.0 being unable to start for the first time without internet connectivity

Released on 2016-11-29

  • Added support to monitor, back up, and automate MongoDB 3.4 deployments.

  • Added support for deploying Ops Manager on SUSE12.

  • Added support for Automation Agents, Backup Agents and Monitoring Agents on Ubuntu 16.x Power (ppc64le) and RHEL 7 Power (ppc64le).

  • Added support for mutual TLS/SSL between all Agents and Ops Manager.

  • Added the ability to assign tags to Projects and to filter global alerts by tags.

  • Added the ability to change a the name of a Project.

  • Includes more flexible handling of MongoDB User and Roles; specifically:

    • Ability to choose whether or not specific users and roles are managed, and

    • Ability to choose whether or not to allow MongoDB Users and Roles to be managed externally from Ops Manager.

  • Added the ability to manage sharded collections and zones.

  • Added support for MongoDB 3.4 LDAP Authorization.

  • Added support for Kerberos Authentication on Windows.

  • Added support for uncompressed WiredTiger snapshots on the filesystem.

  • Added support for storing snapshots in S3.

  • Added support for WiredTiger encryption at rest.

  • Added the ability to control the reference time for the snapshot schedule; e.g., specify that snapshots are taken every 6 hours, starting at 12:00:00 AM.

  • Added support for all data-format affecting MongoDB configuration options: directoryPerDB, smallfiles, etc.

  • Provides high resolution monitoring: metrics are now captured every 10 seconds.

  • Supports flexible retention monitoring: metrics at each resolution can be retained for a configurable amount of time.

  • Allows hardware metrics to be collected for any managed MongoDB process (i.e. any process that is managed by an Automation Agent).

  • Provides new API endpoint to retrieve all metrics for a particular MongoDB process in one API call.

  • Added support for maintaining a pool of provisioned servers from which users in a group can request servers to host new MongoDB deployments.

Before upgrading Ops Manager from 2.0.x to 3.4, complete the following actions:

  • Upgrade backing databases to at least MongoDB 3.0.8. MongoDB 2.6 is no longer allowed as a backing store.

  • Ensure the data partitions for the Ops Manager Application Database have at least 50% free disk space.

    Once the Ops Manager upgrade to 3.4 completes, Ops Manager begins migrating of all monitoring data to a new schema in the background. This migration requires significant free disk space.

  • Add necessary IP addresses or CIDR blocks for to the access lists for any API clients connecting to the Automation configuration endpoints.

  • Back up the mms.conf file in your current installation if you have modified it.

    This is not a regular practice as mms.conf contains platform and network administration settings for Java VM and Ops Manager network port settings. You must use the new mms.conf file the upgrade installs. Reapply any modifications from your backed up copy to the new mms.conf after completing the upgrade.

For procedures to upgrade to 3.4, see Upgrade Ops Manager.

Released on 2017-08-03

  • Update JDK to 8u144.

  • Fix: Backup should compute size of incomplete snapshots.

Released on 2017-05-23

Released on 2017-01-19

  • Fixed minimum oplog check when starting backup from failing on RECOVERING members.

  • Fixed restores on expired, but not yet deleted, snapshots.

  • Upgrade to JDK8u121.

Released on 2016-11-03

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • Improve filesystem backup performance by increasing disk buffer size.

  • Fixed backup initial sync failures due to inefficient query on oplogs.

  • Fixed starting backup when MongoDB was using Kerberos auth and Automation was not in use.

  • Fixed old application settings appearing as overrides on the Ops Manager settings page

  • Fixed publish failure due to weakCertificateValidation improperly being set based on the allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates setting.

  • Support for Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10.

  • Upgrade to JDK8u112. Unlimited strength encryption policy included by default.

Released on 2016-08-18

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • Fixed case where acknowledged alerts could be opened again.

  • Fixed issue where DNS failures on the hostname(s) of the Ops Manager application database cause Ops Manager to shutdown.

  • File system snapshot stores can be used in group specific snapshot store filters.

  • Fixed issue where an unconfigured Backup Daemon could be assigned a backup job.

  • Upgrade to JDK8u102.

Released on 2016-07-14

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Monitoring Agent

  • Fixed credentialstool on Windows, which is used to encrypt passwords in the config file.

  • Fixed Backup Daemon auto-download of RHEL platform specific builds.

  • Added support for LDAP referrals for Ops Manager user authentication.

  • Added support for changing LDAP search attribute for Ops Manager user authentication.

  • Fixed index creation UI in Firefox and IE11.

Released on 2016-05-20

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent, Backup Agent

  • Fixed failure to generate diagnostics archive due to large amount of log data.

  • Validate Automation sslMode changes at publish time instead of draft.

  • Allow Automation to transition from sslMode disabled to not having a sslMode.

  • Fixed false positive auth mechanism validation failures when starting backup.

  • Fixed issue with processing some types of aggregation queries when calculating suggested indexes.

  • Fixed exception during a backup restore if that data previously was on a blockstore that has since been deleted.

  • Removed Ubuntu 14.04 enterprise builds for MongoDB 2.4.X that were erroneously in the version manifest.

  • Ability to edit LDAP Projects for Automation Admin was accidentally hidden.

  • Fixed javascript error on empty profiler view.

  • Upgrade to JDK8u92.

Released on 2016-03-24

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • Fixed critical bug in conversion to config server replica sets. Conversions to config server replica sets should be not performed with Ops Manager 2.0.2.

  • Fixed Ops Manager not recording HTTP access logs.

  • Fixed LDAP PEM settings from failing pre-flight checks even when LDAP wasn't in use.

  • Fixed Automated Point-In-Time restores of Sharded Cluster with config server replica sets.

  • Fixed removing SSL for a Deployment

  • Email configuration changes no longer require a restart of the Ops Manager service.

  • Allow specifying a temporary port for use during conversion to config server replica sets.

  • Added Automation support for net.ssl.disabledProtocols.

  • Allow control over the compression level of the File System Snapshot Store.

Released on 2016-03-01

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • Added support rolling upgrades to config servers as a replica set (requires MongoDB 3.2.4+).

  • Added support for running Agents, the Ops Manager server, and MongoDB on SUSE12.

  • Added support for Slack and Flowdock notifications as system alerts.

  • Fixed Automation Admin Role missing from group LDAP configuration.

  • Fixed charting problem on Chrome 48+.

  • Fixed issue deleting processes that were part of a config server replica set.

  • Fixed issue where deployment drafts could prevent Ops Manager from starting in local mode.

  • Fixed issue where disabling 2FA in Ops Manager still required 2FA for users that had it configured.

  • Ops Manager upgrades on Windows require an uninstall of the previous version. This restriction was added to prevent issues that could occur on upgrade that are still unresolved without uninstall.

  • Upgrade to JDK8u74.

Released 2016-01-21

  • Agent Upgrades: Automation Agent

  • Stability and performance improvements for restores via automation.

  • Support restores via automation for shared clusters with config server replica sets.

  • Fixed editing of managed users not promoting to re-enter password (Relevant only to imported SCRAM-SHA1 users.)

  • Fixed old errors from imports to automation impacting new imports.

  • Automation now updates the location of the keyfile according to the defined downloadBase.

  • Fixed cases where suggested indexes did not handle unexpected profiling data.

  • Fixed issue with filesystem snapshots failing when trying to resume a snapshot after restart.

  • Fixed LDAP form validation not allowing "ldaps".

  • Fixed the Backup Daemon not recognizing Windows MongoDB Enterprise builds.

  • Fixed cases where global diagnostic archive would fail if it was too large.

  • Fixed importing into automation with SSL always requiring client certificates.

Released 2015-12-08

  • Added support to monitor, back up, and automate MongoDB 3.2 deployments.

  • Single Ops Manager Package: there is no longer a separate package for the Backup Daemon. The single Ops Manager package installs both the Ops Manager Application and the Backup Daemon. You can configure any server with Ops Manager to handle backups through the Backup Admin interface.

  • Configuration in the Database: the Ops Manager application configuration is now stored in the application database rather than in configuration files. This allows for central configuration management.

    Each Ops Manager instance, on each server, must be configured with information on how to connect to the Application Database. Local config files override the information in the database: as such, switching to configuration in the database is not required, but is recommended.

  • Backup agent port change: Ops Manager no longer requires a separate port for backup traffic. All HTTP traffic is now over a single port. By default, Ops Manager uses port 8080.

  • Ops Manager 2.0 updates the admin interface to show the topology of Ops Manager software, the application database, and any backup databases.

  • Added support to convert to LDAP authentication for Ops Manager users at any time, with no downtime.

  • Upgraded to JDK8u66.

  • Added support for X.509 member authentication.

  • Improved handling of adding members to replica sets: to avoid disrupting majority writes, new members are now added to replica sets as priority=0, votes=0 until they reach secondary state, after which Ops Manager automatically updates the configuration to match the priority and votes value specified in the deployment.

  • Added the ability to manage indexes from the Ops Manager UI.

  • Improved index creation: indexes are now created in a rolling fashion.

  • Added Automation support for Windows MongoDB instances.

  • Added a new profiler with Suggested Indexes.

  • Added support for maintenance windows during which time Ops Manager does not send alert notifications.

  • Filesystem snapshot storage: added the ability to store snapshots on a plain shared file system instead of a MongoDB instance. With filesystem storage, Ops Manager stores snapshots in a directory hierarchy and the data files themselves are compressed using gzip.

  • Backup agent port change: Ops Manager no longer requires a separate port for backup traffic. All HTTP traffic is now over a single port. By default, Ops Manager uses port 8080

    Ops Manager will automatically update any Backup Agents managed by Automation to use the new port. You will need to manually update any Backup Agents set up manually after upgrading Ops Manager. The upgrade instructions describe how to configure the mothership field in the configuration files of non-automated Backup Agents.

  • Sync store no longer required: a dedicated sync store is no longer required: Backup initial syncs are "streamed" to the Backup Daemon and only use a small amount of temporary space in the oplog store.

  • Automated restores: added a new option to automatically restore a backup to a running replica set or sharded cluster.

  • Added support for namespace whitelisting, which allows you to back up only a subset of your data.

  • Added the ability to manage HTTP restore link expiration from the Ops Manager UI and through the API for each individual restore request.

  • Added support for the Backup Daemon to download required MongoDB binaries from the Ops Manager web server when they are not available locally.

Before upgrading to Ops Manager 2.0, ensure the following are true:

Backup Database

Databases that store the Snapshot Storage must be online.

There are data migrations that touch the various backup data stores that make up the Snapshot Storage. Any data stores that are no longer in use should be deleted through the Ops Manager UI before upgrading.

Backup Daemon

The Ops Manager package installs the Backup Daemon. When started, the Ops Manager package automatically starts two services: the Ops Manager Application and the Backup Daemon. You choose on which hosts to "activate" the Backup Daemon. The daemon always runs, but performs no operations until activated.

After upgrading to 2.0, a host that runs only the Ops Manager Application continues also runs a "dormant" Backup Daemon service. The Backup Daemon remains dormant as long as you do not activate it.

A host that runs only a Backup Daemon runs Ops Manager with an "activated" Backup Daemon and a "dormant" Ops Manager Application. The Ops Manager Application remains dormant as long as you do not direct HTTP traffic to it.

Backup HTTP Service

Change the mothership setting in all Backup Agent configuration files for any manually installed agents to use port 8080. Any manually installed Backup Agents that are not set to use port 8080 cannot connect to Ops Manager You must have access to the hosts running any manually installed Backup Agents.

Beginning with Ops Manager 2.0, there is no Backup HTTP Service on port 8081. Any Backup Agents that Automation manages are updated to use the new port (8080) automatically.

Agent Updates
The agents have not been updated before the Ops Manager Application has been upgraded. If you use Automation, Ops Manager prompts you to update the agents after you upgrade. Follow the prompts to update the agents through the Ops Manager Application. Do not update the agents manually.
Beginning in 2.0, Ops Manager stores global configuration settings in the Ops Manager Application Database and stores only local settings in the Ops Manager host's file. The upgrade procedure uses the existing file to connect to the Ops Manager Application Database before replacing the existing file with the new, smaller 2.0 file.
Restore properties

The following properties no longer apply and are replaced by settings specified when initiating a restore:

  • mms.backup.restore.linkExpirationHours

  • mms.backup.restore.linkUnlimitedUses

  • If you have modified the mms.conf file in your current installation, you have backed it up.

    This is not a regular practice as mms.conf contains platform and network administration settings for Java VM and Ops Manager network port settings. You must use the new mms.conf file the upgrade installs. Reapply any modifications from your backed up copy to the new mms.conf after completing the upgrade.

See: Upgrade Ops Manager for upgrade instructions for your operating system.

Released 2015-12-15

  • Fixed issue where monitoring settings for existing servers were not always editable.

  • Support for additional Amazon Simple Email Server regions. To specify regions other than the default US-EAST, see

  • Fixed SNMP notification mechanism for System Alerts.

  • Fixed user privileges for MongoDB 3.0 missing from UI on Users & Roles page.

  • Upgraded to JDK8u66.

Released 2015-10-20

Released 2015-08-17

  • Agent Updates: Automation Agent, Monitoring Agent

  • Updated Backup seedSecondary script for MongoDB 3.0.

  • Fixed adding users with GLOBAL roles to individual groups.

  • Fixed Host Down alerts not firing correctly for arbiters.

  • Fixed error when trying to enable X.509 authentication for Monitoring only (without Automation).

  • Fixed error when trying to enable host log collection.

  • Fixed case where an acknowledged Alert can be re-opened when Alert processing is behind.

  • Fixed case where monitoring classified a Config Server as a Standalone when there were no mongos services.

Released 2015-06-23

  • Automation now supports SSL and MongoDB Enterprise authentication mechanisms: Kerberos, LDAP, and X.509.

    Ops Manager 1.8 can start new MongoDB instances using SSL and enterprise authentication mechanisms and import existing instances using SSL and enterprise authentication for management.

  • Added the ability to specify a proxy server for Ops Manager to use to access external services.

  • Added support for self-signed CAs and client certificates when using SSL LDAP for Ops Manager user authentication.

  • System Alerts: system alerts allow an Ops Manager Administrator to receive alerts when the state of the software itself is unhealthy.

  • Global Alerts: global alerts allow an Ops Manager administrator to monitor any set of Ops Manager groups without needing to configure the alerts on a group-by-group basis.

  • Added the ability to deliver Project, Global, and System alerts via an HTTP webhook.

  • Lowered the alerting check frequency from five minutes to one minute, allowing for more responsive alerts.

  • Automation now uses distribution-specific builds for MongoDB Community Edition when one is available for the operating system and version in use. Previously, Automation used the generic MongoDB Community Edition build.

    Upgrading the Automation Agent and Ops Manager to the new version will not automatically change your MongoDB deployments to a distribution- specific build: if you wish to use the distribution-specific build, you will need to update the MongoDB version.

  • Added support to change the storage engine for a MongoDB deployment using Automation.

  • Beta: Added Automation support for Windows MongoDB instances. This feature must be enabled for an Ops Manager group for it to be available.

  • Standby Monitoring Agents now check in with Ops Manager more frequently. You can now configure the Monitoring Agent session timeout to allow for faster failover. See: Monitoring Failover for more information.

  • Added the ability to configure the Backup Database's block size. The Configure Block Size in a Blockstore tutorial describes how to configure the size of the blocks in the Backup Database's blockstore.

  • Added the ability to initiate backup SCP restores through the Public API. See: Restore Jobs.

  • Ops Manager 1.8 requires that the Ops Manager Application Database and Snapshot Storage run MongoDB 2.6 or later. Ops Manager will not start after upgrade if your backing databases are using an earlier version of MongoDB. The MongoDB Manual provides upgrade tutorials with each release.

  • When you upgrade to Ops Manager 1.8, Ops Manager disables all Automation Agents until they are upgraded to Automation Agent You can upgrade the Automation Agents by clicking the link that appears in the Please upgrade your agents banner that will appear on the Deployment page in the Ops Manager interface.

  • Direct upgrade is only allowed from Ops Manager 1.5 and Ops Manager 1.6. To upgrade to Ops Manager 1.8 from an earlier version of MongoDB, you must first upgrade to Ops Manager 1.6, and then to 1.8.

  • In Ops Manager 1.8, mms.multiFactorAuth.level replaces the deprecated mms.multiFactorAuth.require setting. mms.multiFactorAuth.level supports more values than its predecessor.

    Ops Manager will not start with mms.multiFactorAuth.require in the properties file, but will report an error indicating that the setting has been deprecated, and that you must update your configuration.

  • Ops Manager 1.8 does not include the Backup HTTP Service: its functionality is now part of System Alerts and Global Alerts.

  • System Alerts give new insight into the health of Ops Manager and may immediately trigger on upgrade if Ops Manager is not in the expected state. For example, if your Application or Backup databases have startup warnings or if the connection strings to those databases point to any unreachable MongoDB instances, Ops Manager will issue an alert.

  • The Ops Manager Deployment user interface has been streamlined such that the View Mode and Edit Mode dual views have been merged into a unified view.

Released 2015-08-17

  • Ops Manager no longer shuts down if the Ops Manager Application Database is unreachable. (This issue was erroneously reported as resolved in Ops Manager 1.6.3.)

Released 2015-06-23

  • Agent updates: Automation Agent

  • Added full support for restores of WiredTiger backups. Previously, Ops Manager only supported SCP Individual File restores for WiredTiger backups.

  • Added optimization to prevent some Backup Daemon background tasks from doing excessive logging when databases are down.

  • Fixed a user interface issue when displaying an empty Automation diff.

Released 2015-04-28

  • Fixed issue with grooms on a WiredTiger backup blockstore.

  • Fixed a possible connection leak with the SCP Individual File restore type.

  • LDAP users are now periodically synced with the LDAP server to prevent communications after a user is removed from a group.

  • Fixed an issue with backups of MongoDB 3.0 mongod instances running with the --setParameter failIndexKeyTooLong=0 option.

Released 2015-03-26

  • Agent updates: Automation Agent

  • Security Update: resolved an issue where users removed from LDAP groups were not always removed from corresponding Ops Manager groups. This upgrade is highly recommended for anyone using LDAP authentication.

  • Selecting wildcards in the Version Manager is no longer supported when automation.versions.source is set to local.

  • Added a 1 hour timeout to kill a Backup head database if it does not shutdown cleanly. You must perform a resync following a hard kill.

  • Windows support for Backup Daemon using Windows 64-bit 2008 R2+ MongoDB builds.

  • Fix for Backups stored in WiredTiger format in which a single collection grows from under 8 GB to over 8 GB in size.

  • The time before an unreachable mongos process is deactivated is now configurable on a per group basis. See Admin Project Settings.

  • The time before a standby Monitoring Agent takes over after the primary Monitoring Agent stops responding is now configurable to a minimum of 90 seconds. See the mms.monitoring.agent.session.timeoutMillis setting in Ops Manager Configuration Settings.

  • For Backup HTTP pull restore, the link expiration and the number of allowed uses of a link are now configurable.

Released 2015-03-02

  • Initial release of Automation. Automation manages many basic administrative tasks for MongoDB deployments, including version upgrades, adding replica set members, adding shards, and changing oplog size. You can both import existing deployments into Automation and create new deployments on your provisioned hardware.

  • Windows support (Monitoring and Backup only). You can Install Ops Manager on Microsoft Windows using MSI files. Ops Manager supports Windows Server 2008 R2 and above.

  • Support for MongoDB 3.0, including support for backups that use the WiredTiger storage engine.

    To monitor or back up MongoDB 3.0 deployments, you must install Ops Manager 1.6 or higher. To monitor a MongoDB 3.0 deployment, you must also run Monitoring Agent version 2.7.0 or higher.

  • Support for using the SSL and MONGODB-X509 authentication mechanisms for the backing MongoDB databases. See Configure the Connections to the Application Database.

  • Public API endpoints to manage Automation configuration. For more information, see Automation in the API documentation.

  • The Ops Manager's Administration interface provides more information to make it easier to monitor the health of the Ops Manager installation.

  • The Ops Manager Deployment tab now displays all deployment information on one page, with icons for selecting view options. The new Topology View groups all hosts by the replica set or sharded cluster they are part of. The new Servers View shows information about MongoDB processes and Ops Manager agents grouped by server.

  • Fixed an issue (MMS-2273) where, in certain situations, the Backup Agent was not reporting a cluster snapshot as potentially inconsistent.

  • Improved handling of cursor timeouts by the Backup Agent. To use this improvement, upgrade to the latest Backup Agent, which is included with Ops Manager. The improvement became available with Backup Agent

  • Ops Manager 1.8.0, when released, will not support MongoDB 2.4 for the Ops Manager Application Database and Snapshot Storage. Ops Manager Server 1.8.0 will continue to support MongoDB 2.4 for your monitored and backed-up databases.

  • Ops Manager 1.6.0 supports direct upgrades only from MMS On Prem 1.3 and above.

  • The procedure to configure Ops Manager to run with HTTPS has changed and is greatly simplified. The previous procedure no longer works. For the new procedure, see Configure TLS Connections to Ops Manager.

  • The connection string to the backup blockstore database is now configured through the Administration interface's Blockstores page and not through the mongo.backupdb.mongoUri field in the configuration file.

  • Ops Manager no longer requires you to supply the replica set name of the backing MongoDB instances. The mongo.replicaSet and mongo.backupdb.replicaSet properties have been removed from the configuration files. These properties had previously controlled whether Ops Manager treated a connection to a backing instance as a standalone or replica set, for the purpose of setting the write concern. Ops Manager now sets write concern based on how many hosts are supplied in the connection string.

  • You can disable Automation for the entire Ops Manager installation through the mms.featureFlag.automation setting in the configuration file.

  • Removed the Dashboards view from the Ops Manager UI. You can view monitoring metrics from the Deployment tab. See: View Deployment Metrics for an overview of the available metrics and how to access them.

Released 2015-03-26

  • Security Update: resolved issue where users removed from LDAP groups were not always removed from corresponding Ops Manager groups. This upgrade is highly recommended for anyone using LDAP authentication.

Released 2015-03-18

  • Fixed race condition that could cause the Backup Daemon to hang when the MongoDB process for a head database fails to start.

  • Fixed an issue where a rollback occurring shortly after a terminate could step on the terminate.

  • The time before an unreachable mongos process is deactivated is now configurable on a per group basis. See Admin Project Settings.

  • The time before a standby Monitoring Agent takes over after the primary Monitoring Agent stops responding is now configurable to a minimum of 90 seconds. See the mms.monitoring.agent.session.timeoutMillis setting in Ops Manager Configuration Settings.

  • For Backup HTTP pull restore, the link expiration and the number of allowed uses of a link are now configurable.

Released 2014-12-17

Significant improvements in performance for the processing of MMS OnPrem Monitoring data for MMS OnPrem Projects with a large number of hosts

Released 2014-11-18

  • Added Support for archive restores (.tar.gz) for databases whose filenames exceed 100 characters.

  • API: Skip missed points in metrics data, instead of returning empty data.

  • API: Return correct number of data points when querying metric data with the period option.

  • Backup Agent update to

Released 2014-09-26

  • Fix cases where replica set member alerts (e.g. no primary, number of healthy members) could send false positives.

  • Skip backup-daemon rootDirectory and mongo.backupdb.mongoUri overlap check when the mongo.backupdb.mongoUri is on a different host.

  • mms-gen-key script handles user's effective group being different than the username.

  • Security enhancements.

Released 2014-09-02

  • MMS OnPrem only supports direct upgrades from 1.3 and 1.4.

  • Change in configurations and policy for 2FA: Two-factor authentication must now be explicitly enabled using the mms.multiFactorAuth.require setting.

  • The default LDAP group separator became ;;. Previously the separator was ,. See the LDAP configuration documentation for more information.

  • Suppressed hosts will only remain suppressed for 30 minutes.

    Previously, if after deleting a host, from MMS OnPrem Monitoring the hostname and port combination would be added to a suppression list with an infinite lifetime. The suppression list prevented a race condition where host in a cluster would be auto-discovered by another member of a deployment before the host could was fully removed. Now, hostname and port combinations remain on the suppression list for only 30 minutes.

  • Set the mms.remoteIp.header in the file if clients access the MMS OnPrem Application via a load balancer.

  • mongo.backupdb.mongoUri is no longer in This was previously a required field in this file. It remains in the backup daemons's

  • Stored MongoDB profile data is not transferred between OnPrem 1.4 and OnPrem 1.5 during the upgrade process.

  • When an MMS OnPrem Backup job fails to bind, the system periodically and automatically retries.

  • All MMS OnPrem Backup jobs will retry indefinitely.

  • Point in Time restores are now available with one second granularity.

Released 2014-07-22

  • Addressed issues related to Backup Job assignment for 2.6.x clusters that used the clusterMonitor role to support MMS OnPrem Monitoring.

  • Fixed problem importing email addresses for users for deployments that use LDAP integration.

  • Fixed rare race condition caused high CPU usage in the MMS OnPrem HTTP Service if the application cannot connect to one of the backing databases.

  • Additional security enhancements.

Released 2014-05-29

  • Critical bug fix for backing up MongoDB 2.6 deployments that include user or custom role definitions:

    • The system.version collection in the admin database will be included in all future snapshots.

    • The system.roles collection in the admin database will be included after a new initial sync is performed.

    Users capturing backups of MongoDB 2.6 replica sets or clusters with MMS OnPrem that include custom role definitions should perform a new initial sync. Taking a new initial sync will ensure that the role definitions are included in the backup.

  • Disable MongoDB usePowerOf2Sizes for insert-only MMS OnPrem Backup collections.

  • Speed optimization for MMS OnPrem Backup HTTP pull restores.

  • Fix for LDAP integration, MMS OnPrem now passes full dn correctly when authenticating the user.

Released 2014-04-28

  • Ability to Backup replica sets or clusters using Kerberos authentication.

  • Ability to Backup replica sets or clusters running specific custom MongoDB builds provided by MongoDB, Inc.

  • Fix validation issue preventing Backup of MongoDB 2.6.0 clusters.

  • Reduced log noise from Monitoring Agent when monitoring MongoDB 2.0 or unreachable mongods.

Released 2014-04-08

  • Includes MMS OnPrem Backup: continuous backup with point-in-time recovery of replica sets and cluster-wide snapshots of sharded clusters.

  • Finer-grained roles and permissions.

  • Improved user interface for alerts.

  • Enhanced Activity Feed for auditing of all activity.

  • Monitoring Agent distributed as OS-specific binary. Python dependency removed.

  • LDAP integration for managing users and groups.

MMS OnPrem 1.4.0 requires MongoDB 2.4.9+ instances for backing storage.

Released 2013-12-01

  • Packaging/support for Debian and SUSE Linux.

  • Kerberos authentication support between MMS OnPrem server and backing MongoDBs, as well as between Monitoring Agent and the MongoDBs it monitors.

  • OnPrem users can be overall site administrators. (MMS OnPrem Admins)

  • New admin section where MMS OnPrem Admins can manage user roles and message banners.

  • Tunable advanced password and session management configurations.

  • Encryption key rotation, more specific CORS policy, auth tokens removed from chart URLs, and other security enhancements.

Released 2013-07-24

  • Redesigned user interface and enhanced algorithm to auto-discover hosts and derive host topology.

  • SNMP monitoring.

  • Ability to export charts.

  • Option to store encrypted authentication credentials in the mmsDb property in the configuration file.

  • Ability to classify users within an MMS OnPrem Project as group administrators or read-only users.