Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Backup Service
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The following considerations apply to making backups highly available:
The Ops Manager Application manages backups. To meet your backup needs, deploy a sufficient number of Ops Manager hosts with a load balancer.
Ops Manager expects that all stores are available at all times. High availability of S3-compatible storage and filesystem stores is outside of the Ops Manager Application scope.
Create a replica set rather than a standalone for each dedicated MongoDB process that hosts the Ops Manager Application and for each backing database. A backing database can include a MongoDB blockstore snapshot store, a MongoDB oplog store, or an S3-compatible storage metadata store.
Ops Manager uses
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write concern, which requires acknowledgement from the primary and one secondary for each write operation. When deploying a replica set with members in many facilities, ensure that a single facility has enough votes to elect a primary, if needed. When choosing between facilities for this single facility, choose the facility that hosts the Ops Manager Application and application database. Place a majority of voting members and all the members that can become primary in this facility. Otherwise, network partitions could prevent the set from being able to form a majority.To learn more, see:
If you choose to assign snapshot stores to specific data centers, consider each region's high availability requirements based on your deployment needs. For example, in some deployments, configuring a replica set may provide sufficient availability. If your deployment has 24/7 high availability requirements even if a data center goes down, configure enough nodes in each data center to accommodate writes. To learn more, see Highly Available Ops Manager Application and Multiple snapshot stores.
Configure more than one Backup Daemon instance for queryable restore jobs and groom jobs, which are useful for large deployments.
For each Backup Daemon, you can:
Assign Backup jobs. If you don't assign jobs to specific daemons and stores, Ops Manager uses all available Backup Daemons for each group.
Adjust the settings on the Daemon configuration page. For example, for the dedicated queryable Daemon host, you can clear all checkboxes except Queryable Restore Jobs.
If you use multiple Backup Daemons, use a distinct local folder for each head directory path.
We recommend that you use a file system other than NFS if you intend to run queryable restore jobs. For further recommendations regarding filesystems, see the MongoDB Operations Checklist.
Additional Information
You install the Backup Daemon component with the Ops Manager package. To run the Daemon, you must activate it. To learn more, select the procedure specific to your platform in the Install Ops Manager section.
To view all active Backup Daemons and access their configuration options, see Daemons.
To start and stop a Backup Daemon on a server, see Start and Stop the Backup Daemon.
To move jobs from a lost Backup server to another Backup server, see Move Jobs from a Lost Backup Daemon to another Backup Daemon.
To make the Ops Manager Application highly available, see Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Application.