Restore from a Specific Point-in-Time
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To restore a snapshot using HTTP, Ops Manager creates and displays a download link to the appropriate snapshot in snapshot storage.
After clicking the download link, Ops Manager streams the snapshot to the target snapshot host.
PIT restores include points in time and oplog timestamps.
The Ops Manager point-in-time restore might have oplog gaps in some situations such as the following:
If the oplog tailing stops because of an issue with backup job tailing the oplog and the oplog rolls over before MongoDB Agent tails it again.
After a topology change until Ops Manager completes a new snapshot.
After the FCV change, which causes a gap between the time Ops Manager detects the FCV change and Ops Manager completes a new snapshot. You can't apply a point-in-time restore across MongoDB version changes.
After a restore until Ops Manager completes a new snapshot.
If there is an oplog gap after Ops Manager takes the latest snapshot, then a point-in-time restore fails if the restore time selected is after the oplog gap began and before the next snapshot. Once Ops Manager takes the next snapshot, you can use point-in-time restore as normal from that snapshot time onward.
You only see oplog gaps when you attempt and fail a point-in-time restore.
You can request a point-in-time restore to a specific point in time that includes stale data.
The user selects a timestamp:
Through the Ops Manager application:
Click on a timestamp.
Submit their request.
Through the API:
Find the cluster to restore.
Create new Restore Job for that cluster.
Ops Manager creates a RestoreJob document.
Ops Manager sets the RestoreJob document status to Transferring... and starts streaming the snapshot in the requested format from the snapshot store to Ops Manager. Each Snapshot Store streams its snapshot components through Ops Manager:
A blockstore streams blocks.
A S3 snapshot store streams the blocks.
With the status set to Waiting for Customer..., Ops Manager creates a URL.
The user clicks the get link link, then Download in the Ops Manager application to download the snapshot.
The user downloads the MongoDB Backup Restore Utility from the Ops Manager application to the target snapshot host.
The MBRU can be used with any restore. If the utility is installed on the host where you want to restore the snapshot, the user doesn't need to download it again.
The user starts a temporary MongoDB instance on the target snapshot host. The fetched oplog is applied to the snapshot restored to this instance.
The user runs the MBRU to request the oplog.
The MBRU fetches the oplog for the point-in-time snapshot.
The MBRU applies the oplog to snapshot in the temporary MongoDB instance.
The user exports the restored database from the temporary MongoDB instance.