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MongoDB Usage

On this page

  • Sections of the Page
  • Usage Summary
  • Deployments Table
  • Actions
  • Determine Server Type Usage over Time
  • Apply New Server Type to Multiple Hosts
  • Apply New Server Type to Specific Host
  • Download a Usage Report
  • Procedures
  • Create One Virtual Machine Group
  • Rename One Virtual Machine Group
  • Delete One Virtual Machine Group
  • Remove One Host from One Virtual Machine Group
  • Add More VMs to One Virtual Machine Group


Enable MongoDB Usage UI and MongoDB Usage Data Collection

If MongoDB Usage UI is set to true, this page displays information about the MongoDB Usage collected via daily snapshots.

If this page contains no data, you can populate it with data with one of two methods:

This page has two parts: a usage summary and a table of MongoDB deployments.

This card contains a section for each server type that your Ops Manager deployment between the dates selected.

Each server type section contains three headings:

RAM Used
Greatest amount of RAM used on the date with the greatest use.
Total Nodes
Count of nodes used on the date with the greatest use.
When this server type had its greatest use.

The date of greatest use depends on the server type:

Server Type
Date of Greatest Use Measured
RAM Pool
When the greatest amount of RAM was used for all hosts running that server type.
All other server types
When the greatest number of all hosts of that server type were running.

This table contains each server and describes the server type associated, as well as important information about the server's processes and their deployments.

To build this report, Ops Manager:

  1. Takes daily snapshots of all running MongoDB processes.

  2. Merges all snapshots for the selected range of dates.

If you stop or terminate a server before creating the report, that server remains part of the report in the date range you selected.


  1. You start Process A on Host A on 20 April.

  2. On 4 May, Ops Manager takes a snapshot of Process A.

  3. On 5 May, you shut down Process A.

  4. On 6 May, Ops Manager takes a new snapshot.

  5. On 10 May, you create report for the range of 1 to 6 May.

  6. This report includes Process A.

To exclude the shutdown process, create a report that doesn't include dates when that process ran.

From this page, you can:

To review which server types were in use for your MongoDB Enterprise installations during a given time period:

  1. Select a start date from the From box.

  2. Select an end date from the To box.

The Usage Summary updates automatically with the applicable values. This usage summary covers all hosts, organizations, and projects.

To change the server type of multiple hosts at once:

  1. Check the box at the left the columns containing the hosts to which you wish to apply the new server type.

  2. Select the desired server type from the Apply a Server Type dropdown.

This action updates these hosts to have that server type for all existing and future usage snapshots. The new server type does not apply to the timeframe you specified using the date selectors.

To change the server type of one host, use the dropdown in its row under the Server Type column.

This action updates this host to have that server type for all existing and future usage snapshots. The new server type does not apply to the timeframe you specified using the date selectors.

To report on your MongoDB Enterprise usage:

  1. (Optional) Clear Redact sensitive information if you want include all IP addresses, hostnames, organization names, and project names in the report.

  2. Click Download Report to create a usage report.

  3. Attach this report to the MongoDB email displayed on the MongoDB Usage page.

  1. Click the Admin link in the upper right corner of the console.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Click the MongoDB Usage page.

  1. Click checkboxes to the left of the hostnames representing the physical host you want to combine into a single license.

  2. Click Add to Virtual Machine Group.

    If you don't have a Virtual Machine Group, Ops Manager displays a notice that you need to create one.

  3. Click Create Virtual Machine Group.

    Ops Manager displays the Create Virtual Machine Group.

  4. Type a name for the VMG in the Group name box.

  5. Select the Server Type from the Select a server type menu.

  6. Click Create.

    Ops Manager displays the MongoDB Usage page with a banner that explains that it has created the VMG.

  1. Click the Admin link in the upper right corner of the console.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Click the MongoDB Usage page.

  1. To the right of the Virtual Machine Group that you want to modify, click Modify Group.

    Ops Manager displays the Modify Virtual Machine Group modal.

  2. Type a new name for the VMG in the Rename the group box.

  3. Click Update or click Cancel to leave the host as it is.

    If you renamed the host, Ops Manager displays the MongoDB Usage page with the renamed VMG.

  1. Click the Admin link in the upper right corner of the console.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Click the MongoDB Usage page.

  1. To the right of the Virtual Machine Group that you want to modify, click Modify Group.

    Ops Manager displays the Modify Virtual Machine Group modal.

  2. Click Delete.

    Ops Manager displays the Delete Virtual Machine Group.

  3. Click Delete to confirm the removal or click Cancel to leave the host.

    If you deleted the host, Ops Manager displays the MongoDB Usage page without the deleted VMG.

  1. Click the Admin link in the upper right corner of the console.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Click the MongoDB Usage page.

  1. If you can't find the VM that you want to remove from the VMG, type part of its name in the Search box.

  2. Click Remove Host to the left of the VM you want to remove from the Virtual Machine Group.

    Ops Manager displays the Remove from group modal.

  3. Click Remove to confirm the removal or click Cancel to leave the VM in the VMG.

    If you removed the host, Ops Manager displays the MongoDB Usage page with:

    • the remaining VMs in the original VMG and

    • the removed VM as separate entry in the deployments table.

  1. Click the Admin link in the upper right corner of the console.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Click the MongoDB Usage page.

  1. Click checkboxes to the left of the hostnames representing the virtual hosts you want to combine into a single license. These hostnames can't belong to any existing VMG.

  2. Click Add to Virtual Machine Group.

  3. Click the name of the VMG to which you want to add the selected VM.

    Ops Manager adds the VM to the VMG immediately without further confirmation.

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