Docs Home → MongoDB Ops Manager
This page starts with the System Overview, a dashboard that lists the following statistics about this Ops Manager instance:
Active Projects | Number of projects that have active MongoDB Agents. |
Total Projects | Number of projects that have been created. |
Total Users | Number of users that have been created. |
Enabled Hosts | |
Total Page Views | Number of page views served over time. |
Diagnostic Archive | Link to download the Diagnostic Archive
for the Ops Manager instance in .tar or .zip format. |
Following the dashboard, three tabs contain the following data:
Servers | Hosts that serve the mongod, mongos, and MongoDB Agents for
the Ops Manager instance and the MongoDB databases that it manages
and monitors. Each replica set has a unique color across
hosts. |
MongoDB Processes | List of MongoDB databases that this Ops Manager instance
manages and monitors. |
System Warnings | Global Alerts that
monitored MongoDB databases return to the Ops Manager instance. |