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Integrate with Slack

On this page

  • Prerequisites
  • Procedure

You can integrate Ops Manager with Slack to receive Ops Manager alerts in your Slack channel.

To integrate Ops Manager with Slack, you must:

To integrate Ops Manager with Slack and receive alerts in your Slack channel:

  1. Navigate to your Ops Manager Application.

  2. In the Ops Manager Application, click the Admin link in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Click the General tab and then click Ops Manager Config.

  4. Copy the URL in the URL To Access Ops Manager.


    The URL is required in a later step.

  1. Navigate to Your Apps.

  2. Click Create New App. The Create an app modal displays.

  3. Click From scratch. The Name app & choose workspace modal displays.

  4. In the App Name field, enter a name for your Slack app.

  5. From the Pick a workspace to develop your app in: dropdown, select an available Slack workspace.

  6. Click Create App. The app configuration page displays.

  1. Click Permissions under the Add features and functionality section. The OAuth & Permissions page displays.

  2. Under the Redirect URLs section, click Add New Redirect URL. A text field displays.

  3. Enter the text description, such as: URL To Access Ops Manager and click Add.

  4. Click Save URLs.

  5. Navigate to the Scopes section and locate User Token Scopes.

  6. Click Add an OAuth Scope. A dropdown list of available OAuth scopes displays.

  7. From the dropdown, select the chat:write scope.

  1. Return to the app configuration page.

  2. Navigate to the Basic Information section and click Manage Distribution.

  3. Click Distribute app and review the available distribution options. You can share your app with your workspace, other workspaces on your grid, or other workspaces outside your grid.

  1. Return to the app configuration page.

  2. Navigate to the App Credentials section and copy the value of the Client ID field.

  3. Copy the value of the Client Secret field.


    The Client ID and Client Secret are required in the next step.

  1. Navigate to your Ops Manager Application.

  2. In the Ops Manager Application, click the Admin link in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Click the General tab and then click Ops Manager Config.

  4. From the list of tabs at the top of the page, select Custom.

  5. In the displayed Key text box, enter slack.oauth2.clientId.

  6. In the displayed Value text box, enter your Client ID value.

  7. Click Add Option.

  8. In the displayed Key text box, enter slack.oauth2.clientSecret.

  9. In the displayed Value text box, enter your Client Secret value.

  10. Click Save.


Complete the steps to modify Slack integration settings.

←  Integrate with PrometheusView, Retrieve, and Manage Logs →