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Interact with Your Data

You can use the Ops Manager UI to interact with data in the following ways:

  • View databases, collections, and indexes in your cluster.

  • Create and drop databases, collections, and indexes.

  • Insert/edit/delete documents.

  • Create and run aggregation pipelines to process your data.

The Ops Manager UI reads from the primary unless the primary is unavailable. If the primary is unavailable, the Ops Manager UI reads from a non-hidden, non-delayed secondary member.

The Ops Manager UI uses the Automation to retrieve all data. No Ops Manager configuration changes are required to access data in the Ops Manager UI.

To interact with your data in the Ops Manager UI, you have the Data Explorer setting enabled. The Data Explorer setting is enabled by default.


Required Privileges

To enable or disable the Data Explorer setting for a project, you must have the Project Owner role for the project or the Organization Owner role on its parent organization.

To disable the Data Explorer setting:


Click Settings in the left navigation.



To enable the Data Explorer setting, set the toggle to On.


To interact with your data in the Ops Manager UI, you must have one of the following roles:

To interact with data in the Ops Manager UI:

  1. Click Deployment in the left navigation.

  2. Select the desired MongoDB deployment.

  3. Select the Data tab.

The following pages show how you can use the Ops Manager UI to manage your databases, collections, indexes, documents, and data within documents: