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View, Retrieve, and Manage Logs

Ops Manager collects log information for both MongoDB processes and its agents. For MongoDB processes, you can access both real-time logs and on-disk logs.

  • The MongoDB logs provide the diagnostic logging information for your mongod and mongos processes.

  • The Agent logs provide insight into the behavior of your Ops Manager agents.

The MongoDB Agent issues the getLog command with every monitoring ping. This command collects log entries from RAM cache of each MongoDB process.

Ops Manager enables real-time log collection by default. You can disable log collection for either all MongoDB deployments in an Ops Manager project or for individual MongoDB deployments. If you disable log collection, Ops Manager continues to display previously collected log entries.

To access this feature, you must have privileges granted by one of the following roles:

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.

  1. Click the Clusters view.


The four buttons are listed in the following order, left to right: Shards, Configs, Mongos, and BIs.



mongod processes that host your data.


mongod processes that run as config servers to store a sharded cluster's metadata.


mongos processes that route data in a sharded cluster.


BI processes that access data in a sharded cluster.

  1. Select a cluster.

  2. Select the specific node of the cluster for which you want to view logs.

  1. Click the More tab in the view for your selected node.

  2. Click Logs to view specific log information.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.

  1. Click the Clusters view.

  1. Click the Logs tab.

  2. Toggle the Collect Logs For Host to Off or On, as desired.


If you turn off log collection, existing log entries remain in the Logs tab, but Ops Manager does not collect new entries.


Ops Manager collects on-disk logs even if the MongoDB instance is not running. The MongoDB Agent collects the logs from the location you specified in the MongoDB systemLog.path configuration option. The MongoDB on-disk logs are a subset of the real-time logs and therefore less verbose.

You can configure log rotation for the on-disk logs. Ops Manager rotates logs by default.

This procedure rotates both system and audit logs for Ops Manager.

To access this feature, you must have privileges granted by one of the following roles:


Click the ellipsis ... icon on the line for any process, replica set, or sharded cluster in the project, then click Request Logs.


To choose logs to download, perform the following actions:


Click MongoDB Logs

Gather logs from deployed MongoDB processes.

This option isn't available for deployed MongoDB processes if the systemLog.destination property is set to syslog.

Click FTDC Data

Gather the diagnostic data files from the (FTDC) collection mechanism, such as server statistics and status messages.

Click Automation Agent Logs

Gather logs from the deployed Automation Agents.

Click Backup Agent Logs

Gather logs from all deployed Backup Agents.

This differs from other logs. The logs collected are not limited to the selected hosts, but include all Backup Agent logs in the deployment.

Click Monitoring Agent Logs

Gather logs from all deployed Monitoring Agent.

This differs from other logs. The logs collected are not limited to the selected hosts, but include all Monitoring Agent logs in the deployment.

Set Size per Log Type in MB

Enter the maximum cumulative uncompressed size in megabytes of all selected log files.

  • This limit is cumulative.

    • For MongoDB or FTDC logs, this limits the size of the collected logs per process.

    • For Agents, this limts the size of related logs per Agent.

  • Those log files are then archived and compressed.

    For example, if you set this value to 50 MB, Ops Manager gathers a total of 50 MB of uncompressed log file from every mongod and mongos process and each Agent for all logs you chose to download.

  • If the current log file is less than the specified size, Ops Manager gathers the most recent rotated file as well.

  • If the total size of the log files reaches the specified size part way through a log file, this last log file is truncated to the most recent line that falls within the specified size.

  • The maximum amount of log files that can be collected is 20 GB. This maximum includes all collected log files that have not expired. If you request additional logs and collecting those logs results in more than 20 GB of logs collected, Ops Manager generates an error. The total amount of logs collected compared to the limit is displayed as Estimated Total Size.


You choose to collect 20 MB of logs from all processes in a replica set. This replica set has three mongod processes on two hosts:

  • host1:27017

  • host2:27017

  • host2:27018

Your deployment runs the following agents:

Automation Agent

host1, host2, host4, host5

Backup Agent


Monitoring Agent

host4, host5

When you choose all the log types for this replica set, and limit to 20 MB per process, Ops Manager shows that the Estimated Total Size is 220 MB (11 processes * 20 MB) out of 20 GB.

Once the log collection begins, Ops Manager scans the log directories for the mongod processes and their associated FTDC from the most current log entry until 20 MB of log files or the end of the last log is collected. All the Monitoring and Backup Agents in the deployment are also scanned.

  • The Backup Agent has 60 MB of logs.

  • Each MongoDB process (3) has 7 MB of logs plus 15 MB of FTDC data per process.

  • Each Monitoring Agent (2) has 30 MB of logs.

  • Each Automation Agent (2) has 12 MB of logs.

The total size of logs collected is 150 MB:

(20 + (3 * (7 + 15)) + (2 * 20) + (2 * 12)) = 150

  • The maximum of 20 MB of logs from the Backup Agent is collected.

  • All of the logs for each MongoDB process are collected: 7 MB of MongoDB + 15 MB of FTDC data.

  • The maximum of 20 MB of logs from each Monitoring Agent is collected.

  • All of the Automation Agent logs from host1 and host2 are collected. host4 and host5 do not host any processes in the replica set.

The resulting archive structure within the downloaded archive is:


To anonymize your logs, select Replace IP addresses, hostnames, namespaces, strings with randomized values.

This option replaces IP addresses with a private range (192.168.x.x). For hostnames, this option replaces only FQDN. Other hostnames remain unchanged. Replacements follow a predictable pattern. For example, if blue.strawberry replaces one instance of the FQDN test.internal, blue.strawberry replaces all other instances of test.internal as well.


This does not use the $redact aggregation pipeline. That is a separate capability with a broader feature set.


Entry Status shows Collecting Logs... and automatically updates its status as log collection continues.

  • If Ops Manager fails to retrieve log files, click Retry to retrieve the failed log files again.

  • If a failure has occurred, you can still download the archive. Some of the requested log files will be missing.


Click the Download icon.

The size listed for the archive on the Log Request History page is the uncompressed size. The archive consumes that amount of disk space on the target host once it is extracted.

This download can only be restarted and not resumed. If the download fails, you must download the logs again.

The archive is named mongodb-logfiles_<instance_or_process>_<ISO8601_Format_Date>.tar.gz.

The extracted files use the following directory structure:

<replica_set> // Sharded Cluster Only
<port> // Replica Set or Standalone


When you extract the tar archive on a Microsoft Windows host, use an archive extraction utility that supports PAX extended headers. Some Windows archive utilities have issues with PAX extended headers for tar.

Collected logs expire and are removed after 7 days. To extend the lifetime of a particular log file, click the extend link for that archive on the Log Request History page.

Ops Manager can rotate and compress logs for clusters that the MongoDB Agent manages. If the MongoDB Agent only monitors a cluster, it ignores that cluster's logs.


If you're running MongoDB Enterprise version 5.0 or later and MongoDB Agent or later, you can:

  • Set separate rules for rotating server logs and audit logs.

  • Compress and delete audit logs using Ops Manager. For security reasons, we recommend managing your audit log compression and deletion outside of Ops Manager.

If you're running earlier versions of MongoDB Enterprise or the MongoDB Agent, Ops Manager:

  • Uses your System Log Rotation settings to rotate both the server logs and the audit logs.

  • Doesn't compress or delete audit logs. If you configure compression and deletion, Ops Manager applies these settings to the server logs only.

MongoDB Community users can rotate, compress, and delete the server logs only.


When you use this feature, disable any platform-based log-rotation services like logrotate. Remove the reopen and rename flags from the process configuration files. If the MongoDB Agent only monitors the cluster, that cluster may use platform-based services.

  1. Click Deployment.

  2. In the More drop-down list, click MongoDB Log Settings.


Toggle System Log Rotation to ON to rotate server logs.

MongoDB Enterprise users running MongoDB Enterprise version 5.0 or later and MongoDB Agent and later can also toggle Audit Log Rotation to ON to rotate audit logs and configure audit log rotation separately.

If you're running earlier versions of MongoDB Enterprise or the MongoDB Agent, setting System Log Rotation to ON also rotates audit logs.

Set log rotation to OFF if you don't want Ops Manager to rotate its logs. Log rotation is OFF by default.

After you enable log rotation, Ops Manager displays additional log rotation settings.


Ops Manager rotates the logs on your MongoDB hosts per the following settings:


Size Threshold (MB)


Ops Manager rotates log files that exceed this maximum log file size.


Time Threshold (Hours)


Ops Manager rotates logs that exceed this duration.


Max Uncompressed Files


Log files can remain uncompressed until they exceed this number of files. Ops Manager compresses the oldest log files first.

If you leave this setting empty, Ops Manager will use the default of 5.


Max Percent of Disk


Log files can take up to this percent of disk space on your MongoDB host's log volume. Ops Manager deletes the oldest log files once they exceed this disk threshold.

If you leave this setting empty, Ops Manager will use the default of 2%.


Total Number of Files


Total number of log files. If a number is not specified, the total number of log files defaults to 0 and is determined by other Rotate Logs settings.


When you are done, click Save to review your changes.


Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.

Ops Manager collects logs for all your MongoDB Agents.

To access this feature, you must have privileges granted by one of the following roles:


The page displays logs for the type of agent selected in the View drop-down list. The page filters logs according to any filters selected in through the gear icon.


To display logs for a different type of agent, use the View drop-down list.

To display logs for a specific hosts or MongoDB processes, click the gear icon and make your selections.

To clear filters, click the gear icon and click Remove Filters.

To download the selected logs, click the gear icon and click Download as CSV File.


To view logs for a specific agent, you can alternatively click the Agents tab's All Agents list and then click view logs for the agent.

If you use Automation to manage your cluster, follow this procedure to configure rotation of the Agent log files.


If you haven't enabled Automation, see the following documentation for information about how to manually configure logging settings in the agent configuration files:


Click the pencil icon to edit the Monitoring Agent or Backup Agent log settings:


Linux Log File Path


Conditional: Logs on a Linux host. The path to which the agent writes its logs on a Linux host.

The suggested value is:


Windows Log File Path


Conditional: Logs on a Windows host. The path to which the agent writes its logs on a Windows host.

The suggested value is:


Rotate Logs


A toggle to select if the logs should be rotated.

Size Threshold (MB)


The size where the logs rotate automatically. The default value is 1000.

Time Threshold (Hours)


The duration of time when the logs rotate automatically. The default value is 24.

Max Uncompressed Files


Optional. The greatest number of log files, including the current log file, that should stay uncompressed. The suggested value is 5.

Max Percent of Disk


Optional. The greatest percentage of disk space on your MongoDB hosts that the logs should consume. The suggested value is 2%.

Total Number of Files


Optional. The total number of log files. If a number is not specified, the total number of log files defaults to 0 and is determined by other Rotate Logs settings.

When you are done, click Save.


Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.

You can use Ops Manager to review a variety of log files:

You can change how long you keep some Ops Manager logs. Your company may need to keep log data for legal requirements. You can change your log retention policy to adhere to those requirements.