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Snapshot Storage

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MongoDB database backups called snapshots and they are stored in containers called snapshot stores. This page lists existing snapshot stores and allows you to create or modify snapshot stores.

Ops Manager supports the following snapshot stores:

  • On a File System,
  • In a MongoDB database (blockstore), or
  • In an S3 Bucket (S3 blockstore)
Storage Method Name Description
File system File system store Snapshots are stored in a directory on a file system. Each snapshot is found in its own sub-directory. The snapshot files can be compressed individually based upon its setting:: File System Store Gzip Compression Level. To create or edit a file system store, see Manage File System Snapshot Storage.
Database storage blockstore Snapshots are stored in a managed MongoDB database in a compressed, de-duplicated format. Depending on data usage patterns the deduplication can provide significant storage savings without the need for any specialized hardware or other software. To create or edit a blockstore, see Manage Blockstore Snapshot Storage
AWS S3 bucket S3 blockstore Snapshot data is stored as blocks in an AWS S3 bucket. Snapshot metadata is stored in a managed MongoDB database. The metadata database tracks which blocks comprise each snapshot. The blocks are compressed and de-duplicated. To create or edit an S3 blockstore, see Manage S3 Snapshot Storage

You can add, edit or delete any snapshot store listed.

Additional Information

For additional information on managing snapshots, see:

←   Daemons Oplog Stores  →
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