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Global Access List

This page lists the Global Access List Entries configured for the Ops Manager instance. Each entry represents a host IP or CIDR block from which Ops Manager accepts incoming API requests. You can search for a access list entry, add access list entries, and edit or delete existing access list entries.


Ops Manager limits all actions in this section to users or Global API Keys that were granted the Global Owner role.

Add an Access List Entry

  1. Click Add Access List Entry to open the Add Global Access List Entry modal.

  2. Set all values in the access list form:

    Access List Entry

    Type the IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or CIDR block that you want to allow to use the Ops Manager API.


    You can click Use Current IP Address to add the public IP address of the host you are using to access Ops Manager.

    Description Type the purpose this IP address serves.
  3. Click Add Entry if this global access list entry is correct. Click Cancel to close the modal without adding a new access list entry.

Edit an Access List Entry


Once saved, any changes to this value impact applications that require the previous access list entry.

  1. To the right of the access list entry that you want to edit, click ellipsis icon then select Edit Access List Entry to open the Edit Global Access List Entry modal. Ops Manager displays the IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or CIDR block for this access list entry in the modal.

  2. Change the values in the access list form as needed:

    Access List Entry

    Type the IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or CIDR block that you want to allow to use the Ops Manager API.


    You can click Use Current IP Address to add the public IP address of the host you are using to access Ops Manager.

    Description Type the purpose this IP address serves.
  3. Click Save Entry if you made changes to your global access list entry. Click Cancel to close the modal without editing the access list entry.

Delete an Access List Entry


Deleting a Global Access List Entry impacts applications that require that access list entry, unless another access list entry includes that address. If no entries cover the application address, the application cannot access the API.

  1. To the right of the access list entry that you want to delete, click ellipsis icon then select Delete Access List Entry.

    The Delete Global Access List Entry modal displays.

  2. Type the entry’s IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or CIDR block in the box to confirm that you want to delete this entry.

  3. Click Delete if you want to delete your global access list entry. Click Cancel to close the modal without deleting the access list entry.

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