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The Projects page in the Admin interface lists projects, their creation dates, and their last pings from agents.

View a Project’s Details

To view a project’s details:

  1. Click Admin, General, and Projects.
  2. Click the project’s name.

View a Project’s Organization Details

To view a project’s organization details:

  1. Click Admin, General, and Projects.
  2. Click the organization’s name next to the project name.

Download a Diagnostic Archive

You can download a diagnostic archive for debugging and troubleshooting. To learn more, see Download Diagnostic Archives.

Edit a Project’s Backup Configuration

From the Jobs page, you can assign Backup resources to a particular project. To learn more, see Manage Backup Resources.

  1. Click Admin, General, and Projects.
  2. In the Actions column for a project, click ellipsis icon , then click Backup Configuration.
  3. Edit the backup configuration and click Save Changes.

Edit a Project’s Tags

A project can have up to 10 tags. Tags follow these rules:

  • Are case-sensitive
  • Can contain these characters:
    • A through Z
    • 0 through 9
    • . (period)
    • _ (underscore)
    • - (dash)
  • Are limited to 32 characters

To edit a project’s tags:

  1. Click Admin, General, and Projects.
  2. In the Actions column for a project, click ellipsis icon , then click Edit Tags.

Edit a Project’s Metric Data Retention Policy

To edit a project’s metric data retention policy:

  1. Click Admin, General, and Projects.
  2. In the Actions column for a project, click ellipsis icon , then click Monitoring Data Retention.
  3. Change the retention levels as desired. Increasing the retention period for a granularity level requires more storage on the Ops Manager Application Database. To learn more about monitoring data retention, see the default monitoring data retention values per day, hour, and minute.

Edit a Project’s LDAP Groups

To edit the LDAP groups that correspond to a project’s roles:

To learn how to associate LDAP groups with project roles, see the Associate LDAP groups with project roles step.


You can perform this procedure only if you enabled LDAP authentication for Ops Manager.

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