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Manage Your Two-Factor Authentication Options

Two-factor authentication provides a second layer of security for your Ops Manager account.

When enabled, Ops Manager requires 2FA to help users control access to their Ops Manager accounts.

To log into Ops Manager, a user must provide their password (“something you know”), as well as a second time-sensitive verification code, delivered during authentication (“something you have”). By requiring both factors, Ops Manager can grant authentication requests with a higher degree of confidence.


If an Organization Owner enables multi-factor authentication for an organization, all organization members must enable multi-factor authentication individually to access the organization. Organization members who have not enabled MFA are able to access Ops Manager, but not the organization for which MFA is required.

After you enter your username and password, you are prompted for a six-digit time-sensitive verification code. This code is sent to a separate device, such as a mobile phone or security token, that you can read and enter into Ops Manager and complete your login.


To enable or disable two-factor authentication for the entire Ops Manager environment, see Manage Two-Factor Authentication for Ops Manager.

Ops Manager provides the following sources for 2FA verification codes:

Text Messages (SMS)

When Ops Manager prompts you for a verification code, Ops Manager sends the 6-digit verification code using text (SMS) to the provided phone number.

The cellular carrier’s SMS rates apply.

Automated Voice Calls (US / Canada only)

When Ops Manager prompts you for a verification code, Ops Manager calls the provided phone number. An automated system repeats the 6-digit verification code a total of three times before hanging up.

The cellular carrier’s Voice Call rates apply.


Ops Manager users who operate within a geographic region with limited cellular service coverage or reliability may encounter delays in receiving the 2FA code via SMS or Voice. Consider using a 2FA app or device instead.

Configure Two-Factor Authentication


Go to your Ops Manager Account Settings.

In Ops Manager, click your username in the top-right corner and select Account.


Enable Two-Factor Authentication.

Click Enable 2FA or click pencil icon .

When prompted for verification:

  • If you are setting up 2FA, enter your password.
  • If you are editing your 2FA settings, enter a 2FA code.
  • Click Verify.

Configure Voice/SMS Authentication.

  1. Click Primary Method
  2. Click Voice/SMS Number.
  3. In the Enter your phone number box, enter your preferred mobile phone number.
  4. Select your preferred method of receiving codes:
    • Text Message (SMS) or
    • Voice Call (US / Canada Only)
  5. Click Verify.
  6. Once you receive the verification code, enter that code into the into the Verify your code boxes. Each digit is entered in its own box.

Ops Manager automatically verifies the code and saves your settings.

Two-Factor Authentication on a Shared Account

A global team that shares the same Ops Manager account can use Google Authenticator and use the same seed code for all team members. To generate a common seed code that all team members can use, select the Can’t scan the barcode? link when Configuring Two-Factor Authentication with Google Authenticator.

Generate New Recovery Codes

As a backup, you can generate recovery codes to use in place of a sent code when you do not have access to a phone, 2FA app or 2FA device. Each recovery code is single-use, and you should save these codes in a secure place. When you generate new recovery codes, you invalidate previously generated ones.


Go to your Ops Manager Account Settings.

In Ops Manager, click your username in the top-right corner and select Account.


Edit your Two-Factor Authentication settings.

Click pencil icon to the right of Two Factor Authentication.

When prompted for verification, enter a 2FA code then click Verify.


Click Show Recovery Codes.

Each time you expand this box, Ops Manager generates a new set of codes.

Keep the codes in a safe place. Each code can be used in conjunction with your username and password to not only access Ops Manager but to reset your security settings on Ops Manager.

Reset Legacy Two Factor Authentication

If you have legacy 2FA enabled and you lose access to your 2FA device, you can reset 2FA for your account.


  1. Log in to Ops Manager with your username and password.

  2. When the 2FA prompt displays:

    1. Click the Reset your two-factor authentication link.
    1. Click Ops Manager user? Click here at the bottom of the Reset Two Factor Authentication modal.
  3. Type your Ops Manager username.

  4. Click Reset Two Factor Authentication.

    Ops Manager emails a link to the e-mail account associated with the Ops Manager username.

  5. Check your email.

  6. Click the link that Ops Manager sent to start the 2FA reset procedure.

  7. Follow the directions on the 2FA reset page. After completing the reset procedure, Ops Manager allows you to log in to the Ops Manager account without requiring a 2FA code.

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