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Alert Event Types


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
AUTOMATION_AGENT_DOWN Automation is down Project, Global
AUTOMATION_AGENT_UP Automation is up Project, Global
BACKUP_AGENT_CONF_CALL_FAILURE Backup has too many conf call failures Project, Global
BACKUP_AGENT_DOWN Backup is down Project, Global
BACKUP_AGENT_UP Backup is up Project, Global
BACKUP_AGENT_VERSION_BEHIND Backup does not have the latest version Project, Global
BACKUP_AGENT_VERSION_CURRENT Backup has the latest version Project, Global
MONITORING_AGENT_DOWN Monitoring is down Project, Global
MONITORING_AGENT_UP Monitoring is up Project, Global
MONITORING_AGENT_VERSION_BEHIND Monitoring does not have the latest version Project, Global
MONITORING_AGENT_VERSION_CURRENT Monitoring has the latest version Project, Global
NEW_AGENT New agent Project, Global

Automation Configuration

Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
AUTOMATION_CONFIG_PUBLISHED_AUDIT Deployment configuration published Project, Global


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
BAD_CLUSTERSHOTS Backup has possibly inconsistent cluster snapshots Project, Global
CLUSTER_BLACKLIST_UPDATED_AUDIT Excluded namespaces were modified for cluster Project, Global
CLUSTER_CHECKKPOINT_UPDATED_AUDIT Checkpoint interval updated for cluster Project, Global
CLUSTER_CREDENTIAL_UPDATED_AUDIT Backup authentication credentials updated for cluster Project, Global
CLUSTER_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_UPDATED_AUDIT Snapshot schedule updated for cluster Project, Global
CLUSTER_STATE_CHANGED_AUDIT Cluster backup state is now Project, Global
CLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE_UPDATED_AUDIT Cluster storage engine has been updated Project, Global
CLUSTERSHOT_DELETED_AUDIT Cluster snapshot has been deleted Project, Global
CLUSTERSHOT_EXPIRY_UPDATED_AUDIT Clustershot expiry has been updated. Project, Global
CONSISTENT_BACKUP_CONFIGURATION Backup configuration is consistent Project, Global
GOOD_CLUSTERSHOT Backup has a good clustershot Project, Global
INCONSISTENT_BACKUP_CONFIGURATION Inconsistent backup configuration has been detected Project, Global
INITIAL_SYNC_FINISHED_AUDIT Backup initial sync finished Project, Global
INITIAL_SYNC_STARTED_AUDIT Backup initial sync started Project, Global
OPLOG_BEHIND Backup oplog is behind Project, Global
OPLOG_CURRENT Backup oplog is current Project, Global
RESTORE_REQUESTED_AUDIT A restore has been requested Project, Global
RESYNC_PERFORMED Backup has been resynced Project, Global
RESYNC_REQUIRED Backup requires a resync Project, Global
RS_BLACKLIST_UPDATED_AUDIT Excluded namespaces were modified for replica set Project, Global
RS_CREDENTIAL_UPDATED_AUDIT Backup authentication credentials updated for replica set Project, Global
RS_ROTATE_MASTER_KEY_AUDIT A master key rotation has been requested for a replica set. Project, Global
RS_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_UPDATED_AUDIT Snapshot schedule updated for replica set Project, Global
RS_STATE_CHANGED_AUDIT Replica set backup state is now Project, Global
RS_STORAGE_ENGINE_UPDATED_AUDIT Replica set storage engine has been updated Project, Global
SNAPSHOT_DELETED_AUDIT Snapshot has been deleted Project, Global
SNAPSHOT_EXPIRY_UPDATED_AUDIT Snapshot expiry has been updated. Project, Global
SYNC_PENDING_AUDIT Backup sync is pending Project, Global
SYNC_REQUIRED_AUDIT Backup sync has been initiated Project, Global

BI Connector

Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
BI_CONNECTOR_DOWN BI Connector is down Project, Global
BI_CONNECTOR_UP BI Connector is up Project, Global


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
CLUSTER_MONGOS_IS_MISSING Cluster is missing an active mongos Project, Global
CLUSTER_MONGOS_IS_PRESENT Cluster has an active mongos Project, Global
SHARD_ADDED Shard added Project, Global
SHARD_REMOVED Shard removed Project, Global

Data Explorer Accessed

Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
DATA_EXPLORER User performed a Data Explorer read-only operation Project, Global
DATA_EXPLORER_CRUD User performed a Data Explorer CRUD operation, which modifies data Project, Global


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
ADD_HOST_AUDIT Host added Project, Global
ADD_HOST_TO_REPLICA_SET_AUDIT Host added to replica set Project, Global
ATTEMPT_KILLOP_AUDIT Attempted to kill operation Project, Global
ATTEMPT_KILLSESSION_AUDIT Attempted to kill session Project, Global
DB_PROFILER_DISABLE_AUDIT Database profiling disabled Project, Global
DB_PROFILER_ENABLE_AUDIT Database profiling enabled Project, Global
DELETE_HOST_AUDIT Host removed Project, Global
DISABLE_HOST_AUDIT Host disabled Project, Global
HIDE_AND_DISABLE_HOST_AUDIT Host disabled and hidden Project, Global
HIDE_HOST_AUDIT Host hidden Project, Global
HOST_DOWN Host is down Project, Global
HOST_DOWNGRADED Host has been downgraded Project, Global
HOST_IP_CHANGED_AUDIT Host IP address changed Project, Global
HOST_NOW_PRIMARY Host is now primary Project, Global
HOST_NOW_SECONDARY Host is now secondary Project, Global
HOST_NOW_STANDALONE Host is now a standalone Project, Global
HOST_RECOVERED Host has recovered Project, Global
HOST_RECOVERING Host is recovering Project, Global
HOST_RESTARTED Host has restarted Project, Global
HOST_ROLLBACK Host experienced a rollback Project, Global
HOST_SECURITY_CHECKUP_NOT_MET` Authentication or TLS is disabled. Project, Global
HOST_SSL_CERTIFICATE_CURRENT Host’s SSL certificate is current Project, Global
HOST_SSL_CERTIFICATE_STALE Host’s SSL certificate will expire within 30 days Project, Global
HOST_UP Host is up Project, Global
HOST_UPGRADED Host has been upgraded Project, Global
INSIDE_METRIC_THRESHOLD Inside metric threshold Project, Global
NEW_HOST Host is new Project, Global
OUTSIDE_METRIC_THRESHOLD Outside metric threshold Project, Global
PAUSE_HOST_AUDIT Host paused Project, Global
REMOVE_HOST_FROM_REPLICA_SET_AUDIT Host removed from replica set Project, Global
RESUME_HOST_AUDIT Host resumed Project, Global
UNDELETE_HOST_AUDIT Host undeleted Project, Global
VERSION_BEHIND Host does not have the latest version Project, Global
VERSION_CHANGED Host version changed Project, Global
VERSION_CURRENT Host has the latest version Project, Global


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
ALL_ORG_USERS_HAVE_MFA Organization users have two-factor authentication enabled Organization, Global
ORG_API_KEY_ADDED API key has been added Organization
ORG_API_KEY_DELETED API key has been deleted Organization
ORG_EMPLOYEE_ACCESS_RESTRICTED MongoDB Production Support Employees restricted from accessing Atlas backend infrastructure for any Atlas cluster in this organization (You may grant a 24 hour bypass to the access restriction at the Atlas cluster level) Organization, Global
ORG_EMPLOYEE_ACCESS_UNRESTRICTED MongoDB Production Support Employees unrestricted from accessing Atlas backend infrastructure for any Atlas cluster in this organization Organization, Global
ORG_PUBLIC_API_ACCESS_LIST_NOT_REQUIRED IP Access List for Public API Not Required Organization, Global
ORG_PUBLIC_API_ACCESS_LIST_REQUIRED Require IP Access List for Public API Enabled Organization, Global
ORG_RENAMED Organization has been renamed Organization, Global
ORG_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_OPTIONAL Two-factor Authentication Optional Organization, Global
ORG_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_REQUIRED Two-factor Authentication Required Organization, Global
ORG_USERS_WITHOUT_MFA Organization users do not have two-factor authentication enabled Organization, Global


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
ALL_USERS_HAVE_MULTI_FACTOR_AUTH Users have two-factor authentication enabled Project, Global
USERS_WITHOUT_MULTI_FACTOR_AUTH Users do not have two-factor authentication enabled Project, Global

Replica Set

Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
CONFIGURATION_CHANGED Replica set has an updated configuration Project, Global
ENOUGH_HEALTHY_MEMBERS Replica set has enough healthy members Project, Global
MEMBER_ADDED Replica set member added Project, Global
MEMBER_REMOVED Replica set member removed Project, Global
MULTIPLE_PRIMARIES Replica set elected multiple primaries Project, Global
NO_PRIMARY Replica set has no primary Project, Global
ONE_PRIMARY Replica set elected one primary Project, Global
PRIMARY_ELECTED Replica set elected a new primary Project, Global
TOO_FEW_HEALTHY_MEMBERS Replica set has too few healthy members Project, Global
TOO_MANY_ELECTIONS Replica set has too many election events Project, Global
TOO_MANY_UNHEALTHY_MEMBERS Replica set has too many unhealthy members Project, Global


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
TEAM_ADDED_TO_GROUP Team added to project Organization, Project, Global
TEAM_CREATED Team created Organization, Global
TEAM_DELETED Team deleted Organization, Global
TEAM_NAME_CHANGED Team name changed Organization, Global
TEAM_REMOVED_FROM_GROUP Team removed from project Organization, Project, Global
TEAM_ROLES_MODIFIED Team roles modified in project Organization, Project, Global
TEAM_UPDATED Team updated Organization, Global
USER_ADDED_TO_TEAM User added to team Organization, Global


Alert Type Alert Message Scopes
INVITED_TO_GROUP User was invited to project Project, Global
INVITED_TO_ORG User was invited to organization Organization, Global
JOIN_GROUP_REQUEST_APPROVED_AUDIT Request to join project was approved Project, Global
JOIN_GROUP_REQUEST_DENIED_AUDIT Request to join project was denied Project, Global
JOINED_GROUP User joined the project Project, Global
JOINED_ORG User joined the organization Organization, Global
JOINED_TEAM User joined the team Organization, Global
REMOVED_FROM_GROUP User left the project Project, Global
REMOVED_FROM_ORG User left the organization Organization, Global
REMOVED_FROM_TEAM User left the team Organization, Global
REQUESTED_TO_JOIN_GROUP User requested to join project Project, Global
USER_ROLES_CHANGED_AUDIT User had their role changed Project, Organization, Global
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